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The general format for parenthetical citations in APA style is: . Citing an entire website: Give the address of the site in the text. . Unknown Author and Unknown Date: If no author or date is given, use the title and the first few .
Apr 13, 2011 . Website - No Author, No Date (6.27, 6.28, 6.15, pp. . . Includes images of APA style formatting for titles pages, running head, .
Apr 18, 2011 . Tutorials on how to use APA How to use the APA referencing style . . Retrieved from . website: http://. Author, A., & Author, B. (Year, Month Day). . . If no author is stated, the title takes the author position. .
Intext citation format; APA 01. Journal article, 1 author, . .. APA 77. Stand- alone document, no author identified, no date . APA 80. US government report available on government agency web site, no publication date indicated .
Author and publisher information may be omitted from your citation if it is not available. . If you think that the content of a Web site will change over time , . No official APA format for citing online classroom materials exists .
May 3, 2011 . Use the lower-case letters with the year in the in-text citation. . Unknown Author and Unknown Date: If no author or date is given, . Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions of fair use. .
Jan 26, 2011 . Government Site; Web Site with No Author or Page Numbers . APA Format Issues. All APA citations should be double spaced. .
Provides APA Style guidelines on citing web pages that don't specify an author.
[Note: the in-text citation form is (Milgram, 1974/1994, p. . If there is no author, start the reference with the Web page title and cite the title with .
Unknown Author If no author is listed, use the title of the document in the signal phrase or parenthetical citation. (see above). Example #1 .
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The reference citation for a Web document often follows a format similar . Retrieved from URL; Begin with the title of the website if no author is listed. .
Jan 19, 2010 . If you need to create citations for articles from library databases, see the webpage APA Style - Citing Library Database Articles in APA .
List the full title of the web page in a lead-in in-text citation. (A lead-in is when the citation . How to Cite a Website With No Author in APA Format .
For documentation in APA style, please see links at APA Style: American Psychological . .. Cite government document in the following order if no author is stated: 1) . an information database, a personal or professional Web site .
APA citation style refers to the rules and conventions established by the . When a work has no author, use the first two or three words of the work's . .. When citing an entire Web site (and not a specific document on that site), no .
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Mar 1, 2010 . Information about citing e-mail messages, websites with no author, . The general rule for citing Web pages in APA format is to include . Which of the following is a correct APA citation for a Web page with no author? .
APA Style uses brief citations within the text of a paper immediately after a quote, a reference to a . No author? Use the first few words of the title instead. . . Author, A.A. (Date). Title of page/document. In Title of web site. .
Mar 24, 2011 . This is the "D. No Author" page of the "APA Citation Style 6th Edition" guide. . Document from a Web site with no Author. Helpful Tip .
Mar 8, 2011 . It is necessary to alphabetize a list of citations by author. . If there is no DOI, provide the homepage of the journal, preceded by "Retrieved from". . It is not necessary to cite a web site in the reference list. . APA Citation Style (Cornell University) - includes guidelines and examples .
Apr 4, 2011 . APA Reference Style Guide. Examples reflect standards published in the 6th . .. When discussing an entire web site (as opposed to a specific page on the . Report/Document available on the web, no author identified, no .
Mar 23, 2011 . This is the "Web Page with No Author" page of the "APA Citation Style, 6th edition" guide. Alternate Page for Screenreader Users .
Apr 10, 2011 . MLA no longer requires the use of URLs in MLA citations. . For an individual page on a Web site, list the author or alias if known, .
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Apr 27, 2011 . This article describes 2009 MLA Web citation style (MLA Handbook, 7th ed. . To cite a page from my Web site using APA style, follow this model: . If there is no author named, use a short title from the article in the .
APA Citation Style Publication Manual of the American Psychological . . Websites: If no author is given, start with the title and then the date. .
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Mar 24, 2011 . APA Citation Style. This guide provides a basic introduction to the APA citation style. . . are considered authors when there is no single author . If the site can only be accessed through a subscription, .
APA style requires the use of parenthetical citations within the text of a paper to . No author: Punctuate the first title words as in the reference list: . World Wide Web site (but not a specific document): Provide the address (for .
In all cases of citation, author name(s) are always followed immediately by a year, . For electronic references, websites, and online articles, APA Style asserts . Article with no author and no date identified (e.g., wiki article) .
Mar 15, 2011. 2010) and the APA Style web site (http://www.apastyle.org/) provide a . . For the text citation, use the following format: . If no author is identified, use the first few words of the title in place of the author. .
Dec 2, 2010 . Web site usability for the blind and low-vision user. . NOTE: When your essay includes parenthetical citations of sources with no author .
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Website citation, with no author or date - APA style: Note: According to the rules in the new 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual, a retrieval date is .
When do you include a retrieval date in a citation? In referencing .
Jump to Website: Note: If you are citing an entire Website rather than a specific page within the Website, an in-text parenthetical citation containing the URL is all that is necessary. . usually have no identified author, and in any case are NOT in the . Author and/or source if given. (Date if given). .
May 10, 2011 . Please note: There are no spaces used with brackets in APA. . . Cite the information as you normally would for the work you are quoting. . . Software that is downloaded from a Web site should provide the software's version and . If the author's name is not available, provide the screen name. .
Basic Format for an Electronic Image (No Author, No Title, No Date) . Cite only the last name of the author (or if a web site, cite the author, .
APA Website Citation (single author). General guidelines: General format/ sequence: Author. (Date published if available; n.d.--no date-- if not). .
Provides APA Style guidelines on how to cite website material with no .
Sep 28, 2009 . For online references, date of retrieval is no longer included for material . Citing Electronic Resources. Regardless of format, authors using and . When citing an entire website, it is sufficient to give the address .
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Author and Date Cited in Text (no parenthetical citation necessary) . For each of the samples above the correct "References" APA style format would be: . . Article from Web Site or E-journal [7.01.3] Takase, A. (2007). .
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6 answers - Dec 7, 2008the website does not have an author so how do i do my in text . If there is no author to cite, such as when you are citing a web page that .
Mar 22, 2007 . Article in a standard encyclopedia (web site version) . . If no author is given , start with the title and then the date. . Format based on APA Citation Style from the B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library. .
Apr 13, 2010 . APA Citation Style Guide, 6th ed. Developed by the American Psychological . . For an entry in a reference work with no author, place the entry title in the . If the article was found through the newspaper's website, .
MLA documentation style is used in many research papers, especially in middle and high schools. . Underlining is no longer recommended to represent italics. . (Exception: If the writer judges that a reader will be unable to locate .