Oct 16, 11
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  • A navigator aboard ship measures the altitude of Polaris as shown in the . . There is a bulge at the Equator because the equatorial distances are slightly greater. .
  • May 21, 2007 – At the north pole (90 degrees latitude ) Polaris is overhead at an altitude of 90 degrees. At the equator (zero degrees latitude) Polaris is at an .
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  • A person standing at the equator will find Polaris at the horizon (0°), also her latitude. . This angle is the altitude of Polaris, which is also their latitude value. .
  • Apr 6, 2010 – Another important reference marker is the celestial equator: an imaginary . have seen Polaris straight overhead and the celestial equator on your horizon. . Any celestial object crossing the meridian is at its highest altitude .
  • The tropics are the geographic region of the Earth centered on the equator and . to the same place in space (towards the star called Polaris or the North Star). . The difference in maximum solar altitude for any location on the Earth over a one .
  • Location, Latitude, Altitude of Polaris, What stars do. North Pole, 90 degrees, 90 degrees, All circumpolar--no rising or setting. Equator, 0 degrees, 0 degrees .
  • 2 answers - Sep 20, 2007Top answer: If you live in the northern hemisphere, you can see Polaris most of the stars near it all night every night, and some other stars you can see only part of .
  • places Question: At The Equator, The Altitude Of Polaris Is?
  • If you're on the equator . 0° north latitude . then Polaris is on the .
  • The altitude of Polaris is always the same as your latitude. If you are at .
  • As you move north and your latitude increases, Polaris' altitude also increases. But if you pass south of the equator, the North Star will no longer be visible and .
  • 10+ items – Regents Prep: Earth Science Multiple-Choice Questions .
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  • As our navigator's ship travels from the equator. Dsc00002.jpg (154383 bytes) . the altitude of Polaris above her horizon not only increases, but is congruent .
  • The altitude of Polaris at the Equator is 0 degree, because the Latitude of .
  • A star that can be directly overhead as seen from the Earth's Equator (0° latitude) is said to . . Note the altitude of Polaris if you are in the Northern Hemisphere. .
  • We can use the north star, Polaris, to ascertain latitude, distance north of the equator. The altitude of Polaris in the sky will indicate your latitude. But birds seem .
  • Early astronomers noticed that the altitude of Polaris changed as they moved from the equator to the North Pole. The altitude is the angle above the horizon. .
  • Fig 3: As you move North from the Earth's equator (0° N), the apparent altitude of. Polaris (the end star in the handle of the Little Dipper) also increases. .
  • Latitude is the angular distance measured east or west of the equator. 8 .
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  • Nov 19, 1996 – Bishop Nicolas from Iceland published a method to determine the altitude of the North Star and thereby to determine the geographical latitude .
  • Mar 4, 2011 – On the Earth, the equator is an example of a great circle. . This diagram shows that the altitude of Polaris above the horizon is the same as the .
  • The rule of thumb is that the angle of altitude of the North Star above the . is equal to the angle created by a persons position on the Earth and the Equator. .
  • The altitude of Polaris at the Equator is 0 degree, because the Latitude of the Equator is 0 degree. That means that, at the Equator, Polaris is on the horizon ( due .
  • Oct 3, 2000 – At the North Pole, which is 90 degrees latitude, Polaris (the North Star) is directly overhead at an altitude of 90 degrees. At the equator, which is .
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  • Polaris is circumpolar and can be seen at all times of the year. . At the Earth's equator this circle vanishes to a single point – the celestial pole itself . at the north (i.e., the azimuth is 0°), and always at the same altitude (angle from the horizon), .
  • The altitude of Polaris at the Equator is 0 degree, because the Latitude of the Equator is 0 degree. That means that, at the Equator, Polaris is on the horizon ( due .
  • The altitude of Polaris will increase and then decrease. Precise measurements of the Earth indicate that its polar diameter is. A. shorter than its equatorial .
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  • This essay introduces latitude, longitude, altitude, azimuth, declination and right . Lines of Latitude can be run north and south of the Equator. . . Polaris, +89.5° .
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  • The stars revolve around Polaris, not your zenith - unless you are at the North . The same idea applies to your location but, unless you are at the Equator, the . Unfortunately, astronomers use the word - altitude - to mean something different. .
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  • The latitude of the north pole is 90°, that of the equator 0°. . Bear) close to the direction of the star Polaris, otherwise called the North Star. . The elevation above the horizon (the altitude) of the NCP always equals the observer's latitude. .
  • Jan 23, 2011 – This page is a short explanation of how to find Polaris, the "North Star". . finding the North Celestial Pole when polar-aligning an equatorial mount. . By definition , the elevation of Polaris above the horizon is exactly equal to .
  • In this exercise you will make a quadrant and use it to determine your latitude north of the equator by measuring the altitude of Polaris, the North Star. Just follow .
  • Feb 13, 2002 – The equator is a circle on the Earth's surface that is perpendicular to the . . he crossed the Atlantic Ocean by measuring the altitude of Polaris. .
  • The celestial poles are also the poles of the celestial equatorial .
  • It's really simple . the altitude of Polaris above the horizon, where you are in the northern hemisphere, is also your latitude above the equator. We'll show you .

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