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1 post - Last post: Feb 4I have separately logged onto the google checkout website, created account as m* **@woolgers.com but it doesnt seem to tie that to the apps .
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The account you're signed into when using the Android Market website must be the same as . Please be aware that if you are using a Google Apps account, .
Aug 3, 2010 . A Google Apps account can't purchase from the Android Market even if . the same licensing terms as the rest of the content on this site. .
Feb 2, 2011 . The Android Market website was officially unveiled today during an event at . .. I have a Google Apps account, and it doesn't work for me. .
Feb 20, 2011 . Android Market integrates tightly with your Google Account and there is no . Select the apps you would like to have from AppBrain website. .
41 posts - 34 authors - Last post: Feb 3Why is the market short stopping me? Do you not want to sell me apps? . Be sure to select 'Trouble with the Android Market website' as the issue you're . . 1) my primary account in Android is Google Apps account; .
Feb 2, 2011 . Google has introduced the Android Market website that lets you browse . Google account and click "My Market Account" to see all the apps .
41 posts - 35 authors - Last post: Feb 3"You're not logged in with the primary Google account associated with . .. of the android market website, and instantly went to the site on .
Android Market™ is the place to go to find new apps for your phone. . Note: You need a Google Checkout account to purchase items on Android Market. .
10 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 6Am I the only one who can't sign in to the web based market with my Google Apps account log-in? I have no issues using the same log-in for .
41 posts - 32 authors - Last post: Feb 18There are no Android devices associated with this account. . by the Android site, so that you can not sign in to the Android Market account. . . Remember Google is not writing the apps on android market and I haven't .
Feb 2, 2011 . If you're using a Google Apps account, it's only possible to access the Android Market website if your account has been migrated to the new .
Apr 30, 2010 . The Android Market does not provide any other alternatives to . I want to use the Market with my own domain/google apps account. .
41 posts - 35 authors - Last post: Feb 3"You're not logged in with the primary Google account associated with your . but my device is not listed on the Android Market website. .
7 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Mar 21If you're using a Google Apps account, it's only possible to access the Android Market website if your account has been migrated to the new .
Feb 5, 2011 . Google recently started Android Market site that lets you browse and install apps to your device directly from your browser. .
Feb 3, 2011 . Throughout the website, Google has kept to fairly square rather than rounded . The Android Market website also allows you to purchase apps, . between apps marked “Updated” in the My Market Account Orders section and .
4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Apr 28How do I transfer my Market account to my Google Apps domain account? . Host Domains not working with Android Market website. 3 replies .
Now, the new awesome Market website does not seem to allow Google Apps accounts to log in either. When I log in using my alternate normal Gmail account, .
If you're using a Google Apps account, it's only possible to access the Android Market website if your account has been migrated to the new Google Apps .
Feb 7, 2011 . 15 Responses to SOLVED: Android Market Website Says “There are no android . I HATE that my Google Apps Account is different from a Google .
Mar 27, 2011 . Problem in accessing samsung galaxy s android market apps? . cannot access google apps(android market apps), it says login in google account and . for your access to and use of this application, website and content. .
41 posts - 35 authors - Last post: Feb 3"You're not logged in with the primary Google account associated with your . but my device is not listed on the Android Market website. .
3 answers - Oct 24, 2010This is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for professional . What is the package name of the Android Market or Google Apps .
Google has launched a website for its Android Market app store in an attempt . To download an app, sign in to your Google account, find the app you want .
Aug 6, 2010 . already purchased apps on new google account? By lance713 in forum Android Market. Replies: 1. Last Post: 05-13-2009, 01:05 AM .
Feb 14, 2010 . For the Google Account, I used my credentials for Google Apps . . In the Android Market search for “root” and try to install and run any .
41 posts - 34 authors - Last post: Feb 3The market states the above. In order to activate my phone i had to have a Gmail . Be sure to select 'Trouble with the Android Market website' as the issue . . 1) my primary account in Android is Google Apps account; .
13 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Mar 31, 2010So i was told to ask if android market team could do it. . Paid apps are associated with a Google checkout account, and that will be the . . But when i go to Android Website on pc to see my apps, it wont let me login .
11 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Oct 8, 2010The error-message I get is "None of the accounts on your phone are supported . Google Apps accpunts aren't supported in Android Market it seems. . . says. it only reroutes you back to their website. Come on Google! .
Sick to death of android market issues - Page 2 - Android Central Forums says: . Conflict Google and Google Apps accounts – Project Hosting on Google Code . Name (required). Mail (will not be published) (required). Website .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Nov 26, 2010When my Google Apps account was migrated to the new infrastructure . But when i go to Android Website on pc to see my apps, it wont let me .
15 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Mar 27you should be able to buy apps from android market but not amazon market . ( Just to be clear, you CAN buy apps with a Google Apps account) .
40 answers - Feb 3When I try to sign in to market.android.com with a Google Apps (EDU) account, I get an Invalid Request message. This is the account that .
Feb 2, 2011 . The website is also connected to your Android account. Check in with your Google credentials and it'll already show you which apps you've .
Feb 3, 2011 . This whole process has only one requirement: you must login to the Android Market website using the same Google account that you use on your .
Feb 4, 2011 . Like Ben, I have both a gmail and a google apps account on my rooted . . Whenever I attempt to log into the Android Market site with my app .
41 posts - 32 authors - Last post: Feb 18There are no Android devices associated with this account. . by the Android site, so that you can not sign in to the Android Market account. . . Remember Google is not writing the apps on android market and I haven't .
41 posts - 32 authors - Last post: Feb 18There are no Android devices associated with this account. . by the Android site, so that you can not sign in to the Android Market account. . . Remember Google is not writing the apps on android market and I haven't .
Mar 30, 2009 . But when i go to Android Website on pc to see my apps, it wont let me login using my Google Apps account. If I use my gmail to login, i can, .
41 posts - 34 authors - Last post: Feb 3Why is the market short stopping me? Do you not want to sell me apps? . We recently made some changes to the Android Market website that should resolve this . . 1) my primary account in Android is Google Apps account; .
41 posts - 34 authors - Last post: Feb 3"You're not logged in with the primary Google account associated with your device. OR You haven't accessed Android Market from your device recently. . .. when I try to buy an app by androidmarket website, google send me .
Android Market, now on the web. Discover apps. Send to your devices instantly. . Categories. Featured; Top Paid; Top Free; Featured Tablet Apps .
May 17, 2010 . Granted, they are clear about the Android Market website serving as a . . apps with your T-Mobile account if you don't want to use Google .
Revenue earned from the Android Market is paid to developers via Google . allow Google to directly bill app purchases to a customer's cell phone account that . own website or from any of the 3rd party alternatives to Market which . . "Google Android has double the number of free apps than Apple's App Store". .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 3My main account that is attached to my Android phone is a google apps account. Is there a way for me to log in to the market site with my .
41 posts - 34 authors - Last post: Feb 3The market states the above. In order to activate my phone i had to have a Gmail . We recently made some changes to the Android Market website that should . . 1) my primary account in Android is Google Apps account; .
Feb 18, 2011 . Google Apps Account is not currently supported with market.android.com yet. . So i had to use my original gmail account that I created a .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Nov 22, 2009Here's a link to a thread about this on the android forums. App Purchase keeps prompting for different Google Account - Android Market .