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Free online English dictionary. We define aviation as NAviation \A`vi*a'tion\, n .The art or science of.
Base Leg. Definition: Portion of the landing approach that precedes the final leg. . Definition: An acronym for the Federal Aviation Administration. .
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VISUAL DESCENT POINT: A defined point on a non-precision instrument approach from which normal descent from the MDA to the runway can be commenced .
aviation n. The operation of aircraft. The design, development, and production of aircraft. Military aircraft.
The Federal Aviation Regulation Sec. 77.2 - Definition of terms. . runway intended solely for the operation of aircraft using visual approach procedures, .
avi·a·tion. noun, often attributive \ˌā-vē-ˈā-shən, ˌa-\. Definition of AVIATION . 1. : the operation of heavier-than-air aircraft. 2. : military airplanes .
The FAA provides the following definition: "CFIT occurs when an airworthy . approach procedure, which resulted in an in-flight collision with trees." .
Our ultra-clear, no-noise High-Definition NEXRAD Radar and Satellite slip . Please note that navigational charts, such as sectionals and approach plates .
Definition of aviation from Webster's New World College Dictionary. . an instrument for detecting the approach of aircraft by intensifying the sound waves .
Visual approach - Topic:Aviation - Online Encyclopedia.
Definition of aviation in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of aviation. What does aviation mean? Proper usage and pronunciation (in phonetic .
Definition of aviation in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of aviation. . an instrument for detecting the approach of aircraft by intensifying the sound .
Jump to V1 definitions: The US Federal Aviation Administration defines it as: V1 means the . speed and adds: This definition is not restrictive. .
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Dec 30, 2009 . A stabilized approach is the safest profile, and it is one of the most critical elements of a safe approach and landing operation.
1 Formal definition; 2 Graph; 3 Aerodynamic description of a stall .
Word of the Week from Aviation English Asia. Missed Approach Procedure. Definition: The procedure to be followed if the approach cannot be continued. .
15 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Nov 21, 2008Final Approach. mantakos's Avatar. Join Date: Jun 2006. Location: Baltimore, MD. Posts: 7445. Re: Define: General Aviation .
Dictionary > Atu-Azz > Aviation. Aviation Meaning and Definition. (n.) The art or science of flying. Aviation: words in the definition .
Final approach fix - Topic:Aviation - Online Encyclopedia.
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Word of the Week from Aviation English Asia. Missed Approach Procedure .
Word of the Week from Aviation English Asia. Missed Approach Procedure Definition: The procedure to be followed if the approach cannot be continued. .
Approach- IFR: From the IAF to the beginning of the landing flare. VFR: From .
procedural approach - definition of procedural approach from .
final approach - definition of final approach from AviationDictionary.com: a .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Nov 2, 2009Steep approach (aviation) Specialized Terminology. . English definition, Italian definition, Spanish definition, Spanish synonyms .
Aviation Quotations Each and every one of the security measures we implement serves an important goal: providing safe and efficient air travel for the .
approach - definition of approach from AviationDictionary.com: a path towards something, Examples The approach to the terminal was blocked by an overturned .
Sep 30, 2010 . A safety management system (SMS) is a systematic approach to . Safety Management System (SMS) - A systematic and explicit approach defining the . system by the following aviation service provider organisations: .
Apr 18, 2005 . The definition of a visual approach is non-specific about it, only that . Aviation.ca is the site where I post these days, and there are .
Get the Definition of NPA and NPA definition within "Aviation" topic by All Acronyms Dictionary - 1 NPA . non-precision approach. Filter by Categories .
* Aviation Home * Home * Bookstore *. Logging Time. Matthew Waugh . . Lot's of people have opinions about logging approaches in actual. . However, there is a difference in this basic definition and the requirements for cross-country .
May 10, 2011 . 'Aviation Language' explained and defined. . Glossaries > Aviation Terms . . position used for route/instrument approach definition, .
Final Approach (IFR)- From the FAF to the beginning of the landing flare .
Controlled flight into terrain, or CFIT, in instrument conditions is a leading cause of accidents for both the airlines and general aviation. By definition .
However, CASA cannot do this alone and the Australian aviation industry has to accept the challenges being thrown up by this new approach to safety. .
What is the definations for evoluionary approach processual approach and the .
May 3, 2011 . Basing our further discussion on the definition of “aviation security” . . Key to understanding any Systems Approach to management is the .
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Copy & paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page. Added to Favorites. Related Searches. Aviation history · Aviation jobs .
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a. The motion of an object in or through a medium, especially through the .
Missed Approach/Go Around- From the first application of power after the .
missed approach procedure - definition of missed approach procedure from AviationDictionary.com: the action and flight path to be followed after a missed .
Definitions of aviation [ˌeɪ viˈeɪ ʃən, ˌæv i-], Translate aviation to . Definition of 'aviation', Random House Webster's College Dictionary .
Apr 24, 2011 . FAR Part § 77.2: Definition of terms -- FAA FARS, 14 CFR .
Definition: The procedure to be followed if the approach cannot be continued. . Tags: Aviation English, 終端管制區, 终端管制区, 航空英語, 航空英语, 詞彙, .