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10 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Feb 28, 2010iPod Touch won't turn on - When charged it just gets really hot Lounge. . Support our Sponsors: . Guess you oughta be happy Apple doesn't own the utility companies. .
May 1, 2011 . Incoming search terms:ipod touch wont turn onfix iphone if it wont . be greatly rewarded website: www.apple.com/support/ipodservice Phone .
Next, turn iPod touch on by pressing and holding the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears. Press and hold sleep/wake button. Is iPod touch not .
This is what you would get if you went to apple support- cause I got this from there-. Important: If your iPod is frozen or won't turn on, it may be because .
Dec 7, 2009 . My ipod won't turn on. History. 5 Weeks ago left ipod on during . called apple tech support - said i needed to send it in - sent ipod .
Sep 27, 2009 . my jailbroken ipod touch wont turn on!!! i downloaded an app from . of iPod Troubleshooting: http://www.apple.com/support/ipod/five_rs/ .
ipod touch won't turn on brute force solution . You probably won't find this solution in the Apple help site. my ipod touch died on me and I tried all the .
Feb 2, 2010 . Find out what to do if your iPod won't turn on. Several things could prevent iPod from turning on. Check each cause in this order to find .
7 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jul 31, 2008[Archive] iPod Touch Won't Turn On iPhone Tips, Help and Troubleshooting. .
15 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Mar 11I was using my ipod one night and the next morning it wouldnt turn on. I .
May 18, 2011 . keywords: ipod touch wont turn charge reset show itunes help . Contact apple support, i don't think anyone could help you on that one. .
Apr 22, 2011 . Re: iPod Touch won't turn on !! (in response to kiara koran .
10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Apr 23My jailbroken ipodtouch wont turn on (unthetered) iPod touch. . Ask Apple support nicely and they might let you re-install your stuff for .
Nov 12, 2010 . my ipod touch wont turn on, ibsam96, iPod touch, 3, 03-17 .
22 posts - 21 authors - Last post: May 5Page 3- iPod Touch won't turn on iPod touch. . I called apple support and .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Mar 27My friends iPod touch 2nd gen wont turn on. . the iPod wont even budge. I cant take it to apple beause first, it isn't mine, second, .
10 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jun 20, 2010Apple Support-iPod Touch Won't Turn ON! . because it wouldn't charge, or actually it might charge but won't turn on. .
For the iPod touch models, "press and hold the sleep/wake button and the .
My Ipod Classic won't turn on and only shows the apple logo and would then display the apple support website. at Ipod Lovers Ipod Fans . Two of the women , Jennifer Brace and Brigitte Richardson, designed MyFord Touch, the system that .
Dec 24, 2007 . i have just got my ipod touch for christmas and the ipod wont turn off the hold button is not responding at all it wont even put it into .
My iPod nano won't power on! My iPod mini won't shut down or is frozen! . . i was watching something on my apple ipod touch and i pressed the big button .
5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Aug 19, 2008HELP!!! Hacked iPod touch won't turn on iPod touch. . and now you can't .
Jul 9, 2009 . http://www.apple.com/support/ipodtouch/t… .
Apr 9, 2011 . basically i wanted to listen to my ipod on the bus the batterry was full then i just went dead it wont turn on . .
Jun 2, 2011 . Best answer: If your iPod won't turn on anymore, you need to reset it. . what happens after the apple logo appears? kuz mine isnt doing anything at . .. One support site wanted to charge me £28 for this information. .
http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1320. What do you do if your iPod touch wont turn on? try charging it or connecting it to itunes .
Nov 4, 2009 . iPod Touch / iPhone won't turn on. Posted at November 4, . . go to apple support there's a step by step how to activate your iphone again. .
iPhone won't turn on. Back to iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad Tutorials and Technical Support . . Please help I don't want to go to Apple. They're an hour drive, slow, . iphone 3g wont turn on or reconised in the computer help! .
Jan 4, 2011 . Turn iPod touch off and turn it on again. If the iPod will .
21 postsI finally called Apple Support (they didn't even charge me! .
Apr 13, 2009 . Problem with the Apple iPod touch Digital Media Player . my ipod touch won't turn on. please help if you know why this . Read it by clicking the link below: http://www.fixya.com/support/r5541493-put_iphone_ipod . .
Jul 11, 2010 . Any Technical issues - FREE support here. iPod Touch and .
Aug 30, 2010 . ipod wont turn on, charge, connect to itunes, go in dfu, . How old is the ipod , if it is in the first year just call apple and they will .
"Your iPod Won't Turn On" from the Apple Support Site provides in-depth . and iPhone" from the Apple Support Site and to page 72 of the iPod touch manual. .
25 posts - 20 authors - Last post: Mar 25, 2010iPod Touch won't turn on iPod touch. . I called apple support and they helped me a lot. Just plug it in to your computer or a wall charger .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Apr 21Need help fixing ipod touch 3rd gen won't turn on or restore iPod touch. .
May 18, 2011 . Note: If your iPod is frozen or won't turn on, it may be because iPod is paused or . Learn how to reset an iPod shuffle or an iPod touch. .
May 7, 2009 . website: www.apple.com/support/ipodservice . Added to queue My Ipod Touch Won' t Turn On! Please Help!by Mojoislive85560 views · Thumbnail .
4 answers - Feb 12"My ipod touch wont turn on HELP ?" - Find the answer to this .
21 posts - Last post: Apr 25Now you should see an Apple logo pop up on your iPod screen. .
iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting-- http://support.apple.com/kb/ts2771 . on -- http://forums.ilounge.com/ipod-touch/206250-ipod-touch-wont-turn.html .
Reload this Page iPod Touch won't turn on . . I had d same problem with my .
Sep 21, 2010 . APPLE — just do this. If I touch the button for a few seconds, . . When you search Apple Support for “6th Generation” NOTHING comes up, but if you Google . . My brand new Nano (one week old) won't turn back on…battery .
Mar 22, 2010 . For more information, please refer to "Turning on/off and resetting iPod touch and iPhone" from the Apple Support Site. Also see: .
Aug 18, 2010 . Actually when having a turn on problem on iPod Touch Apple only suggest charging . Will not power on http://support.apple.com/kb/ts2771 .
2 answersSources: http://www.apple.com/support/ipodtouch/ . My iPod doesn't respond, won't power on, or the display remains blank. If your iPod doesn't respond, .
call apple customer service or use their website support .
I have a new ipod touch and it is stuck at the itunes connect screen. . through menus ok but wont shut off best i can do is that charged symbol stuck on .
May 31, 2011 . IPod touch 3rd Generation wont turn on!? Post by garroway68 .
3 answers - May 15"Ipod touch wont turn on ?" - Find the answer to this question and . help you give apple support a ring and see if they can fix it, .