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13 postsYuicompressor Ant Task. Stop theft of your JavaScripts! . <property name="yui- compressor-ant-task.jar Apache Ant makes the task of concatenating .
runs Ant picking up additional task and support jars from the /home/ant/extras . The object must be of the type org.apache.tools.ant.PropertyHelper. .
Feb 21, 2006 . Tutorial on how to use the Mail task in Apache Ant to send MIME email. . copy those two jar files in the lib directory of Apache Ant in .
For more examples see the individual tasks or this example Apache Ant .
Dec 25, 2008 . <include name="**/*.jar" /> </fileset> </path> . .. [svn] at org.apache.tools. ant.Task.perform(Task.java:348) [svn] at org.apache.tools.ant .
This topic provides examples of using the Apache Ant build tool to compile, test , . To invoke the compiler, the example uses a Java task to run mxmlc.jar: .
Nov 6, 2009 . Download Maven Ant tasks. http://maven.apache.org/download.html . and also maven-ant-tasks jar are located in the nbproject subdirectory. .
ant-antlr (5), Apache Ant + ANTLR, antlr specific task. The implementation forks a java process, therefore the antlr jar file is only needed at runtime .
Jun 22, 2010 . Create a JAR file for each application. Copy the JAR files to the target servers . Create an Apache Ant task to run the ServiceDeploy command .
Dec 10, 2004 . It's an Apache's ANT task using java_lzma 412b (SourceForge.net) . -cp C:/ javalib/ant-launcher.jar;C:/javalib/ant.jar;C:/javalib/7z.jar; .
They are using thoughout the Ant codebase to test many of the ant tasks but you . . 1.0.9 ]/jcommon.jar[jar] (6812ms) [antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant:retrieve] .
ant-1.7.0.jar, org.apache.ant/jars, classes, dependencies, depends on, dependency graph, JAR file . org.apache.tools.ant.Task · org.apache.tools. bzip2.CRC .
6 answers - Apr 27, 2010Is there a way with Apache Ant to update a jar file after it's been built? .
Aug 31, 2006 . classname="com.sun.tools.apache.ant.pack200.Pack200Task" classpath="${jarpack- task.jar}" /> <taskdef name="unpack200" .
5 answers - Aug 5, 2009Hey guys,. How exactly should I specify the location of all the . You can remove the entire <manifest. part - that's not what the Class-Path .
First you must install Apache Ant itself, most of the Ant-Contrib tasks require . After Ant has completed, you'll find ant-contrib-version.jar in the lib .
Apache Ant is a software tool for automating software build processes. . . <jar destfile="hello.jar">. This ant task has the same name as the common java .
Overview of Apache Ant Tasks. Given the large number of tasks available with Ant , . It is invoked similar to the Jar or Zip tasks. This task will work on .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Aug 8, 2005http://ant.apache.org/faq.html#delegating-classloader-1.6 . I removed ant- junit.jar from ANT_HOME/lib, and taskdefed junit task as follow, .
This Ant target will copy JARs recursively from ${sdk.dir}/lib/user/ using the copy task's flatten="true" attribute so all JARs end up in the same directory .
Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool. So that RetroGuard can be used with Ant, several Ant tasks have been supplied in the retroguard.jar: COM.rl.ant.
With the new split-ant setup, each .jar file that made up ant-tasks package . . Summary: This document provides information on using Apache Ant on Gentoo .
First you must install Apache Ant itself, most of the Ant-Contrib tasks require . Copy ant-contrib-0.3.jar to the lib directory of your Ant installation. .
Nov 25, 2009 . The Ant Task idl2java is contained in openorb_orb_tools-<version>.jar. So, i add the jar to the Apache Ant Classpath. The task defination .
Jan 5, 2011 . Each task is run by an object that implements a particular task interface . . files are the Apache Ant Java class libraries. xercesImpl.jar .
CMSDeploy is an Apache Ant Task to submit files and templates to Vignette CMS. . .. JRun 4 SP1 ships with lib/jrun-ant-tasks.jar, which defines three Ant .
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Jun 23, 2009 . /usr/share/java/apache-ant/lib/ant-apache-bcel.jar . out there that uses the junit ant task that I can use to experiment with this? .
Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool who's mission is to drive . Users of Ant can develop their own "antlibs" containing Ant tasks and types .
Sep 20, 2010 . You may have course have to adopt dependset for all your other dependencies. http://ant.apache.org/manual/Tasks/dependset.html Now, .
bsf.jar, script task. Note: Ant 1.6 and later require Apache BSF, not the IBM version. I.e. you need BSF 2.3.0-rc1 or later. .
If the manifest is omitted, a simple one will be supplied by Apache Ant. . ( The Jar task is a shortcut for specifying the manifest file of a JAR file. .
The classpath attribute value should be absolute or relative path to the birt- ant-task.jar file which you downloaded and included into your build process. .
Task | +--org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.MatchingTask | +--org.apache.tools.ant. taskdefs.Zip | +--org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Jar .
Sep 25, 2001 . Apache Ant is a build based tool. It has a vast array of uses for programmers. . Download the optional task jar from the ant web site, .
Oct 9, 2009 . Create ant tasks in build.xml from external (jar) file in project . For Ivy the namespace is antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant. .
Classes contained in maven-ant-tasks-2.0.6.jar: org.apache.maven.wagon.providers .file.FileWagon.class org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact.class .
Place the ant-gwt.jar file in your project's lib dir, make sure that the . I think it should be published on ant.apache.org in optional task list. .
[junitreport] jar:file:/app/fao/rds/apache-ant-1.6.5/lib/ant-junit.jar ! . a) in the part of the ant task, set format=”noframes” – this avoids the .
Jan 10, 2011 . The bundle itself doesn't need a dependency on apache.ant. . It moves the ant task into a separate jar which is needed if I well .
Oct 19, 2007 . jsunit.jar: Jar with the JsUnit JavaScript library and utility classes to invoke Rhino; jsunit-ant.jar: Jar with the Ant task; js.jar: Rhino .
InstantiationException: org.apache.tools.ant.Main; Whenever I use the Ant jar or manifest related tasks, long lines in my manifest are wrapped at 70 .
Apr 18, 2008 . Apache Ant version 1.6.5 compiled on August 30 2006 Buildfile: build.xml . The task is an Ant optional task and the JAR file and/or .
Mar 28, 2011 . All dependency checking is done at the task level. -Which is how Ant can manage dependency-driven updates inside ZIP or JAR files, .
But after creating the jar we want to use our new Task. . .. For testing tasks Ant provides a baseclass org.apache.tools.ant.BuildFileTest. .
A custom task for Apache Ant which acts as an interface to the JSMin program. . JSMin_Task" classpath="/path/to/jsmin.jar"/>. Using the task on a single .
Apache Ant allows to run JUnit tests. Ant defines the "junit" task. You only need to include the junit.jar and the compiled classes into the classpath for .
Jar Task Apache Ant Welcome.Jar Description. Jars a set of files. . Jar Task Apache Ant.The extended fileset and groupfileset child elements from the zip .
Creates a manifest file for inclusion in a JAR, Ant task wrapper around . generated running AntDoclet over the source code of the core Apache Ant Tasks .
Mar 23, 2008 . This project released under Apache License, contains the jar task that helps an Ant build maintainer to integrate doxygen tasks with the .