Jun 2, 11
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  • For assistance with other Apple products and services, visit the Support page. . I receive an error message when I try to connect to the iTunes Store .
  • At launch, in July 2008, the iPhone 3G came preloaded with iPhone OS 2.0 .
  • Customer Support
  • iTunes. This page supports iTunes, iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks. . Contact Apple for iTunes Support. Note: support eligibility requirements apply. .
  • First he told me I should take my ipod to the apple store. . . Then I could re- sync from iTunes and re-copy (sync) all the songs back onto the iPod. . . I called the number for Apple Support and they were just as rude. .
  • 100+ posts - 100+ authors - Last post: Jan 25, 2005I have contacted iTunes Store support and am waiting on their response. . (I think it was at They .
  • In the iTunes Store window,
  • Apple Support iTunes Store Contact Us. iTunes Store Customer Service. If you have an account, billing, or purchase question, send our iTunes Store support .
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  • Welcome to the iTunes Store.
  • Apr 26, 2011 . Apple's dropping iTunes store support for an architecture thats 10+ years old; this is bad in what way? It's not like they're killing iTunes .
  • 15 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Mar 15I notified apple, they refunded, and now the itunes store says I can't use my credit card. No Towson address change, though. .
  • store will be so large,
  • May 22, 2011 . How do I change from the French iTunes store to the UK store? . I've emailed Apple support, who suggested 1) using a UK bank card (which I .
  • Start iTunes, go to iTunes Store, sign in with the same account you used to .
  • Apr 22, 2011 . As with all firewalls not manufactured by Apple, you will need to configure Windows Firewall to allow iTunes to access the iTunes Store. .
  • Tags: apple, G3, itunes, itunes store, ItunesStore, Mac . explained his situation to Apple's support hotline, a support agent for the company told him, .
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  • Nov 17, 2008 . I think Apple would be wise to include Flash support, . . The app store is there for Developers to make money, iTunes is there for record .
  • Jul 11, 2008 . the iTunes store wont let me make purchases. WTFreak Apple! . .. but its all fixed now. just a call to Apple support made it all better. .
  • May 4, 2011 . iTunes Store, iTunes. Note: If you think you've lost some or all of your . . Visit the Apple Store online (1-800-MY-APPLE), visit a retail .
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  • Help, Manuals & Guides . Posts Tagged iTunes Store. About the Apple Store app - August 20th, 2010; iPhone, iPad, .
  • Start iTunes, go to iTunes Store, sign in with the same account you used to . you need to contact Apple Support ( as the .
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  • Use Express Lane to contact an expert at Apple Support for personalized and .; iTunes Store: .
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  • Mar 17, 2010 . If you're still unable to redeem your code after verifying the characters in the code, you'll need to contact iTunes Store Support for help. .
  • Jun 2, 2011 . Apple Support/How-To/Troubleshooting Doc Updates . editing To Dos with MobileMe · iTunes Store: All sales are final · Using Keynote Remote .
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  • Aug 21, 2009 . So here's the trouble, I want to move my payment from my US Credit Card to my UK Credit Card . but . a) I need to have a UK address to .
  • Aug 31, 2010 . Apple Support, iTunes Store: Billing, managing your account. Hopefully we will have a solution. If you went through something similar and .
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  • CyTek offers web based support
  • Aug 8, 2005 . iTunes plays hard to get Two years ago, my sister Patsy e-mailed me in . at and select the iTunes music store .
  • Oct 29, 2009 . Apple also only just updated the iTunes Store Terms and . that point to an upcoming Apple TV update that will support the new formats. .
  • The iTunes Store makes it easy
  • Sep 24, 2010 . Click the iTunes Store item in the Source list.. . invest in a disc-cleaning . . 229–231 technical support Apple technical support. .
  • AppleCare provides online support for Apple products 24 hours a day, . apple. com/support/photoservices; iTunes Store: .
  • May 28, 2011 . Last successful iTunes Store access was 2011-05-28 08:47:13 . on this site are subject to the Apple Support Communities Terms of Use. .
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  • iTunes Store customers can also get help with gift cards, . Contact Apple for iTunes Support. Note: support eligibility requirements apply. .
  • Sep 13, 2006 . Once a rented movie has been downloaded from the iTunes store, . . Review: As is well documented on Apple's support section on its Web .
  • Feb 11, 2009 . If you need assistance on using this feature, please contact the iTunes Store support via email ( .
  • iTunes troubleshooting assistants can help with many issues. . the Apple Online Store (1-800-MY-APPLE), visit an Apple Retail Store, or find a reseller. .
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  • Oct 29, 2009 . Apple has updated the iTunes Store Terms and Conditions to reference a . Mac OS X 10.7 Lion to support 450 Mbps WiFi on 2011 Thunderbolt .
  • On October 12, 2005, Apple introduced iTunes 6.0, which added support for purchasing and viewing of video content from the iTunes Music Store. .
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  • May 24, 2006 . It took a lot longer to re- download all of media then it did for Apple to help me. .
  • Local support groups are one
  • Apple provides customer support for the iTunes Store over the phone through .
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  • for apple support itunes store - Report videosThank you for the feedback. Report another video.Please report the offensive video. CancelJendor - Pave the Way -
  • Apr 13, 2009 . So I had to “report a problem” to Apple/iTunes for each of the 10 . . The iTunes store support were hopeless, directing me to the iForgot .
  • Aug 23, 2010 . The apple support person that I talked with told me that “there is no way that I would ever store that kind of information in iTunes…..and I .
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  • Jun 15, 2009 . We could not complete your iTunes Store Request. . According to a thread on the Apple Support Forum, the follow steps can fix the .
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  • Oct 13, 2010 . iTunes Store, iTunes. To reduce the number of discs needed for a backup, . Apple provides this only as a convenience to our users. .
  • iTunes Store: Retrieving and changing passwords (Apple ID) - hHv4Wl.
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  • Apr 1, 2009 . House Season 5 Missing from the US iTunes Store? . Once again, I fired off an email to Apple's Support Team. The results were my second .
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