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Jun 1, 2010 – (7) Point out that the course deviation indicator does not necessarily . and the ambiguity indicator;; Intercept and track outbound along a radial. .
Unfortunately, the extent to which most of Gardner's indicators are grossly unreliable because of their ill-defined ambiguity will become clearly evident .
Jul 4, 2007 – To determine if it's to or from, you need to look at the ambiguity indicator which is marked with the ?A? on both CDIs. The upper CDI's ambiguity .
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Yes. gender ambiguity indicators, cassiepriam, Aug-13-06 08:28 AM, #6. I think uranus is over rated, yellowdawgdem, Aug-15-06 05:08 AM, #7. Yes all good .
Jan 4, 2009 – Ambiguity Indicator Omnibearing Selector (OBS) . ambiguity indicator (TO/ FROM flag) indicates whether the selected course will take the .
May 4, 2008 – Aircraft at positions C and G are in the area of ambiguity. In this area, the opposing reference signals that actuate the TO-FROM indicator cancel .
B) When passage of the MAP way point is shown on the ambiguity indicator. . The explanation should read: What the hell is an ambiguity indicator? .
A flag (or ambiguity indicator) in the form of a triangle that points up or down or a red-and-white striped flag. (A triangle pointing up represents a TO indication; .
Spontaneous humour as an indicator of paradox and ambiguity in organizations from Organization Studies provided by Find Articles at BNET.
The ambiguity indicator displays your position relative to the station and the . The ambiguity indicator also indicates whether you are receiving a usable .
The "TO"/"FROM" flag, technically called the ambiguity indicator, tells you if the radial selected on the OBS will generally lead you TO or FROM the VOR. .
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Pretty soon you'll see your CDI needle starts swinging all the way to one side and shortly after that the ambiguity indicator will be pointing downward. This means .
Ambiguous: Exhibiting ambiguity, that is, having more than one meaning. . There are two types of argument indicator: premiss indicators and conclusion .
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The P600 as an indicator of syntactic ambiguity. Stefan Frisch Corresponding Author Contact Information , , Matthias Schlesewsky , Douglas Saddy and .
1 day ago – Although there are various types of indicators, they present the same . when directly over the VOR in the "zone of ambiguity", or the unit is .
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Spontaneous Humour as an Indicator of Paradox and Ambiguity in Organizations. Abstract. Assuming that humour is built on a foundation of recognized .
The adaptation, and blocks 5, 7 and 9, are all controlled by the ambiguity indicator m.sub.t. When ambiguity occurs, the adaptation stops and blocks 5 to 9 .
5826-00-400-4436 Adapter, Indicator, Up 5826 Radio Navigation Equipment, Airborne. . AMBIGUITY INDICATOR. Federal Supply Class. 5826. Description .
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Search Best Airfare Deals! Ambiguity Indicator Flight Instrument Ambiguity Indicator Flight Instrument, Cheap Flights, Airline Tickets, Cheap Plane Tickets .
Omnibearing selector (OBS); Course deviation indicator (CDI) needle; Ambiguity or TO/FROM indicator; Index; Flags or other weak signal indicator (OFF or blank .
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Cryosat L2I data includes a SARin Ambiguity Indicator Flag (L2I field 73: SS bit 0) for each 20Hz measurement record. The ambiguity flag indicates the case .
The magnitude is an indicator of the quality and reliability of solution, and whether ambiguity resolution is possible (or resolution was successful). Results of .
by S Frisch - 2002 - Cited by 61 - Related articles
a comparator for comparing said error sample e1(t) to said adaptive decision threshold Ct1 when said previous ambiguity indicator mt11, thereby indicating .
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The first question is answered by rotating the OBS until the needle centers and the ambiguity indicator shows FROM. The reading at the top of the OBI now .
FS98/2000: Description of the Ambiguity Indicator. Search KbAlertz. Advanced Search . FS98/2000: Description of the Ambiguity Indicator .
Glossary for OECD Composite Leading Indicators. . The name 'business cycle' has some ambiguity, since it can refer to conceptually different economic .
Basic Omni Bearing Indicator, like this Bendix-King model, has a manually . There are two areas of ambiguity – near bearings at right angles to the radial ( e.g. .
8 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Aug 21, 2006Hey, all. Just got FS9 last week after downloading the FSX demo. I couldn't wait to start learning how to (sim)fly so I'll play 2004 until the new.
CSKRU SAP Structure - Ambiguity Indicator for CSKRF. CSKRU is a standard SAP table available within R/3 SAP systems depending on your version and release .
A signature causes an indicator to be identifiable and stand out. If a signature is unique and stable, it reduces the ambiguity of a particular indicator and reduces .
An "ambiguity" (TO-FROM) indicator shows whether following the selected course would take the aircraft to, or away from the station. A Horizontal Situation .
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