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Which two environmental changes usually cause certain animals to migrate? A change of season and fewer predators; B change of season and less food .
There are a few mammals, like some bats, caribou, elk and whales that travel in search of food each winter. Many fish migrate. Where do the fish swim to? .
Overview: Why do animals migrate? As students study an animal's life cycle and . Many migrate to find food or more liveable conditions (e.g., daylight, .
Migration- there are many animals that migrate or move during the winter to be able to find food and a warmer climate. Click here to see those animals that .
4 answers - Dec 22, 2005Lemmings- When overpopulation of the Norway lemming leads to a food scarcity and habitat overcrowding, thousands of the animals migrate .
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Remind children that animals migrate for many different reasons. Some animals migrate to find better sources of food, water, or shelter. .
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Animals migrate for a variety of reasons, including climate (too hot or too cold during part of the year), food availability (seasonal), and breeding (some .
For four to seven months, the trees in the deciduous forest are leafless and food is scarce. The animals either migrate, hibernate or find other ways to .
Pets question: What animals migrate for food? Many prairie animals like bison or deer or antelope will migrate to find food.
Feb 28, 2007 – The team also found that species that forage in flocks are less likely to migrate. "If you are faced with food scarcity, .
Sharks, like many other animals, migrate for purposes of mating and giving . Another primary cause of animal migrations is availability of food sources. .
10) Review the focus question (many animals migrate above the Arctic Circle because the long summer days and plentiful food are excellent conditions for .
Animals migrate for several reasons. It might be going from summer to winter ranges or searching for new food sources. Some migrate a thousand miles or more .
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(Other animals survive the winter by hibernating.) Animals also migrate if the areas that provide good sources of food are not good places for breeding and .
When animals migrate, it is usually to find abundant food and a good place to breed. Migrating animals usually use the same routes year after year ö from .
Many animals must migrate during certain seasons to search for food, water, shelter, etc. This list shows several migrating animals, including birds, .
To check listening skills ask, What are two reasons why animals migrate? (seek food and warmth) What animals besides birds migrate? (butterflies, some fish .
In the winter time there is less food for the animals. This forces some animals to leave the area, migrating to locations where food is more plentiful. .
Animals migrate in order to breed, grow, find food or avoid cold weather. Let's first review what makes a bird a bird.. Wing feathers All bird species have .
Other animals migrate, too. There are a few mammals, like some bats, caribou and elk, and whales that travel in search of food each winter. .
Jan 29, 2002 – The alpine and arctic tundra's resident animals must adapt around the seasons and the availability of food. Many animals that cannot adapt to . Many animals migrate to the alpine tundra as well. Some migrating animals .
Many birds and animals migrate every year and some for thousands of miles. They migrate for a warmer climate, better water, and newer food sources. .
Mar 4, 2011 – Below is a list of animals that migrate, traveling to avoid bad weather, to find food, or to reproduce. What is the animal that travels the .
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From short distances to thousands of miles, many animals migrate every year in search of food, to avoid inclement weather, or to rendezvous at the perfect .
Some animals travel relatively short distances to find food or more favorable living or breeding conditions.Most animals that migrate do so to find food or .
Many animals migrate to northern regions during summer months. The long summer days in the northernmost portions of the world ensure a good food supply. .
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Zebras and other wild animals that live in the Serengeti area migrate every year in search of new pastures and food. During annual rainfall they spread out .
Some birds and animals migrate to find food and escape cold. The Arctic tern follows summer by flying 11000 miles between the Arctic and Antarctic each year .
Feb 8, 2011 – *Nature is not quite as simple as I would like, as food is not the only answer. Animals will often migrate away from food-rich areas in .
Bird movements include those made in response to changes in food . . Most species of penguin migrate by swimming. These routes can cover over 1000 km. .
Animals That Migrate in Africa. Animals that live in Africa and migrate typically . need to move from place to place to follow the supply of water and food.
Many animals migrate, traveling to avoid bad weather, to find food, or to reproduce. Some migrators travel short distances, other go thousands of miles. .
Our food comes from the grocery store. But what happens to the animals? MIGRATE Animals do many different, amazing things to get through the winter. .
Of course, not all birds migrate. Some species have adapted to take advantage of different food sources as seasons change, allowing them to stay in one .
Nov 4, 2010 – Mammals, insects and reptiles do it. Migrate, that is. . drift in their effort to find food, a more hospitable climate or places to breed. .
5 answersAgain, animals migrate because during winter there is not much food, and the temperatures may be too cold. During summer, however, the days are longer in .
What animals migrate. Most birds migrate, such as geese and sand pipers, .
Animals that live in habitats that are difficult to survive in year round, . The most common reason to migrate is to take advantage of food, shelter, .
May 20, 2011 – Species that migrate over long distances like the Porcupine Caribou Herd in Alaska have access to favorite "food-stuff" veget. .
All three species are solitary, roost in trees, and migrate south for the winter . Food. Insectivorous, they feed mostly on flying insects, including beetles .
Why do animals migrate? Because there are seasons. These result in temporary differences in food availability, weather, light conditions, etc. .