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Aug 13, 2011 – Chris Albrecht, president and CEO of the American television and . confirmed on Tuesday that the American live-action adaptation of Noir is .
Sep 4, 2008 – "Kath & Kim" is one of a conspicuously large number of adapted foreign shows that will appear on American TV this year. Adaptations of foreign .
American Film Adaptations of Cinderella . out there, from musicals to TV productions, and the story is shared any many cultures and countries around the world. .
Dec 3, 2009 – On the heels of the American remake of British thriller The Prisoner and in the wake of many more UK/American TV adaptations coming our way .
Jul 23, 2008 – US productions have more money, that is inarguable. . This sort of adaptation was common in the early years of television, but has largely .
Aug 15, 2011 – Two such upcoming adaptations come in the form of the massively successful American TV drama 24 and the cancelled-before-its-time comedy .
Jul 9, 2011 – Now I here that American Gods will be made into a HBO TV show. . What do you people think about the TV adaptations and Dresden on a .
Aug 4, 2011 – There has already been some useful academic work written on U.S.-U.K. adaptations such as Albert Moran's TV Formats Worldwide (2009), .
Jump to Television and audio adaptations: Roots was made into a hugely popular television miniseries that aired over eight consecutive nights in .
Win Vs. Fail: U.S. Adaptations of Foreign T.V. Series. 02/24/2011 By agirlandaboy . all in the family1 Win Vs. Fail: U.S. Adaptations of Foreign T.V. Series .
Aug 12, 2011 – Ricky Gervais or Steve Carell? POP or AMERICAN IDOL? SKINS on E4 or MTV? From the very first moment some brash enterprising Network .
Jan 6, 2011 – Search TV Shows, Movies and People . Other adaptations are on the way, notably an American version of “Skins” on MTV this month, which .
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Feb 10, 2011 – Showtime's lead-in for the American version of Shameless satirizes the very act of remaking . Episodes Skewers Transatlantic TV Adaptations .
Jan 7, 2011 – Well there is Shameless, another British adaptation starting on . When British series are adapted for American television they tend to have .
Apr 15, 2011 – Video portion of a class group presentation that I put together on the topic of British television programs that get adapted and remade for .
Jun 26, 2005 – In 1934 Universal Studios in the U. S. did a talking picture written by . . reviewing the production, found the Yellen-Hardy tv adaptation “an .
Mar 23, 2011 – Showtime's witty "Episodes," recently picked up for a second season, tackles the idea of U.K.-U.S. TV adaptations in its premise. On the show .
Jump to Television: Main article: This American Life (TV series). Discussions of a television adaptation of TAL date back to at least 1999. In January 2006 .
Jump to Television: An early television adaptation was broadcast live by DuMont's New . first animated Christmas special ever shown on U.S. television. .
Dec 2, 2009 – The Office is an example of a British show that's also had .
A common topic of TV comedies is the never-ending battle between women and the aging process. One such program was “Cybill,” the American adaptation of .
Jan 5, 2010 – Nina highlights the TV shows that were successfully remade in the USA. These things do work sometimes. .
An Americanized live-action adaptation languished in Development Hell for .
An integral part of one of the most successful UK-to-American TV adaptations in history, Carell's role was not only a bright spot in recent years for NBC, it also .
From Britain, with Love: How British Adaptations Fare on American TV. Josie. By JosieFollow on Twitter. January 13, 2011 at 3:58 pm. Tweet .
Apr 9, 2011 – Some people may be surprised by how many successful American TV shows originated in the U.K..
Jun 11, 2011 – There's a hugely popular, widely acclaimed British drama that may be remade for U.S. audiences. Which one could it be?
American Adaptations of British T.V. Shows. TCF Group Project . Differences Between British and American TV Production Models. April 17, 2011 by .
Jan 6, 2010 – This time around I'm exploring American television adaptations that fared much better against the odds and the likelihood that, .
Oct 10, 2010 – TV Video Library: Interviews and Video Clips – Archive of American . He discusses the feature film adaptations of his novel I Am Legend, the .
Jan 27, 2011 – Are American Adaptations of British TV Shows Necessary? Rate: 10 Flag. Email. Click "Submit Abuse" if you feel this post is inappropriate. .
Jan 17, 2011 – By Arturo R. García Based on a few glimpses, what stands out most about a North American adaptation of British horror dramedy Being Human .
Sep 2, 2008 – Few popular British TV shows replicate their success Stateside, but Dear John was an even rarer phenomenon: an American adaptation that .
Jun 22, 2011 – TV and film adaptations . A production company was put together and there was US and Scandinavian and European involvement, and I .
May 24, 2010 – The American film industry joined the TV adaptation game with The Twilight Zone (1983), a cinematic version of Rod Serling's iconic sci-fi .
Oct 21, 2010 – Two new TV trailers were released today, and coincidentally, both are for US adaptations of British TV series. The first is Shameless, .
Film, TV or theatrical adaptations. Always yearning for success in the theater, James converted The American to a play in the early 1890s. .
Series 1 of the BBC's Wallander films gets it US television debut next week on the PBS Masterpiece Mystery program. These adaptations of Henning Mankell's .
Remade in America: An American TV Adaptation Quiz. . When creating a new television show in America, there are two options: come up with an original idea .
The Animated Adaptation trope as used in popular culture, with a list of examples . And 2009 brought us The Garfield Show — a CGI version of Garfield and .
Nov 11, 2010 – Why on Earth do those working on American TV and film feel . If you need to be told what this is an adaptation of, then you're thick or having a .
Sep 29, 2010 – If you've ever compared an episode of the original UK “The Office” with the American version, then you've already seen TV adaptation at work. .
Synopsis: This 2000 television adaptation of Charles Dickens' Victorian . .. in this Anglo-American TV adaptation of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities. .
Oct 8, 2008 – . among the worst television adaptations in history. "Now we have to apologise to Australia," Goodman said. "With American television buying .
Sense and Sensibility , with Hugh Grant and Emma Thompson, has opened in the US, and a new adaptation of Emma for commercial TV by Andrew Davies .
1984 (1953 TV program). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. Nineteen Eighty-Four was an American television adaptation of .
Moreover, even when British and American television adaptations of "classic" novels composed by writers such as Charles Dickens and Jane Austen have .
In fact, the trend inspired the folks over at Rotten Tomatoes to count down the 50 best TV-to-movie adaptations of all time. That got us over here at Yahoo! .
Aug 20, 2010 – A good TV-to-movie adaptation must always remember and make us remember why we had enjoyed the series in the first place. “Charlie's .