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May 21, 2007 . Description: tomcat-dev@jakarta.apache.org (See other lists) Subject: Comet Connection Timeout (soTimeout) handling at 6.0.13 .
<Service name="Tomcat-Standalone"> <Connector className="org.apache.catalina. connector.http.HttpConnector" port="8080" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75" .
If you use this attribute, please also set the attribute connectionTimeout in the AJP Connector element of your Tomcat server.xml configuration file to an .
Some general advice about all of these timeout parameters: Slow down! . . You can easily configure Apache's Tomcat web application server to use c3p0 .
Oct 12, 2005. Groups > tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org > connection timeout reached JK . I'm using tomcat 4.1.x and Coyote JK connector, with IIS 5. .
4 answers - Apr 10, 2010MySQL Connection Timeout Issue - Grails Application on Tomcat using . Apache Tomcat :java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused .
If you run BEA TSAM Manager with Apache Derby and Apache Tomcat on the same machine, . . <Connector port="9090" acceptCount="100" connectionTimeout="20000" .
Use this option when the command line org.apache.tomcat.util.net. . (int) The timeout for a socket unlock. When a connector is stopped, it will try to .
Sep 22, 2010 . ChannelSocket processConnection INFO: connection timeout reached . . Note: if your apache connector is https but the tomcat is http, .
at org.apache.catalina.connector.OutputBuffer.realWri teBytes(OutputBuffer.java: 358) at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.append(ByteCh unk.java:354) .
Apache Tomcat 7. Version 7.0.8, Feb 4 2011, Apache Logo . .. Make sure that the db connection timeout is set to 10-15 seconds. .
ChannelSocket processConnection INFO: connection timeout reached }}} What . Q: Leaking file handles with apache/tomcat Examining mysterious server crashes .
In our case, the HTTP connection timeout was set to 20 seconds, so after . at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.substract(ByteChunk.java:372) .
May 19, 2011 . The purpose of connection timeout is to keep invalid requests from tying up . Apache Tomcat - Tcat Screenshot. click thumbnail to enlarge .
Thread.run(Thread.java:636) Caused by: org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp. SQLNestedException: Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object .
I am setting up connector-j with tomcat pooling and found this document .
7 posts - 2 authors - Last post: May 6, 2010. dbcp connection pooling in combination of tomcat sever and MySQL. .
5 postsRe: Apache 2.2 and TomCat 6.0 using SSL On 25/02/2010 15:56, sikorsky wrote: I'm new to Apache 2.2 and TomCat . Re: What governs a URL connection timeout? .
Apache Tomcat Connector 1.2.27. Posted on 2008-11-03 04:04:00.0 by Mladen . Instead of relying on the socket timeout on the backend side the users can now .
Configuration changes, like changing the connector port numbers, can be made by . the JSP compiler, the session timeout, and the mime mapping, can be found in the global web.xml. . gbeanInfo="org.apache.geronimo.tomcat.connector. .
This flag allows the servlet container to use a different, longer connection timeout while a servlet is being executed, which in the end allows either the .
Aug 8, 2009 . mod_jk, this is the old connector developed under the Tomcat project and it is . ProxyTimeout 1000 TimeOut 1000 # # Enable the AJP proxy .
I wanted to use Apache's HTTP Server and Apache's Tomcat 5.5 servlet runner. . . Connection instances that may be used for talking to the database that is . <session-timeout>30</session-timeout> </session-config> </web-app> .
processSocket(PoolTcpEndpoint.java:528) at org.apache.tomcat.util.net. . . By setting the MySQL connection timeout to 30 seconds, I find the following: .
May 29, 2003 . Apache Tomcat 4.1. Place a copy of mysql-connector-java-[version]-bin.jar in $ CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/ . Then, follow the instructions in .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Sep 14, 2004The moose likes Tomcat and the fly likes connection timeout. .
9 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Dec 10, 2004I have set maxThreads=200, connectionTimeout= 60s in server.xml . . I have loaded Tomcat servers well beyond their connection pool limits, . From HP site http://www.hp.com/products1/unix/webservers/apache/techtips/ .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Aug 19, 2008My Balancer settings are such that the ajp connection is closed on every request the apache timeout is 30secs and the tomcat connector is .
If the timeout passes without any data received from Tomcat, . Use request. secret="secret key word" in your Tomcat AJP Connector configuration. .
Apr 14, 2010 . SQLNestedException: Cannot get a connection, pool error: Timeout waiting for idle object . at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads. .
The classic java.io HTTP connector and the AJP connectors do not support them. . . setAttribute("org.apache.tomcat.comet.timeout", new Integer(30 * 1000)); .
Feb 9, 2010 . JDBC Connection Pool Timeout Errors . DB2Driver" factory="org.apache.tomcat. dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory" maxIdle="2" maxWait="10000" .
7 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Mar 15Connection Pooling: Timeout waiting for idle object . at org.apache.tomcat. dbcp.dbcp.PoolingDataSource. .
May 5, 2005 . When forwarding a request from apache, the tomcat connector grabs an available socket . tomcat connector AJP13 firewall apache timeout jsp .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 156805 Hello everyday I have to restart pentaho Apache tomcat service, and I read it is due to MySQL connection timeout, can you help me.
In our case, the HTTP connection timeout was set to 20 seconds, so after . at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.substract(ByteChunk.java:372) .
org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException : Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object.
Starting with version 1.2.27 it can also be used when a connection was idle for a long time (interval mode). The maximum waiting time (timeout) for a CPong .
As a default the session time out is set to 60 minutes. . Connect Apache and Tomcat using a connector. Tomcat recommends mod_jk for production .
The Apache Tomcat Connector. Documentation Index. Printer Friendly Version print -friendly . This page describes the possible timeout settings you can use. .
Apache-Tomcat TCP/IP Request timeout mod_proxy Programming. . Basically Apache opens up a TCP/IP connection to the Proxy application (Tomcat in this case) .
10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: May 10org.apache.batik.transcoder.TranscoderException: null. Enclosed Exception: . . I think you should check the tomcat server connection. .
6 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 28, 2008We use the JTDS JDBC driver, additionally on Tomcat we have a DBCP connection pool (using the org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource). .
This flag allows the servlet container to use a different, longer connection timeout while a servlet is being executed, which in the end allows either the .
Windows running Tomcat 5.5 and later : Go to the "Apache Tomcat x.x" folder in the Start Menu. . This is called session timeout. All user data stored in the session . Please locate the Connector in <Tomcat home>/conf/server.xml with .
Apache Tomcat Configuration Tomcat use 8080 port instead of 80 port. . Note : To disable connection timeouts, set connectionTimeout value to 0 --> .
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5 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Sep 2, 2007I am working on a J2EE application which is running in a Tomcat 5.5.23. . Connection timeout and session timeout are two totally different .
However the Tomcat Debug Console gives the following message org.apache.jk. common.ChannelSocket processConnection INFO: connection timeout reached when i .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Sep 9, 2003Whenever I run it in Tomcat, I get a connection timed out message, even though I told my socket not to time out. .