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Jul 25, 2007 . There is nothing particularly unique about these end window GM tubes manufactured by Amperex Electronic Corporation. .
Amperex. COVIMAG (Brive, France) is a specialized manufacturer of electron tubes used in industrial, broadcast, medical and high voltage switching .
Aug 2, 2008 . amperex TB5/2500/7092 . Amperex Power Triodes Item, Part Name, Amp Factor (µ), Cooling Method. Filament Voltage (V) .
Jul 22, 2005 . The owner of the copyrights is Amperex Technology Limited Reproductions of images and elements of their descriptive content are owned by .
Amperex Datasheet, Circuit, PDF, & Application Note Results . CQF42 Philips / Amperex. STTM is a trade mark of AT&T Technologies. Philips . .
Apr 17, 2011 . Classifieds: FOR SALE - Amperex JAN-CEP 7308(E188CC), Single tube SALE PENDING.
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nbsp Amperex 6DJ8 Tubes. Types and Production Years From the 1958 to 1976 Amperex made a lot of different styles of the 6DJ8 . This guide will try to put .
Low noise matched sets. This store sells Amperex products. . Tubes are new and in original box. Amperex branded goods sold here. .
This Amperex 6DJ8 / ECC88 tube was made in Holland (Heerlen factory code) and has the orange globe label and a dimpled disc getter with A-frame support.
Electricos Amperex : - Conduit outlet boxes Conduit seal Flexible conduit coupling Conduit union Outlet box cover Cast device box Conduit body Conduit elbow .
Buy vacuum tubes online. We sell new and NOS electron tube brands like Svetlana, Sovtek, JJ, Electro-Harmonix and GE for home audio or guitar amplifiers.
Amperex 6DJ8 / ECC88 Bugle Boy (6DJ8 7308) by Amperex - Condition Used/Tested - Original Amperex 6DJ8 / ECC88 Bugle Boy made at Philips, Heerlen - Holland .
ATL - Amperex Technology Limited Hong Kong , China Carlyle Asia Venture Partners II Acquired: June 2003. Status: Exited. During the period of Carlyle's .
Amperex JAN - 5894 New Old Stock Vaccuum Tube FSN 5960-00-248-8502 Pins appear to gold plated.
Amperex Electronic Corporation was a manufacturer of vacuum tubes and semiconductors. Contents. 1 Brooklyn, New York; 2 Hicksville, New York; 3 Slatersville .
Nov 27, 2010 . Other Brands for sale Amperex Bugle Boy 6BL8 ECF80 Treble Clef Tubes Matched Pair You are bidding on a matched pair of Amperex Bugle Boy .
As we know from our tube history, Amperex was owned by and the U.S. distributor for the Dutch . Joe A. Knight Early Power Transistor History – AMPEREX .
Nov 25, 2006 . Amperex Technology Limited (ATL) aims to be a premier energy solution provider for mobile devices. ATL is currently manufacturing Lithium .
3 posts - Last post: Feb 26What is an Amperex 7699 Vacuum Tubes. . my local surplus joint and bought an Amperex 7699 on a lark. So far searching in all the usual .
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Amperex Technology Ltd, headquartered in Hong Kong, China, focuses on LIP battery cells. With manufacturing facilities in Dongguan, China, Amperex (now .
NOS VALVO AMPEREX PCC88 for 6DJ8 ECC88 6922 Preamp 1968, (2) Exc. NOS ? Amperex D Getter 6922 . 2x 12AX7 Philips Amperex Holland mC1 tubes LP SG ECC83 .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Apr 24Would like to acquire a MATCHED pair of Siemens CCa / Amperex PQ 7308 on Woo Audio 2, please indicate the condition, photo and price thru PM .
Amperex Holland Orange Globe 12AX7 / ECC83 perfectly matched pair, large plates and small halo getters. Both tubes were produced in the Amperex Herleen .
Oct 4, 1999 . After purchasing and then hearing the Amperex "Orange Map" series 12AX7's in my system, I thought for sure this was THE tube for me. .
Amperex tubes were original equipment parts in many models of Tektronix and Hewlett-Packard test equipment. Although Amperex stopped making vacuum tubes .
Welcome to the company profile of Amperex Technology Limited on LinkedIn. we are Li ion battery and Li ion polymer battery manufacturer for consumer .
AMPEREX. Located at 79 Washington Street in Brooklyn, New York, Amperex was a long established manufacturer of transmitting tubes when they were acquired by .
4 Star Electronics is the industry leading obsolete Amperex Distributor distributor. We are an ISO 9001:2008 certified Amperex Distributor supplier.
Amperex Electronic - Description: Amperex Electronic Corporation was a manufacturer of vacuum tubes and semiconductors.Brooklyn, New YorkOriginally located .
Hersteller, Brand, Amperex. Vergleichstypen, Substitudes, ZM1030, NL-1032, NL- 1032N, Z523M, ZM7036. Symbole, Displayed Symbols, 0-9 .
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Amperex Tube Catalog. Home| |Next Page · 01.JPG 629.88 Kb, 02.JPG 143.83 Kb, 03. JPG 97.59 Kb, 04.JPG 178.90 Kb, 05.JPG 239.43 Kb. 06.JPG 164.94 Kb .
Apr 21, 2011 . (1) Amperex Holland halo getter 7316. Very tight match within 1%, perfect for phase splitter or DAC. Test Results Tests better than NOS: .
May 2, 2011 . EICO HF-35 Vintage Mono Tube Amplifier w/box & Lit. What fun! I just found this item in my storage! I guess I put this in there over 25 .
Jul 22, 2005 . Amperex Technology Limited (ATL) aims to be a premier energy solution provider for mobile devices. ATL is currently manufacturing Lithium .
6201GB 6AK5W Amperex - Already Tested-All have strong transconductance readings- clean pins Marko Houston, Texas.
These are the Amperex Bugle Boy 6AQ5. Made in Gt. Britain, these tubes have the best tone of all of the 6AQ5 variants we have. Price is for a Single Tube .
Amperex 6DJ8 Bugle Boy logo, made in Holland (steel pins). Amperex 6DJ8 orange globe logo, . Amperex 7308 orange globe logo, made in USA (gold pins) .
AMPEREX 7316 near matched tubes B, superior 12AU7 subs, Amperex Bugle Boy 6DJ8 ECC88 7308 perfect matched quad, (3) AMPEREX 12AT7 VACUUM TUBES .
Amperex gold pin 7308 - Labelled PQ, JAN and USN, all U.S. made. Typically 1960's vintage. I have super premium for the truly obsessive.
Amperex 6BQ5/EL84. Posted on Saturday, 11th April 2009 by Auw Jimmy . el84 from amperex ! do you want to exchange with vt25?or otrher tube like uk nice .
CCa Holland 1969 Philips and Philips Miniwatt Holland 1958 - 1970's Amperex .
Apr 15, 2008 . "Flash" energize characteristic inherent to *many* 9pin miniature Amperex and Mullard BVA tubes made in Gt. Britain and Holland during the .
AMPEREX - PHILIPS - PHILIPS MINIWATT - MULLARD - SIEMENS - SYLVANIA - . hour premium 6922 with low microphonics) 7308 Amperex Holland "PQ" white printing .
Amperex Electronic Corporation Amperex Electronic Corporation 100 Providence Pike in North Smithfield, Providence County, Rhode Island.
1 Mazda/Amperex Bugle Boy 6FG6 EM84 tube-NOS New In Box. Ref: 1 Mazda/Amperex Bugle Boy 6FG6 . Ref: 6084 Gold Pin Amperex NIB NOS tube made in holland .
It's probably one of the most misunderstood things about vacuum tubes The .
Oct 29, 2004 . AMPEREX 3-500ZG product reviews by real people like you. Only at eHam.net. - eHam.net is a Web site dedicated to ham radio (amateur radio).