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  • Jun 1, 2010 – (7) Point out that the course deviation indicator does not necessarily . and the ambiguity indicator;; Intercept and track outbound along a radial. .
  • Unfortunately, the extent to which most of Gardner's indicators are grossly unreliable because of their ill-defined ambiguity will become clearly evident .
  • Jul 4, 2007 – To determine if it's to or from, you need to look at the ambiguity indicator which is marked with the ?A? on both CDIs. The upper CDI's ambiguity .
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  • Yes. gender ambiguity indicators, cassiepriam, Aug-13-06 08:28 AM, #6. I think uranus is over rated, yellowdawgdem, Aug-15-06 05:08 AM, #7. Yes all good .
  • Jan 4, 2009 – Ambiguity Indicator Omnibearing Selector (OBS) . ambiguity indicator (TO/ FROM flag) indicates whether the selected course will take the .
  • May 4, 2008 – Aircraft at positions C and G are in the area of ambiguity. In this area, the opposing reference signals that actuate the TO-FROM indicator cancel .
  • B) When passage of the MAP way point is shown on the ambiguity indicator. . The explanation should read: What the hell is an ambiguity indicator? .
  • A flag (or ambiguity indicator) in the form of a triangle that points up or down or a red-and-white striped flag. (A triangle pointing up represents a TO indication; .
  • Spontaneous humour as an indicator of paradox and ambiguity in organizations from Organization Studies provided by Find Articles at BNET.
  • The ambiguity indicator displays your position relative to the station and the . The ambiguity indicator also indicates whether you are receiving a usable .
  • The "TO"/"FROM" flag, technically called the ambiguity indicator, tells you if the radial selected on the OBS will generally lead you TO or FROM the VOR. .
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  • Pretty soon you'll see your CDI needle starts swinging all the way to one side and shortly after that the ambiguity indicator will be pointing downward. This means .
  • Ambiguous: Exhibiting ambiguity, that is, having more than one meaning. . There are two types of argument indicator: premiss indicators and conclusion .
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  • The P600 as an indicator of syntactic ambiguity. Stefan Frisch Corresponding Author Contact Information , , Matthias Schlesewsky , Douglas Saddy and .
  • 1 day ago – Although there are various types of indicators, they present the same . when directly over the VOR in the "zone of ambiguity", or the unit is .
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  • Spontaneous Humour as an Indicator of Paradox and Ambiguity in Organizations. Abstract. Assuming that humour is built on a foundation of recognized .
  • The adaptation, and blocks 5, 7 and 9, are all controlled by the ambiguity indicator m.sub.t. When ambiguity occurs, the adaptation stops and blocks 5 to 9 .
  • 5826-00-400-4436 Adapter, Indicator, Up 5826 Radio Navigation Equipment, Airborne. . AMBIGUITY INDICATOR. Federal Supply Class. 5826. Description .
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  • Search Best Airfare Deals! Ambiguity Indicator Flight Instrument Ambiguity Indicator Flight Instrument, Cheap Flights, Airline Tickets, Cheap Plane Tickets .
  • Omnibearing selector (OBS); Course deviation indicator (CDI) needle; Ambiguity or TO/FROM indicator; Index; Flags or other weak signal indicator (OFF or blank .
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  • Cryosat L2I data includes a SARin Ambiguity Indicator Flag (L2I field 73: SS bit 0) for each 20Hz measurement record. The ambiguity flag indicates the case .
  • The magnitude is an indicator of the quality and reliability of solution, and whether ambiguity resolution is possible (or resolution was successful). Results of .
  • by S Frisch - 2002 - Cited by 61 - Related articles
  • a comparator for comparing said error sample e1(t) to said adaptive decision threshold Ct1 when said previous ambiguity indicator mt11, thereby indicating .
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  • The first question is answered by rotating the OBS until the needle centers and the ambiguity indicator shows FROM. The reading at the top of the OBI now .
  • FS98/2000: Description of the Ambiguity Indicator. Search KbAlertz. Advanced Search . FS98/2000: Description of the Ambiguity Indicator .
  • Glossary for OECD Composite Leading Indicators. . The name 'business cycle' has some ambiguity, since it can refer to conceptually different economic .
  • Basic Omni Bearing Indicator, like this Bendix-King model, has a manually . There are two areas of ambiguity – near bearings at right angles to the radial ( e.g. .
  • 8 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Aug 21, 2006Hey, all. Just got FS9 last week after downloading the FSX demo. I couldn't wait to start learning how to (sim)fly so I'll play 2004 until the new.
  • CSKRU SAP Structure - Ambiguity Indicator for CSKRF. CSKRU is a standard SAP table available within R/3 SAP systems depending on your version and release .
  • A signature causes an indicator to be identifiable and stand out. If a signature is unique and stable, it reduces the ambiguity of a particular indicator and reduces .
  • An "ambiguity" (TO-FROM) indicator shows whether following the selected course would take the aircraft to, or away from the station. A Horizontal Situation .
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