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Declaring a Major in Anthropology: There are no pre-requisites for admission to major. In general, students are expected to formally declare a major no .
Anthropology is a classic example of an undergraduate liberal arts major, combining fascinating coursework and practical career training in one academic .
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Welcome to the Anthropology Major. The information here is designed to answer basic questions about anthropology as a major, a discipline, and a lifelong .
As an anthropology major, you'll be able to study areas such as language and culture, health and healing across cultures, human prehistory, .
Major in Anthropology 3 min - Dec 18, 2007 - Uploaded by GrantMacEwanCollege
“Perspectives in Anthropological Analysis” (ANTH 40400) and a designated methods course are also required of all students in the major sequence. .
A diverse curriculum provides courses in the major subfields of ethnology, archaeology, linguistics, and physical anthropology as well as in the study of .
Feb 25, 2011 . Anthropology majors should consult an anthropology . The major in Anthropology , leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science, .
One example: Amara Solari, who was an undergraduate double major in Anthropology and Art History. After completing her B.A. in 2000 and an Anthropology .
May 21, 2011 . Hello, and welcome to Anthropology Major Fox, the meme for us Anthro freaks. You don't have to be a major or minor to appreciate the .
If you major in Anthropology, you'll compare and contrast biological, social, and cultural similarities and differences among humans and human societies. .
In addition to adhering to the UC Merced and School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts requirements, the Anthropology major requires at least 48 units .
This is the online course catalog site for Central Washington University.
Feb 2, 2011 . Undergraduate ANTHROPOLOGY majors may find entry-level positions as management trainees in the following business areas: .
There are two great reasons why studying anthropology should be considered by undergraduate and master's students. First, the material is intellectually .
Using a range of social, behavioral, biological, and other scientific research methods, anthropology majors learn to supplement statistical findings with .
The anthropology major consists of 30 semester hours (s.h.) in anthropology courses, including 9 s.h. in three introductory courses, 6 s.h. in “hands-on” .
What is Anthropology? Related Career Titles. Related Major Skills, Job & Internship Search Links. Federal Links, Private & International Links .
Jan 26, 2011 . Job opportunities for Bachelor of Arts graduates in anthropology are similar to those available to other liberal arts majors. .
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The Anthropology major consists of 14 credits, each taken for a grade. You may NOT take a class PASS/FAIL and count it toward your major. .
Anthropology majors are eligible to pursue teaching licensure through the School of Education For more information on the licensure programs, .
Continuation in the anthropology major requires maintenance of a 2.5 GPA or better in all Anthropology courses. Students failing to meet this standard will .
Evolutionary Anthropology and, for those who matriculated Fall 2008 or before, Biological Anthropology and Anatomy. Both majors have two tracks, .
Aug 31, 2010 . When you hear the word "anthropology," do you immediately think of a trendy clothing store, or an esoteric major that promises a long waits .
Wake Forest University Anthropology Department honors study in Anthropology. Links include curriculum guidelines, faculty directory, fieldschools, .
Following the introductory course in anthropology, students continue with a course in physical anthropology, linguistics, or Introduction to Archaeology.
Anthropology majors are especially encouraged to develop skills in foreign languages and writing. Other topics and skills important to anthropologists .
Sep 21, 2010 . Anthropology at NC State provides three primary alternative tracks for the undergraduate major, Applied, Bioarchaeology, and General. .
Nov 17, 2000 . International trade is another hot area for anthropology majors, as companies seek out grads with cross-cultural perspective on how their .
Jan 5, 2011 . An undergraduate major in anthropology is an excellent general education and may lead to a variety of career paths when combined with other .
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May 17, 2011 . NEW YORK—An Anthropology major who wrote about a life-changing trip to Tanzania and the simple pleasures of life in a one-intersection town .
Department of Anthropology at University of Houston.
Nov 10, 2006 . Anthropology, the study of all aspects of human beings, is a great major for students interested in culture and in conducting exciting .
Students must declare a major in anthropology through the Academic Advising Center. In order to be admitted as a major, you must have a 2.0 overall G.P.A. .
Three 100-level surveys (Anthropology 101, 103, and 104) covering three major subfields of anthropology: cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, .
Various specializations related to a major in Anthropology may be offered by colleges and universities. These specializations may be of greater or lesser .
The Anthropology major incorporates the three anthropological subfields of Anthropological Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, and Physical Anthropology, .
Aug 2, 2005 . The Department of Anthropology takes this opportunity to greet all of you, whether new or returning anthropology majors, to the 2005-2006 .
Anthropology is the study of humans and other primates (such as chimps). As an anthropology major, you'll study how groups live with each other and how .
GW's Biological Anthropology Major is an interdisciplinary B.S. program that combines anthropology with biology and other sciences.
It took Immanuel Kant 25 years to write one of the first major treatises on anthropology, his Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View. .
Jan 22, 2010 . Using a range of social, behavioral, biological and other scientific research methods, anthropology majors learn to supplement statistical .
Feb 11, 2011 . Anthropology Degree. Major, Minor Degree in Anthropology. Major in Anthropology. Earn anthropology degree at Adelphi, New York.
Students who major in anthropology become familiar with the ways of life and cultures of societies throughout the world, both those currently existing and .
This is accomplished by carefully following the outline in Appendix B. Because the General Anthropology major is a relatively structured major, .
Jul 28, 2010 . The anthropology major at UNI is offered in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology. It is distinguished by the close .
Declaring an Anthropology Major/Minor: To declare an Anthropology major, e-mail the Director of the Undergraduate program, Carrie Douglass, .