Other articles:
repo1.maven.org$maven2@org.apache.poi$poi@3.7-beta1. repo1.maven.org$maven2 .
Index of plugins-releases/org/apache/poi/poi/3.7. Name Last modified Size . Artifactory/2.3.0 Server at maven.etl.luc.edu Port 80.
repo1.maven.org$maven2@org.apache.poi$poi-ooxml@3.7-beta2 .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Oct 29, 2010http://people.apache.org/~yegor/POI-3.7/ A staging Maven repository .
Index of /pub/mirrors/maven2/org/apache/poi/poi-ooxml-schemas/3.7/ . poi-ooxml -schemas-3.7.jar.asc, 2010-Oct-31 06:10:20, 0.2K, application/octet-stream .
Browsing maven repository at /org/apache/poi/poi/3.7-beta2/. This directory .
Browsing maven repository at /org/apache/poi/poi-ooxml/3.7/. This directory is 921 KB (943373 bytes) and contains 16 files, 0 directories, and 2 archives.
Pre-built versions of all POI components are also available in the central .
5 posts - Last post: Feb 20, 2010newInstance(Unknown Source) at org.apache.poi.xssf.model.StylesTable. . Re: What is the URL for the poi-3.7-SNAPSHOT maven repository ? .
18 Maj 2011 . central Maven repository under Group ID "org.apache.poi" and Version "3.7". SCons Hi, Why does every time I do "mvn jetty:run", maven tries .
SimilarFAQ - Apache POIFinally, you can download the jar by hand from the POI Maven Repository. . For POI 3.7, the filename was bumped to ooxml-schemas-1.1.jar when generics .
Apache Maven. <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> <artifactId>poi .
Pre-built versions of all POI components are available in the central Maven repository under Group ID "org.apache.poi" and Version "3.7". .
Index of /pub/mirrors/maven2/org/apache/poi/poi/3.7-beta1/ . poi-3.7-beta1- sources.jar.asc, 2010-Jun-22 07:06:08, 1.5K, application/octet-stream .
Mar 16, 2011 . Apache POI release artifacts. Apache POI is a pure Java library for . components</link> are available in the central Maven repository . .. Merge with Apache POI 3.7 release version 2. feature 141: Support showing .
Nov 5, 2010 . I see there is a new release of POI (3.7) since 29. oct. I would like to build this in TIKA, but I am not familiar with Maven. .
Feb 20, 2010 . poi.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h. @poi.apache.org. What is the URL for the poi-3.7-SNAPSHOT maven repository ? based2 .
5 answers - Apr 19Your maven snippet was showing 3.7 for one, and 3.8 beta 1 for the other. . Removing a row from an Excel sheet with Apache POI HSSF .
Apr 21, 2011 . /etc/maven/fragments/apache-poi /usr/share/doc/apache-poi-3.7 /usr/share/doc/ apache-poi-3.7/KEYS /usr/share/doc/apache-poi-3.7/LICENSE .
Apache Maven. <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> <artifactId>poi- scratchpad</artifactId> <version>3.7-beta3</version> </dependency> .
Apache Maven. <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> <artifactId>poi</ artifactId> <version>3.7</version> </dependency> .
5 posts - Last post: Feb 20, 2010The general apache policy is that only people on the lists should be using .
Apr 21, 2011 . /etc/maven/fragments/apache-poi /usr/share/doc/apache-poi-3 .
Apache Maven. <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> <artifactId>poi</ artifactId> <version>3.7-beta2</version> </dependency> .
Apache Maven. <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> <artifactId>poi- ooxml</artifactId> <version>3.7</version> </dependency> .
4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Oct 31, 2010Pre-built versions of all POI components are also available in the central .
repo1.maven.org$maven2@org.apache.poi$poi@3.7-beta2 . Maven-Central/org .
RELEASE.jar:/home/bamboo/.m2/repository/org/apache/poi/poi-ooxml/3.7/poi-ooxml- 3.7.jar:/home/bamboo/.m2/repository/org/springframework/org.springframework. .
Maven artifactId, Prerequisites, JAR. poi, commons-logging, log4j . for POI 3.7 or later, ooxml-scheams-1.0.jar for POI 3.5 and 3.6). .
2 answers - May 4I am referencing the version 3.7 of the Apache POI and I am getting a .
Nov 2, 2010. [slaws] org/apache/tuscany/maven/plugins/maven-bundle .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Aug 4, 2010http://people.apache.org/~nick/POI-3.7-beta2/ . "compile-ooxml-xsds" ant task, or from Maven. Previous POI releases, including POI 3.7 .
Mar 15, 2011 . <p>The Apache POI team is pleased to announce the release of 3.7. . components </link> are available in the central Maven repository .
repo1.maven.org$maven2@org.apache.poi$poi@3.7. repo1.maven.org$maven2@org.apache .poi$poi. Apache POI - Java API To Access Microsoft Format Files .
Nov 16, 2010 . Pre-built versions of all POI components are also available in the central Maven repository under Group ID “org.apache.poi” and Version “3.7 .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 20, 2010What is the URL for the poi-3.7-SNAPSHOT maven repository ?. I just found timestamped jars for the 3.7 .
Browsing maven repository at /org/apache/poi/poi-examples/3.7/. This directory is 498 KB (510136 bytes) and contains 16 files, 0 directories, .
Index of /pub/mirrors/maven2//org/apache/poi/poi-contrib/3.7-beta3/ . poi- contrib-3.7-beta3.jar, 2010-Sep-24 10:09:34, 37.6K, application/x-java-archive .
1 post - Last post: Mar 28. C:\development\tools\maven\repository\org\apache\poi\poi\3.7\poi- . \org\ apache\poi\poi-ooxml-schemas\3.7\poi-ooxml-schemas-3.7.jar; .
Pre-built versions of all POI components are available in the central Maven repository under Group ID "org.apache.poi" and Version "3.7". .
Apache Maven. <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> <artifactId>poi</ artifactId> <version>3.7-beta3</version> </dependency> .
Index of /pub/mirrors/maven2/org/apache/poi/poi-ooxml-schemas/3.7-beta2/ . poi -ooxml-schemas-3.7-beta2.jar, 2010-Aug-11 11:08:24, 3.8M .
Stable release, 3.7 / October 29, 2010; 6 months ago (2010-10-29) . Apache POI , a project run by the Apache Software Foundation, and previously a .
Index of /pub/mirrors/maven2/org/apache/poi/poi-scratchpad/3.7-beta2/ . poi- scratchpad-3.7-beta2-sources.jar, 2010-Aug-11 11:08:58, 773K .
Apache Maven. <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> <artifactId>poi- ooxml-schemas</artifactId> <version>3.7-beta3</version> </dependency> .
/etc/maven/fragments/apache-poi; /usr/share/doc/apache-poi-3.7/; /usr/share/doc/ apache-poi-3.7/KEYS; /usr/share/doc/apache-poi-3.7/LICENSE .
Apache Maven. <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> <artifactId>poi- scratchpad</artifactId> <version>3.7-beta1</version> </dependency> .
Browsing maven repository at /org/apache/poi/poi/3.7/. This directory is 3 MB ( 3275754 bytes) and contains 16 files, 0 directories, and 2 archives.
11 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Sep 24, 2010Previous POI releases, including POI 3.7 beta 1 ran with the older . . the maven repo are in /maven/) > > As with all apache release votes, .