Jun 2, 11
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  • Right now Im trying to sign up for a new Apple iTunes Store account via .
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  • On October 12, 2005, Apple introduced iTunes 6.0, which added support for . . The Mac OS X version of iTunes can also synchronize with a small number of .
  • Feb 11, 2009 . If the computer has not yet been authorized, iTunes asks you to enter the . Store support via email ( . of the same playlist to CD, and sync to an unlimited number of iPods. .
  • 4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 20Apple is experiencing some sign-in issue for iTunes store and Mac App store . with tech or customer support through its main 1-800 number. .
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  • 6 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jul 5, 2010Does anyone have a phone number for iTunes customer support. Or an email? Apple support says no support for iTunes. .
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  • Dec 8, 2006 . Such is the arrogance of Apple. And since it's a 1-800 number you can't . to say the product that you need tech support for, say "iTunes. .
  • Oct 29, 2006 . . iTunes number on my giftcard? dose apple have a help line phone number to call if you have… .
  • Learn about reporting security issues to Apple, checking security on your system and how to get security notifications. Support Downloads: - of .
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  • Dec 8, 2006 . Slate magazine has finally tracked down a number you can call to speak to a real live person at iTunes. It took them a year to find it.
  • 32 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Jun 20, 2010[Archive] Help with iTunes no longer recognizing AppleTV - I have tried just .
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  • 25 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Jun 10, 2010Exchanged AppleTV for a new (well, refurbed) AppleTV at Apple Store after .
  • The Apple support homepage is
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  • Accessible by mobile phone technical support number Account help and phone . phone numbers Found a live help unfortunately apple Summery pannel for itunes .
  • 15 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Dec 1, 2009Apple Application Support is required to run iTunes. . . the support is free. You will just need your serial number. .
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  • The Apple support homepage is
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  • Online Shopping question: Does iTunes have a phone number? 1.) Telephone the following number: 800-275-2273. This is the Apple Care Service and Support Line .
  • Dec 7, 2006 . That 800 number is the general Apple support number. . I have a mini and it works great on the itunes. recently i bought a 30g video pod .
  • i cant find the support number for itunes! ugh. help? no, i dont want the apple support number, i want itunes! LinkedIn; Facebook; Twitter; Report This Link .
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  • The number begins with the
  •  Review by Augusto Rivera - Sep 17, 2008
  • Apr 8, 2009 . wont go from itunes to itunes store .wants to go thru lan not modem.
  • Aug 17, 2007 . Apple - Support - iTunes Store - iTunes Gift Card FAQ . possible way to get an iTunes account without a giftcard or credit card number. .
  • May 20, 2011 . no itunes phone number? are you kidding me? and itunes is such a big part of thier company and it does not have a support phone number for .
  • iPad; iTunes; Support
  • iTunes Store customers can also get help with gift cards, . Nike + iPod, Numbers, Numbers (iPad), Pages, Pages (iPad), Power Mac G4, Power Mac G4 Cube . Contact Apple for iTunes Support. Note: support eligibility requirements apply. .
  • Apple releases iTunes 10.1.2
  • Apple provides customer support for the iTunes Store over the phone through .
  • For assistance with other Apple products and services, visit the Support .
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  • Forward - Apple's iTunes Plus No Longer Adding UpApr 22, 2008 . It must be clear by now, with iTunes becoming the number one music . . I trust that Apple will convince labels to support iTunes plus, .
  • Use Express Lane to contact an expert at Apple Support for personalized and .
  • Dec 26, 2008 . my serial numbers or my itunes code numbers does not work I even tried the . . I went to the iTunes support part of Apple's web-site. .
  • We have been told iTunes will
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  • May 24, 2006 . . . Personally I can redownload whatever I want from a number of sources! .
  • Contact Apple Support. U.S. Technical Support: 1-800-APL-CARE . . Nike + iPod: Locating the serial number · Nike + iPod: Use iTunes to upload workout data .
  • Dec 6, 2006 . Telephone the following number: 800-275-2273. This is the .
  • Apple - Support - Discussions - iTunes gift card, unlegible . . iTunes gift .
  • Jan 24, 2009 ., iPhone, iPad & iTunes Help . . 26. please tell me what i should do or give me an operaters ipodnano number. . AS IT HAS says i must go to so please help .
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  • Vietnam, Dial 1-201-0288, then dial 800-708-5413, .
  • Browse Support · iPod + iTunes. All products. AirPort + Time Capsule, Aperture , Apple Cinema + Studio Displays, Apple Remote Desktop, Apple TV .
  • 1 answer - Aug 31, 2008One of my family's computers crashed and that was the one with my .
  • Aug 8, 2005 . But all I could find there was "technical support," not customer service. . Next I tried Apple's corporate number in Cupertino, Calif., .
  • iTunes customer service phone number and hints to help you call a live person. . 3/9/2011, Yes Apple supports sucks you end up in a circle of people and .
  • 5 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 20, 2010Hi, Since I've upgraded to Aperture 3.0, iTunes can no longer see my .
  • Aug 10, 2005 . I got a hold of the Apple technical support number and got .
  • Apple Has Added IPhone And IPod Touch Support For The IOS Versions Of Pages Numbers And Keynote Pages Itunesapplecom Numbers Itunesapplecom Keynote .
  • Apple Mobile Device Bonjour (118.5) iTunes Serial Number E5E024CD7278AAE8 Current user is not an administrator. . I have tried multiple things to fix it, I even tried calling apple support, no help there. .
  • You do not need to re-enter your iTunes card number to make multiple purchases. . the gift certificate through the iTunes Store (not the Apple Store), .
  • May 30, 2011 . iTunes customer support phone number, steps for reaching a person, . I just got off the phone with Apple and they helped me do exactly .
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  • That 800 number is the general Apple support number. . I have a mini and it works great on the itunes. recently i bought a 30g video pod .. .
  • 11 posts - 6 authorsSelecting "Sort by Artist" does correctly sort across disc numbers, and my normal way . The post I linked to was posted by iTunes Mike, an Apple employee . . . DeathByMedia - Apple - Support - Discussions: site profile · DeathByMedia .
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