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This page lists external resources for Apache Ant: Tasks, Compiler Implementations, IDE integration tools, loggers, you name it. If you've written something .
Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool who's mission is to drive .
Fields inherited from class org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectComponent . Performs this task if it's still valid, or gets a replacement version and performs .
Apr 2, 2008 . For use with Apache Ant 1.5 or later. . If not specified, the task will only compile files and not attempt to link. If an extension is not .
This is the manual for version 1.8.2 of Apache Ant. If your version of Ant (as verified with ant -version) is older or newer than this version then this is .
Ant now logs a warning message if it fails to change the file modification time in for example when using <touch> or preserving timestamps in various tasks. .
So, if you want to customize all you can use freely this Apache Ant Task. Requirements: Sun JDK 1.5.x or 1.6.x. Apache Ant 1.7.x (Release 1.8.x is not .
After a detailed explanation of how to install Ant, you see the first Ant task. I recommend "Pro Apache Ant" if you are getting started with Ant or want to .
This page lists external resources for Apache Ant: Tasks, Compiler Implementations, IDE integration tools, Source Control Systems, loggers, you name it. If .
Sequential is a container task - it can contain other Ant tasks. Task <UpToDate> . Sets the given property if the specified target has a timestamp greater .
set the type of label based on the supplied value - if true, this label will be a revision label, . Methods inherited from class org.apache.tools.ant.Task .
Last Published: 2008-04-02 | ant-contrib > cpptasks . debug, If set true, all targets will be built for debugging. boolean .
13 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Feb 15at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:348) . If a new project is created, the task cannot access any of the properties or .
3 answers - Feb 25I'm using ant, and I have a problem with if/then/else task, . In Ant a property is always set once. After it is not alterable. .
Ant tasks do have to do their own dependency work, but if this can be done then it can be . . Even if we cannot include your task into the Apache codebase, .
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Jun 28, 2010 . package com.dzone.ant.tasks; import org.apache.tools.ant. . if you want to provide your task as if it was one of the default tasks in Ant, .
12 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Sep 15, 2010Hi everybody, I have a big problem that is bothering me so any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a build ant file with tasks.
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3 answers - Feb 6, 2009Is there an ANT Task that would execute a block only if a given file . . Ant filterset task not recursing · apache ant - if/then/else task .
Support for nested filesets; Tested with Apache Ant 6.5+. Please let us know if the task works with earlier versions! .
Sep 1, 2009 . While it might take you time to create an Apache Ant script file at first, if this is the series of tasks you will be performing .
Jun 22, 2010 . If you need to install multiple applications concurrently, develop an Apache Ant task before deployment. The Apache Ant task can then deploy .
(see apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Sequential). If you want to do more .
Mar 24, 2005 . If that's still not enough for you, not only are you pretty demanding, but you can always write your own Ant tasks using Java (naturally). .
{ Task task = createNewTask(taskType); if (task == null && taskType.equals( ANT_PROPERTY_TASK)) { // quick fix for Ant.java use of property before .
Mar 2, 2011 . You'll see the “Installing Apache Ant” link in the left frame. . .. If you want to learn more, start by checking out the tasks overview. .
First you must install Apache Ant itself, most of the Ant-Contrib tasks require . If you want to use one of the tasks in your own project, add the lines .
Feb 22, 2011 . Apache Ant has a task called <xslt> (or its synonym <style>) . By default, the XSLT task will check the file time stamps to see if the .
Mar 28, 2011 . Ant (http://ant.apache.org/) is a Java-based build tool. . . But if you hide all the complexity in an Ant task, then anyone who loads the .
Manual installation of Jindent as Apache Ant task. If you have already used the Jindent installer to install the Jindent plugin for Apache Ant then you can .
If you want to do more processing on the task, you need to use the techniques in apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Antlib#execute() This does make use of one 1.6 .
But if your ebuild needed full dev-java/ant or dev-java/ant-tasks to compile, . . Summary: This document provides information on using Apache Ant on Gentoo .
It is being used in the Buildr (http://incubator.apache.org/buildr/) project to execute Ant (http://ant.apache.org/) tasks in a Java project. If you are .
Jun 23, 2009 . 1) Have the apache-ant package create a symlink in /usr/share/java/apache-ant/ lib to ../../junit.jar. If junit is installed, then this will .
Apache Ant is a software tool for automating software build processes. . target Ant must first create a directory called classes (Ant will only do so if . This ant task has the same name as the common java command-line utility, JAR , .
Jun 2, 2005 . It also contains a compatibility fix needed for some ant tasks on Java 1.4 over Windows XP. If you have problems running Ant 1.4.1 on .
Overview of Apache Ant Tasks. Given the large number of tasks available with .
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So here are some dos and don'ts for using ant. Let us know if you have some more ! . But ant scripts grow to become complex beasts, and too often I've seen .
If this target depends on other targets then ant will automatically perform these . . Apache Ant allows to run JUnit tests. Ant defines the "junit" task. .
if. DZone, Inc. www.dzone.com. Getting Started with Apache Ant. Task cvs cvschangelog cvspass cvstagdiff cvsversion patch. Description .
Mar 20, 2002 . 5 messages in org.apache.ant.userRe: Test if directory is empty . if a directory is empty, and if it is not empty then perform a task. .
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Sep 20, 2010 . You may have course have to adopt dependset for all your other dependencies. http://ant.apache.org/manual/Tasks/dependset.html Now, if you .
The build.xml code snippet above shows the use of the Apache Ant <parallel> task with the <hfcd> task. If you are able to separate your extremely large .
Apache Ant Task: ReplaceRegExp . If you are going to use the task to create checksums used in an environment where security is important, please take some .
For a nice definition of what Ant is, see http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/. . . If Ant is ran on this buildfile the following error message is produced: . This behaviour is present in certain other Ant tasks, where it is not present, .