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Alternative fuels information & sources. News and views on emerging automobile technologies. . Com. So far, the USA has spent . importing foreign fossil fuel. .
May 16, 2010 – water car hydrogen fuel hybrid car gas conversion alternative fuel fuel alternative alternative fuels hybrid vehicles water engine bio diesel .
Alternative Fuel Consulting & Technical Training Services from AFVi Alternative Fuel Vehicle Institute, organizers of the Alternative Fuels & Vehicles National .
Electric cars are not only environmentally friendly, they require almost no maintenance for the car: no gas, no oil changes, no spark plugs to replace, nothing to .
Unfortunately, the information you are looking for is not current at this time. Please check the GreenerChoices homepage for the latest information. .
3 days ago – www.fueleconomy.gov - the official government source for fuel .
This article describes the different types of alternative fuels currently available for automobiles, and gives a brief description of their characteristics, advantages .
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Aug 24, 2011 – The Alternative Fuel Motor Vehicle Credit was enacted by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and includes separate credits for four distinct .
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Top questions and answers about Alternative Automobile Fuels. Find 1472 .
Gasoline is used in a majority of our cars today, but as gas prices soar higher than it has ever been, it just seems crazy to continue using this type of fuel to power .
Since then the development and usage of fuel cells in a variety of applications have come a long way. Fuel cells hold great promise for fueling alternative fuel .
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Jun 3, 2002 – This page is a Student's Guide to Alternative Fuel Vehicles - Electric Vehicles. . The vehicle pictured is a Rauch and Lang Electric Sedan, built .
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Alternative Automobile Fuel School Projects. Alternative and green energy is the wave of the future. It is in the best interest of children that they learn the .
If there was an alternative fuel that was more than 50% cheaper than petrol and cleaner, . "LPG is a flash in the pan and it won't catch on" 400000 Dutch vehicle .
Compressed natural gas (CNG) is a cleaner burning alternative to .
There are many ways to cut down on automotive fuel costs.
Dec 7, 2010 – Alternative Fueled Vehicles and Alternative Vehicle Fuels. Driving a car fueled by something other than gasoline or diesel fuel is no longer the .
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May 1, 2006 – Rising oil prices are leading skeptics to take another look at formerly ignored alternative automotive fuels. Ethanol is getting the most .
Commentary and archival information about alternative fuel cars from The New York Times. . MORE ON ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES AND: Automobiles, .
by HL MacLean - 2000 - Cited by 34 - Related articles
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Alternative Fuel Car Reviews & Alternative Fuel Vehicle Road Tests . You +1'd this publicly. UndoRead the latest Alternative Fuel car reviews, vehicle comparisons, & Alternative Fuel vehicle road tests. If you want to purchase an alternative fuel vehicle then .
Animation of charts and data - Celebrating 20 Years of Alternative Fuel . MotorWeek Videos - Watch alternative fuel and advanced vehicle success stories . .
You can have a solid, secure, stimulating career -- and make good money -- as an alternative fuels vehicle technician. To decrease our nation's dependence on .
20+ items – Our best articles related to Alternative automobile fuels.
The near-term goal was to double new car fuel economy by model year 1985. . . The fuel economy of a dedicated alternative fuel vehicle is determined by .
Check out these articles to learn all about the growing technology of alternative fuel.
Alternative fuel vehicle pictures has images of different kinds of vehicles that run on alternative fuels like natural gas and compressed air.
by L Lave - 2000 - Cited by 48 - Related articles
Alternative Fuels for Automobiles - Information on other auto engine fuel options available, bio diesel, liquid petroleum gas, propane, ethanol, methanol, .
by HL MacLean - 2000 - Cited by 34 - Related articles
The increased exploration and use of alternative automobile fuels is an important piece to solving both the environmental and economic costs of the use of fossil .
Students will: 1. Compare and make distinctions among 5 alternative fuels 2. Understand the impact of different types of fuel on: a. the environment b. lifestyle c. .
Discover sites about hybrid electric, solar, biodiesel, and other alternative fuel vehicles.
Learn about Alternative automobile fuels on Answerbag.com. Cars powered by hydrogen, ethanol, natural gas, electricity, and whatever else will burn. Have a .
Jul 22, 2010 – So, what is an alternative fuel? "Alternative fuels" are vehicle fuels that aren't made from petroleum. There are many kinds of fuels that vehicles .
New and emerging technologies shaping the future of alternative fuels, laws and regulations impacting green fuel progress, hybrid car reviews and consumer .
Alternative Fuel Vehicle refers to a vehicle that runs on a fuel other than traditional gasoline or diesel; any method of powering an engine that does not involve .
Homepage / Automotive / Alternative Fuel. See all Alternative Fuel articles . Finally, A Worthy Fuel-Cell Car (That You Can Buy) With zero internal emissions, .
Alternative fuels automotive schools will teach you about using electricity, hybrid technology, methanol, ethanol, and propane. Learn more about training for a .
Top questions and answers about Alternative Automobile Fuel. Find 1467 questions and answers about Alternative Automobile Fuel at Ask.com Read more .
An alternative fuel vehicle is a vehicle that runs on a fuel other than "traditional" petroleum fuels (petrol or diesel); and also refers to any technology of powering .
Current Vehicle Technologies. Advanced Technology vehicles . Alternative Fuels Pump. Alternative fuels are derived from resources other than petroleum. .
Alternative automobile fuels are very useful in today's society, and they are a very good way of reducing pollution from conventional fuels. Mostly fuels are used .