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May 27, 2011 – There's already app on Android market that utilizes latest job search API from LinkedIn. It's called HireADroid and supports simultaneous job .
1 answer - Jul 29Top answer: There is an API for java. http://code.google.com/p/android-market-api/. that is also available for PHP .
7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Sep 16http://code.google.com/p/android-market-api/ Found via a simple "android market api" google search ;-). 1 of 5 people found this answer helpful .
May 17, 2010 – Still no search, still no way to download apps OTA, still no statistics of any kind. . Granted, they are clear about the Android Market website serving as a showcase of apps . American Express To Release An API For Digita… .
415 votes - Free
Sometimes I need to get hold of an Android application from the Market for . To achieve this I used the Market API to login, get an authToken , search for the .
Jul 27, 2011 – Introducing the Audiogalaxy API . 1 Response to “Android Market Search Bug”. Feed for this . Android Market search is terrible in general. .
Dec 28, 2010 – Android Market API for PHP . Example code for searching apps . The search string can be anything you normally use in the market, such as .
179 votes - Free
by Sarah Perez
7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Sep 16http://code.google.com/p/android-market-api/ Found via a simple "android market api" google search ;-). 1 of 5 people found this answer helpful .
Search within the Android Market isn't up to Google's standards. . On a similar notion, Google Analytics should add a _trackPageview like API4 to allow .
1 answer - 4 days agonope but if you are resourceful, this can help on google search. site:market. android.com angry .
In the Android Market (just search for Twitter); On http://mobile.twitter.com (click the Download Twitter for Android link on the bottom of the page.) Scan the handy .
Jul 15, 2011 – 5.1 Q: Is there a web interface to the Android market? . . 10.1 Q: How do I change the default system wallpaper via the API? . . New media search intent allows for 3rd party apps to launch or respond to media searches based .
android-market-api-py - A Python port of the java Android Market API. .
Jump to Android :: Developer To Write An Image Application / Google Image . : . for android developer familiar with google image search API to .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Aug 31, 2010PHP @ DaniWeb - Hi All, I am having one php website. where user register and add android application id from android market.e.g. com.
3 days ago – http://www.apple.com/itunes/affiliates/resources/documentation/itunes-store-web- service-search-api.html. Let's make android market better .
May 13, 2011 – Type your search. GO . On April 3rd I uploaded a demo game to the Android Market. . . I hadn't realised there was an Android Market API. .
Android Market is a hosted service that makes it easy for users to find and download Android applications to their Android-powered devices, and makes it easy .
Jan 23, 2011 – The former API, “Google Web Search API“, has been officially deprecated . . A search application soon available on the Android Market I hope. .
May 26, 2011 – There's already app on Android market that utilizes latest job search API from LinkedIn. It's called HireADroid and supports simultaneous job .
Get mobile apps for iPhone, Android, Win7, WebOS, and Blackberry. Search for People, Business, and ID calls. . Available in the Android Market. . . Api. WhitePages Developer API. Build WhitePages search into your own application. .
Mar 6, 2011 – The Online Video Marketing Guide . . Inbound search terms: google tv api, android tv, android tv api, TV api, google tv, com google android tv, .
A user is searching for apps on a device that has API Level 2. Result: Android Market assumes that minSdkVersion is "1" and that the app is compatible with all .
4 answers - Aug 20, 2009How to fetch Android Market data when there is no API? . and the API is .
1452 votes
The market on the NOOKcolor, even if it looks like the new market, will only show applications that conform to the Android API 7 API level (2.1 and. . Android Market searches only showing ten results? By nonnef in forum Nook Color Apps and .
Jump to: navigation, search . Android is a Linux-based operating system for phones and other mobile devices (tablets, ereaders, media players, etc.). . Application name, Description, Website, Apk, Market, Sources, License, API, Note .
12 votes - Free
android-market-api - An open-source API for the Android Market (git mirror) . http ://code.google.com/p/android-market-api/. Sorry, but . s: Focus site search ? .
Oct 19, 2010 – Version 0.3 : GetImage api added, now searching for android 2.0 apps. Downloads http://code.google.com/p/android-market-api/downloads/list .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Mar 18, 2010Legacy & Low Activity Devices Arrow; HTC Dream: G1 Arrow; G1 Android Development Arrow; [Java-Lib] Android Market API for developers .
I get one less application back from the search using this code, compared to searching . . Response code = 400, msg = Bad Request com.gc.android.market. api. .
957 votes - Free
Aug 26, 2010 – Second section are various HTTP POST requests to market API. These are used to obtain featured products, do searches, get pictures, .
3 answers - Aug 5, 2010@EnderMB The Android Market app has a search engine. . . Does the android market use your merchant API callback URL during the Google .
An open-source API for the Android Market . This library allow you to ask directly google's official android market servers for information, search for apps, . .
6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Feb 21I just encounter the android market API return empty search result recently, is there any update from android market API ? It was working .
2 answers - May 19Top answer: You're not going to find one. The various Android app aggregation sites (androidpit, androlib, androidzoom etc) may offer one that feeds off the .
by Gina Trapani
homepage of Help + Search field on both task. homepage of Help + Search field on both task the same time + Search field is added to .
Sep 27, 2009 – If they made an API, or something like that, people could make an app with access to at least the free section of the Android market, and include it i. . use the following search parameters to narrow your results: reddit:{name} .
Getting on the front page of the Android Market will make you a lot of money as a . live folders and global searches are some of the nice features of Android. Featured . mechanism where you can use an web API to send messages to phones. .
Dec 9, 2010 – Following these intructions, you can install Android Market. . is the default folder for SDK Platform Android 2.3, API 9, revision 1), copy system.img and paste . .. About the search button: this depends on your computer specs. .
Android Market is a service that makes it easy for users to find and .
Mar 5, 2010 – Merchant Sales Reports on Android Market · Customizing the Action Bar . So, in addition to search by voice and voice shortcuts like "Navigate .
5 days ago – Merchant Sales Reports on Android Market · Customizing the Action . . The test will verify that Google returns search results, and that the . . If you do this, you'll notice that most but not all of the APIs are publicly documented. .
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