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official World Apheresis Association website, webmaster christian pagnoux.
Don Franklin, Jeffrey Hickey, and John Lovejoy share their thoughts about the choice they each made to switch from being whole blood donors to apheresis .
JCA is the official journal of the American Society for Apheresis, whose .
CaridianBCT's industry-leading therapeutic apheresis technology, the COBE Spectra Apheresis System, uses a single platform for customized patient .
a·pher·e·sis ( -f r -s s). n. 1. Linguistics Variant of aphaeresis. 2. aph·e·re·sis ( f -r s s) Medicine A procedure in which blood is drawn from a donor and separated .
The online version of Transfusion and Apheresis Science on ScienceDirect, the world's leading platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text publications in .
Apheresis is a medical technology in which the blood of a donor or patient is passed through an apparatus that separates out one particular constituent and .
Apheresis is provided by the NBAH Blood Center at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. These procedures are performed on inpatients or by one day .
University Hospitals Harrington-McLaughlin Heart & Vascular Institute in Cleveland, Ohio, is proud to offer the only LDL Apheresis program in northern Ohio. .
Red Cross Michigan, American Red Cross Great Lakes Region, about apheresis. Last Updated: 10-8-2009.
Apheresis (pronounced ay-fur-ee-sis) is a special process by which donations of plasma only or platelet only can be made.As the process involves returning red .
Saving lives through research, innovation, education and excellence in blood and tissue services in partnership with our community.
MORE. Copy & paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page. Did you know:What does the "X" stand for in x-ray? apheresis. [uh-fer-uh-sis for 1; .
Apheresis is a process that allows us to separate blood into its components during the donation process. With this method, we can better match our collections to .
Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis: journal information, contents lists and abstracts on the Wiley-Blackwell website.
Definition of apheresis from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
Automated blood collection or apheresis (ay-fur-ee-sis) is a special kind of blood donation that allows a donor to give specific blood components, such as .
Automated Blood Collection. Automated blood collection (also called apheresis), or ABC, is a special kind of blood donation. Instead of giving one pint of whole .
Jul 5, 2006 – Watching the mixing tube in the Trima apheresis setup switch from draw to return, see the fluids jumping around!
Apheresis Technologies, Inc. is the North American distributor for the Plasmaflo Plasma Separator manufactured by Asahi Kasei Kuraray Medical Co., Ltd.
HemaCare and its subsidiary, Coral Blood Services, perform therapeutic apheresis services, provide human-derived biological products, and support the .
Liposorber LDL Apheresis is for refractory hypercholesterolemia patients whose LDL-C cannot be controlled by Statins such as homozygotes / heterozygotes .
This process is called apheresis and is accomplished by a special machine called an apheresis machine or a cell separator. Because apheresis can also be .
DONATE BLOOD. Location: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Blood Bank is located in the Clinical Center on the NIH campus at 10 Center Drive-MSC 1184 .
Apheresis/Automated Donations. Apheresis is a special kind of donation that allows a donor to give specific blood components, such as platelets, plasma, or red .
Our Therapeutic Apheresis Program provides high quality patient care, while substantially reducing . Diseases Commonly Treated with Therapeutic Apheresis: .
What is Apheresis? The process of apheresis involves removal of whole blood from a patient or donor. Within an instrument that is essentially designed as a .
Apheresis Donation Procedure. During the apheresis donation, we draw blood from the donor's arm and send it through sterile tubing into a cell-separator .
Both gifts are vitally important to patients with life threatening diseases. A platelet donation is also called a 'platelet apheresis' or 'platelet pheresis' donation. .
LDL Apheresis selectively removes LDL cholesterol from the patient's bloodstream while leaving other blood components intact.
United States Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Apheresis Study Group ( US TTP ASG): multicenter survey and retrospective analysis of current efficacy of .
LifeSouth Community Blood Centers is a community blood supplier for local hospitals in Florida, Georgia and Alabama. LifeSouth is committed to meeting the .
During apheresis, blood is safely removed from the body and sent to sterile equipment, where it is separated into various components, such as red cells, white .
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apheresis. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to: navigation, search . Wikipedia apheresis (plural aphereses). (medicine) The removal of blood .
apheresis: definition, pronunciation, and examples from free Oxford Dictionaries Online.
ASFA is an organization of physicians, scientists, and allied health professionals whose mission is to lead the field of apheresis through patient and donor care, .
by Dr. Melissa Stöppler
LDL apheresis is a procedure similar to kidney dialysis that targets the "bad" cholesterol containing particles including LDL, VLDL, and Lp(a). The patient's blood .
Transfusion and Apheresis Science- if2011_1587.jpg Transfusion and Apheresis Science (previously called Transfusion Science) brings comprehensive and .
The apheresis kit in the cell-separating machine is sterile and is discarded after each donation. It is impossible to get AIDS or any viral disease by donating .
Patients come from all over Southern California to benefit from UC San Diego Health System's Apheresis Service. Established in 1982 by nephrologist Dr. David .
Automated blood collection (sometimes called apheresis, or ABC, is a special .
General information on apheresis: What is Apheresis?
Cedars-Sinai now has the first LDL apheresis program in California, providing the needed treatment for many patients who have no other alternative.
Sep 26, 2011 – Apheresis, which means "to remove," is a safe, effective treatment for many conditions. During apheresis, a component of the blood is removed .
The Journal of Clinical Apheresis, the official publication of ASFA, provides the world's premier source of current information in the field of apheresis. The Journal .
An Automated Apheresis donation provides the most precious components used when treating cancer patients—platelets and plasma. This technology allows .
Make an Apheresis Donation of platelets, red blood cells or plasma today to the UCLA Blood and Platelet Center.