Oct 5, 11
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  • Ants have two pair of wings but the wings in front are much larger than the . Unlike termites, they do not feed upon wood, but merely use it as a place to nest. . ants are used by surgeons to close incisions; they are made to bite together an .
  • Red ants are also commonly known as Fire ants, since they can deliver a very . After the nuptial flight, the female red flying ant will loose her wings and start . Most species of ant will bite you and spray formic acid over the wound, but the red .
  • The front wings of true bugs are thickened and colored near where they are . And many insects (like cockroaches or ants) will be happy to polish off that . A: There are lots of insects that don't bite people but do bite plants or other insects! .
  • Sep 22, 2011 – It is to be borne in mind that ants with wings bite humans .
  • Yes, some ants have wings, but the flying ant only comes out once a year; kind of . Flying ants are not dangerous to humans, even if they do show up indoors and . I too have what looks like flying ants in my pool and have lots of bite/stings .
  • So, if you see “small” ants, they do not “grow up” into larger-sized ones. Ants . The thorax (middle section) is the part where the legs and wings (if present) are . .. When colonies are disturbed, workers will readily bite and emit a repulsive odor. .
  • 2 answers - May 31, 2006Top answer: Ants don't care for mint or citrus, cloves or bay leaves, so think orange peel, peppermint tea, lemon juice, ground cloves, etc. If you can plant mint around the .
  • Jun 19, 2011 – If you notice what appear to be flying ants, they might not be ants at all, . The double-set wings of a termite are of equal length, while the . Swarming termites are weak fliers, do not bite, do not live long, and cannot eat wood. .
  • Jul 21, 2010 – Female ants lose their wings after mating high in the air . people but the large females don't bite so people can be calm when they see them. .
  • Other concerns are that these ants sting (they do not) and bite (they do). . are much smaller than queens with proportionally smaller heads and larger wings. .
  • How, when, and why were fire ants imported to the U.S. and where do they occur at . . If fire ants do crawl onto your skin, they first bite with their mandibles in order to anchor . .. Females are wingless and typically colorful; males have wings. .
  • The winged black ants that people usually see during the spring and summer months . They can be identified as ants rather than termites by their elbowed . Although ants do not sting, carpenter ants can give a painful bite with their pincers, .
  • Sep 30, 2009 – Why do they (the ants) make tunnels (in the ant farm)? . After the flight, the male dies and the queens pull off their wings and start digging a tunnel. . Some ants bite with their jaws, but they don't have poison in their jaws. .
  • Termites are occasionally confused with winged ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae .
  • Although these ants do not bite or sting, they are a persistent nuisance pest once . Ants can be identified by having the front wings larger than the hind wings. .
  • Among the most prevalent of household pests, ants can be a nuisance for any . When ants find food, they lay down a chemical trail, called a pheromone, so that . Ghost ant to the ferocious and prolific Fire ant that deliver a bite that literally feels . Ants also have two pairs of long narrow wings that are firmly attached; the .
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  • Ants, life cycle, picture and how to deal with them. . they attempt to return to the nest, but the fertilised young queens bite off their wings and find a site . They can make mounds of soil as they excavate their nest, but this can be brushed away. .
  • Ants can bite with their pincerlike jaws, although most species rarely do. . larvae with her own metabolized wing muscles and fat bodies until they pupate. .
  • Carpenter Ants can cause damage just about everywhere in your home. . If someone disturbs a carpenter ant, it may bite. Do carpenter ants have wings? Yes. The reproductive carpenter ants have wings and they swarm during the mating .
  • They have evolved to fill a variety of different ecological niches as predators, herbivores, . Fire ants and others may sting or bite people and animals. Pharaoh . House-infesting ants can become pests by their presence in kitchens and living areas. . Male ants are generally winged and usually keep their wings until death . .
  • But do they have wings? . The truth is that ants are wingless, but in some species, ants develop wings, only . Most of the flying ants bite, but they do not sting. .
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  • Feb 22, 2011 – Both the small red ants and the big red ants bite and the pain will subsidize . The ants with wings can fly to a certain extent to about 20 feet from the ground. . However there is no specific danger with flying ants but they could .
  • They range in size from two to about 25 millimeters (about 0.08 to 1 inch). . Contrary to what most people believe, the fire ant does not just 'bite'. They . The sexual male and female workers have wings which allow new colonies to disperse. .
  • Ants can be easily distinguished from termites by the following .
  • While Argentine ants do not have stingers, they may bite when provoked. . The reproductives, those male and female ants with wings, do not leave the colony in .
  • Jul 27, 2008 – This family of ants do not sting - they bite; then spray the wound with . . As wing membranes are often badly affected, this means we need to .
  • Question: Can carpenter ants bite? . Question: Do carpenter ants have wings? Answer: Yes, the reproductive ants have wings and they swarm during the .
  • Although they do not eat wood materials, they still can cause noticeable damage . After mating, males die soon and newly fertilized females lose their wings, and . Carpenter ants are not aggressive, but they can deliver non-poisonous bites .
  • The legs are designed for running – ants can run very fast for their size. At the end of . Queens also start out with wings, but these are torn off after mating. . People are usually mistaken when they think it's the bite of ant that hurts. Most of the .
  • Yes these bite but those bites are not that serious but can cause skin chaos. You may . Even though ants with wings are not harmful indoors, yet they can cause .
  • Jun 30, 2009 – She bites off her wings and tries to find somewhere to begin a new nest. . Although black ants can bite, they usually ignore people unless their .
  • They have two pairs of wings, with shorter hind wings, elbowed antennae and a narrow . If fire ants do crawl onto the skin, they first bite with their mandibles, the .
  • Four membranous wings united by tiny hooks (though wings are absent in members . . Carpenter ants do not sting, but they may bite, and they are able to spray .
  • 230+ items – Update on Broadcast Baits for Fire Ant Management, Fire ants, .
  • They tuck and roll their wings close to their bodies when resting, making . .. This group of ants do not sting, but they can bite as well as spray formic acid from the .
  • Some ant species can sting, and all can bite. . Only males and queen ants have wings, but the queens remove their wings when they start a new nest. Worker .
  • They are capable of stinging, but very rarely do so, relying instead on their . Their bite is severely painful, each soldier leaving two puncture wounds when removed. . When a colony of driver ants encounters a male, they tear its wings off and .
  • Mar 17, 2011 – A few easy ways to tell a termite swarmer from an ant with wings and . worry the termite swarmers do not bite and they are not dangerous. .
  • Question by snozzberries: big black ants with wings~do they bite and will they go away? EW..we've killed maybe 20 within the last week.I squirted some ant gell .
  • Black ants are able to bite, but they only bite humans if they are picked up. . or twice a year the colony produces reproductives that have wings and can fly. .
  • Without wings, they can generally be distinguished from workers by their larger body size, . As with bees, some people can become hypersensitive to ant stings. .
  • If a concrete wall can be built around the garden, this should be enough for them to . They only carpenter ants in house have the wings for a short time so when .
  • Nov 9, 2010 – In fact, flying ants are rare enough that when they do fly to establish a . The ants sprout wings in order to relocate and spread the colony to a new location. . However, some ants do not sting; instead they bite and can have .
  • This is not to say that flying ants have greater propensity to bite - they don't, they' re just, . yes they do bite, they produce wings when its raining Anonymous .
  • Carpenter ants do not eat wood; they nest in wet or water-damaged wood. Sometimes they find a . . It does not have a stinger, but it can bite. A frequently asked . Both pairs similar size and opaque (milky); piles of wings found after swarming. .
  • Sep 13, 2010 – Question: I keep getting large black, look like big ants, some have wings in my bathroom. they do not look like termites. they bite, one stung or .
  • Jump to Why do Ants Fly?‎: yes they do bite, they produce wings when its raining. q5564063.html. Do ants fly? Both male and female .
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