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What is the relationship between one's latitude on earth and the altitude of Polaris above the northern horizon? As explained in Starstruck Tonight: From ancient .
Find latitude by Polaris & taking noon sun sights . Altitude: The 'latitude' of the celestial body, measuring from the horizon up to the zenith of an observer (90 .
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Jun 28, 2011 – Columbus is located at 40 degrees North latitude, so Polaris appears at an altitude of 40 degress above the North horizon. All stars closer to .
Jul 25, 2011 – Using the star Polaris (the North Star), you can find out your almost . Quick rule: The altitude to Polaris equals the latitude of the observer. .
Extra Credit: The elevation of Polaris is approximately your latitude, but since Polaris is not located exactly at the North Celestial Pole (NCP), you can be off by as .
you can read your latitude by measuring the angular altitude of Polaris above the horizon. With a simple correction that is dependent on the time and date, you .
The rule of thumb is that the angle of altitude of the North Star above the . why the angle of the North Star is the same of one's position of latitude on Earth, you .
This essay introduces latitude, longitude, altitude, azimuth, declination and right . Stars with high positive declinations (like Vega and Polaris) tend not be visible .
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This angle is the altitude of Polaris, which is also their latitude value. Next day in class have students pool their latitude data and determine the class average for .
Declination is the celestial equivalent of latitude, and is simply the Earth's latitude lines . . Note the altitude of Polaris if you are in the Northern Hemisphere. .
Feb 13, 2002 – So, a set of coordinates is used that is similar to latitude and . . when he crossed the Atlantic Ocean by measuring the altitude of Polaris. .
Latitude and Altitude of Polaris - this site provides an animation that shows the relationship between an observer's latitude in the Northern Hemisphere and the .
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A navigator aboard ship measures the altitude of Polaris as shown in the diagram . What is the latitude of the ship's position at the time the measurement was .
3 answers - Sep 14, 2006What is the altitude of polaris? Also, how would you find your latitude/longitude based on your area using Polaris? 5 years ago; Report Abuse .
Jump to What is the altitude of polaris if it latitude is 15 degrees nort.: 20 degrees north latitude. Polaris is 20 degrees above the horizon. .
Measure the altitude of Polaris above the northern horizon, using the sextant. This is approximately equal to your latitude. (Polaris, the "North Star", lies very .
You can also use the north star to determine your latitude on Earth. It's really simple . the altitude of Polaris above the horizon, where you are in the northern .
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Dec 15, 2008 – *List of Cites in the United States and the postion (altitude) of Polaris in degrees ( °) and measurments of North Latitude. The similarity between .
Polaris, the "north pole star", is with 1/2 degree of the north celestial pole. So if you measure the altitude of Polaris with a sextant, you can read your latitude .
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Nov 19, 1996 – Bishop Nicolas from Iceland published a method to determine the altitude of the North Star and thereby to determine the geographical latitude .
In this exercise you will make a quadrant and use it to determine your latitude north of the equator by measuring the altitude of Polaris, the North Star. Just follow .
The north celestial pole currently is within a degree of the bright star .
6 answers - Apr 12, 2008Top answer: 1) 35 deg 2) 35 deg 3) 90 deg 4) 90 deg (but they cant see it)
Here we will show how a navigator determines her latitude from the altitude .
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10+ items – Regents Prep: Earth Science Multiple-Choice Questions .
So what do you think the altitude (the angle above the horizon) of Polaris will be here in Claremont, at a latitude of 34 degrees? Well, just going by example, .
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Oct 26, 2006 – the latitude at which the person is located. C. the date. D. the longitude at which the person is located. A. the altitude of Polaris. A person knows .
"Latitude" is the angular distance north or south of the Earth's Equator. At the North Pole (90° north latitude), Polaris is directly overhead at an angle of 90°. At the .
Determine the latitude by reading the altitude of Polaris, or the Horizon-to-Boat-to -North angle. Note how the common angle changes from the equator, through .
Going back to the quadrant, he again tried to determine the altitude of the North Star, and this time got a reading of 34 degrees -- still far from his correct latitude .
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Apr 6, 2010 – . at the north pole (90 degrees latitude), you would have seen Polaris . Any celestial object crossing the meridian is at its highest altitude .
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May 21, 2007 – Your latitudinal position is equal to the elevation above the horizon. At the north pole (90 degrees latitude ) Polaris is overhead at an altitude of .
Mar 4, 2011 – This diagram shows that the altitude of Polaris above the horizon is the same as the observer's latitude. Note that the lines drawn to Polaris are .
You will also be able to figure out at what latitude you are on Earth, because Polaris' altitude, or height above the horizon, is equal to an observer's latitude. .
Sep 4, 2008 – How to Determine your Latitude by Polaris. "CLICK HERE TO VIEW". Posted by Whale Watching at 5:24 PM. Labels: Celestial Navigation .
Polaris itself remains almost stationary, always at the north (i.e., the azimuth is 0°) , and always at the same altitude (angle from the horizon), equal to the latitude .