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Feb 17, 2009 . Illustrated Glossary of Architectural Terms Abstract: BALUSTER: One of the small individual upright posts that supports the upper rail (and .
Find meanings for terms and phrases related to construction and home repair. . Architectural - Definition of Architectural - Architecture Glossary .
A glossary of terms for Gothic & Medieval architecture.
May 20, 1997 . The term east end, is generally used to describe the area where the . of a capital between the capital and the architectural member above. .
Glossary of Architectural Terms. Abutment: In joinery, the end of one timber touching another. See also BUTT JOINT. Adaze: A handled edge tool (various .
Feb 19, 2008 . The Sanford House on Lincoln Avenue The term “Painted Lady” has now become part of the American vernacular and describes a Victorian house .
To describe the buildings it is necessary to use architectural terms. For those not familiar with these terms, there are links in both the text and the .
An illustrated glossary of some of the architectural terms used on this website.
Santa Fe Architectural Terms – Glossary. These are typical terms used when buying property in Santa Fe or anywhere in New Mexico, and should be helpful to .
The term “gingerbread” often refers to this type of external architectural decoration. (p. 34, p. 28 - above dormer windows, second story porch, .
Glossary of Architectural Terms. American Foursquare (Classic Boxes): A two- story house style named for the square or block shape of the structure, .
Archispeak An Illustrated Guide to Architectural Terms . Title, Archispeak An Illustrated Guide to Architectural Terms. Author, Porter, Tom . .
There are many architectural terms dealing with rooftop structures or architectural elements that define a roofline: dome, cupola, belfry, belvedere, spire, .
Feb 26, 2011 . Architectural Terms. Apse is a semicircular room at the end of the central aisle of a church. The altar usually stands here. .
This is a list of terms used in classical architecture. [edit] Building elements . Acroterion - ornament mounted at the apex of the pediment of a building .
Agrell Architectural Carving: a glossary of carving and design terms, . If you are looking for a more comprehensive list of architectural terms, .
AAT is a structured vocabulary, including terms, descriptions, and other information for generic concepts related to art and architecture. .
Glossary of Architecture Terms. ABACUS: the flat slab on the top of a capital; ACROTERIA: statues or ornaments placed at the apex and the ends of pediments .
Architectural Terms and Glossary:the most important architectural terms. Here you will find terms that are very hard to find the exact definition for, .
The pointed arch used in Gothic architecture. Order A term applied to the three styles of Greek columns and entablatures (Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian) and .
Glossary of Architectural Terms Used › Bibliography and Photographic Credits. arch - curved structure used as a support over an open space .
May 1, 2002 . subject headings — architectural terms . ARCHITECTURAL MODELS Architectural renderings -- use RENDERINGS ARCHITRAVES ART MUSEUMS .
Amazon.com: Archispeak: An Illustrated Guide to Architectural Terms ( 9780415300124): Tom Porter: Books.
landscape architecture registration - In the United States, a certification of individuals entitled to use the term "landscape architect" or to practice .
Mar 31, 2011 . Vocabulary words for Architectural Terms #1. Includes studying games and tools such as flashcards.
Architecture Glossary Index. ARCHITECTURE TOPICAL GLOSSARY. Abacus · Aisle · Altarpiece · Ambulatory · Apse · Arcade / Arcading .
The architectural term for the place where the congregation gathers for worship, as opposed to the front part of the church from which the service is led. .
Click button to see Alice Cotton's book about Oregon's Historical Architecture, architectural glossary and articles on building styles and renovation .
Title: Architectural Terms. Description: N/A. Total Flash Cards: 55. Created: 03 /06/2010 18:48:29. New Users: To study from this flashcard set, .
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collection of the architectural dictionaries and architectural terms Glossaries. .. . collection of world star online Fine Art Terms Dictionaries .
Definitions of some architecturl terms with links to examples.
Jun 10, 1997 . Glossary: Architectural Terms. [add to, edit, and revise]. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W. A A-Frame A roof shape with a very .
Amphiprostyle – Term applied to a temple with porticos at each end, . Arch - A basic architectural structure composed of bricks or stones so arranged as .
America, England and France: Architecture and Furniture styles . . Term / Terminus · Terra cotta · Terrazzo · Through-the-cornice dormer .
For illustrations to go along with many of these terms, we recommend a visit to Buffalo, New York's Illustrated Architecture Dictionary. .
Many of the words geologists use are borrowed from architecture.
COMMON ARCHITECTURAL TERMS USED TO DESCRIBE HISTORIC BUILDINGS. (Click on any image to enlarge). Counting Bays BAYS The number of bays refers to the width .
A term used to describe aluminum profiles for screen and energy panel surrounds which are fabricated by the use of a roller or series of rollers to produce .
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Glossary of Architectural Terms. If you have a word to contribute to our glossary, please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. .
Aug 20, 2008 . Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos .
Below you find a list of common architectural terms, sorted alphabetically. Note this is a work in progress, more terms will be added soon. .
Architectural Terms. Simplifying your life. . Architecture. Interior Design. Shadow. Interior Design. Real Estate Appraiser. Architects .
Apr 4, 2011 . Tweet Tweet Learn about Architectural Terms-Home Remodeling Projects-Unusual Buildings-Famous Architects & Historical Landmarks from Ortner .
European History question: What are baroque architectural terms? 'Baroque' refers to certain ornate architectural styles of the 1500's through to the 1700's .
Roll your mouse over each architectural term to find out what it is and see a picture! NOTE: you need a browser that can handle JavaScript to see this page .
Dikka - Islamic architectural term for the tribune raised upon columns, from which the Koran is recited and the prayers intoned by the Imam of the mosque. .
Glossary of Classical Architectural Terms. Acroterium: a sculptural figure or ornament mounted on the apex or corners of a pediment .
May 17, 2011 . Below is a glossary of architectural elements and terms that appear in LPC's application instructions and on this Web site. .