Jul 26, 11
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  • Amphibians need wet skin at all times to breathe through the pores on their skin . . Do amphibians need to keep there skin wet at all times? .
  • Because their skin lacks a shell, scales or outer drier covering, most amphibians live in wet or damp situations to prevent dehydration. .
  • Amphibians consist of three groups of vertebrates: frogs, salamanders and caecilians (found in the tropics only). Amphibians have smooth, scaleless skin .
  • Nov 20, 2009 – A new study suggests that naturally occurring bacteria on the skin of salamanders could help protect other amphibians, including some .
  • by LA Rollins-Smith - 2005 - Cited by 25 - Related articles
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  • No other group of animals has this special skin. Most amphibians undergo a . Most amphibians have thin skin that is very permeable (allowing liquids and .
  • The skin of most amphibians is not waterproof like reptile skin. And although most amphibians have lungs, the majority can also breathe through their skin .
  • by WD Schmid - 1964 - Cited by 3 - Related articles
  • Oxygen from the air or water can pass through the moist skin of amphibians to enter the blood. Many young amphibians also have feathery gills to extract .
  • One of the differences between amphibians and reptiles is the skin and the absence of claws on the amphibian. The skin of the reptiles is made of scales, .
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  • 1 answer - Jul 11, 2009Yes. Land dwelling frogs will eat their skin as they molt so you don't see dead skin around. Salamanders will wiggle their way out of their skin and .
  • Jul 18, 2011 – Tags: amphibian skin breathing. amphibian skin breathing. The airways in an amphibian? For salamanders, frogs, in particular how they can .
  • Most amphibians have soft, moist skin that is protected by a slippery secretion of mucus. They also tend to live in moist places or near water to keep their .
  • The class Amphibia includes frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and caecilians. Amphibians are characterized by a glandular skin without external scales, .
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  • Jan 19, 2011 – Close inspection of the skin is the first step in differentiating between an amphibian and a reptile. Soft, smooth, maybe warty and probably .
  • Amphibians. Respiratory System. Lungs, skin, and sometimes gills. Description. Amphibians can get oxygen into their bodies in three different ways. .
  • by AP Pessier - 2002 - Cited by 20 - Related articles
  • Nov 8, 2009 – Antimicrobial Peptide Defenses in Amphibian Skin Integrative and Comparative Biology, 45 (1), 137-142 DOI: 10.1093/icb/45.1.137 .
  • by T CHEN - 2003 - Cited by 49 - Related articles
  • An amphibian's very thin skin isn't covered by fur, feathers, or scales. This makes them vulnerable to dessication and abrupt temperature change, .
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  • by AC Rinaldi - 2002 - Cited by 100 - Related articles
  • Nov 25, 2003 – Amphibians are cold-blooded animals that are generally considered the most primitive terrestrial members of the phylum Chordata.
  • Always hairless and rarely scaled, amphibian skin provides the animals with protective coloring, a way to absorb water and oxygen from their environments, .
  • The moist, smooth skin of the amphibian is usually soft. Oxygen can pass easily through their skin, because they can breathe through their skin as well as .
  • Did you know that amphibians breathe through their skin and never drink water? Read on to know more interesting and amazing information on amphibians here .
  • Frogs are amphibians in the order Anura (meaning "tail-less", from Greek an-, . . "Antimicrobial peptides from amphibian skin potently inhibit Human .
  • Aug 3, 2006 – We have found that external packages are generally unacceptable for tracking amphibians. Amphibian skin is too physiologically active, .
  • May 17, 2007 – Suzanne Mikawa does Nifty Home Experiment on amphibian skin.
  • Scales, which cut down drastically on water loss from skin, didn't appear until reptiles arose millions of years after the first amphibians. .
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  • Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document.
  • Most amphibians have delicate, thin skin that aid in the animal's ability to breathe. An amphibian's thin skin also makes it sensitive to pollution and .
  • Apr 30, 2009 – 30 Days of Night director David Slade, most recently attributed to his attachment to tween-screech-inducing The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, .
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  • Jump to In fish and amphibians‎: Most living amphibians also possess granular glands in the skin, that secrete irritating or toxic compounds. .
  • Biological drawings, Amphibia Blood Circulation, Capillaries in frog skin (under microscope), Characteristics of Amphibia, Biology Teaching Resources by D G .
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  • Amphibians can do some pretty amazing things with their skin. As adults, most live on land and need to keep their thin skin moist by staying in contact with .
  • Jul 12, 2010 – Symbiotic bacteria may help frogs and other amphibians ward off the chytrid fungus plague wiping out populations worldwide.
  • The skin of amphibia serves in first place as a model for active NaCl . For more information about NaCl absorption across the amphibian skin read: Larsen, .
  • Jump to Can the Amphibian Skin Function as Eyes?‎: Moreover, the amphibian's skin has sensitivity to light. Due to this remarkable property, the skin is .
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  • Amphibians usually have to stay near water sources to prevent drying out, and have smooth skin. Reptiles are groups of animals that breathe air, have scales .
  • Amphibian skin is permable to water and is characterized by having numerous mucous glands that help keep their skin from drying out. All amphibians also .
  • In adult amphibians gas exchange is done through the moist and permeable skin ( cutaneous respiration) and also through the lungs, a set of tiny airway .

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