May 6, 11
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  • 15 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Jan 3, 2007Further, I would avoid watching the History channel for anything Bible related, really. They tried to show UFOs/aliens mentioned in the .
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  • Apr 15, 2006 . SAN DIEGO—I'm not certain whether the History Channel should . in the Bible might be explained by visits of alien life forms to the world. .
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  • 16 answers - Feb 13I watched the History Channel do a show about the Bible and aliens and the biblical iliteracy and false history was appauling. .
  • Feb 6, 2003 . Because I can show the entire "aliens in the Bible" paradigm is a . 3) To the History Channel, I challenge you to demonstrate where the .
  • Oct 21, 2010 . Intelligent Design and Aliens The claim that "aliens" started human life on Earth The History Channel's frequent attacks against the Bible .
  • 20 posts - 20 authors - Last post: Nov 25, 2006From the Bible to the Baghavat Gtt, all seems to talk about alien being encounters and battles. Intrigueing History channel document .
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  • I take it no one watched a show about aliens in the bible? UFO Files I believe on the History channel if anyone wants to take a look. And for .
  • UFOs in the Bible Ancient Alien Technology and related media. AAA; Share · Cite This . Find Ancient Aliens & Related DVDs & Books at the History Shop! .
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  • Ufos in the bible - is the History Channel grabbing at straws or is . Ancient Alien Architects ufo documentary; USOs Underwater UFOs Proof Beyond Doubt .
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  • Ancient Aliens: THE SERIES premiered on the History Channel on Tuesday, April 20 , . HIGH-TECHNOLOGY IN THE BIBLE · Bible; Many more related links are .
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  • Jun 16, 2009 . The History Channel Ancient Aliens. the history channel ancient aliens . Any good verses in the bible that seem to describe a spacecraft .
  • Sep 1, 2009 . I was watching the history channel yesterday they had up a show called the bible secret . Did aliens create the secret codes in the bible? .
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  • 21 posts - 17 authors - Last post: May 22, 2010My Theory on Ancient Aliens, The Bible, and Humans. . This history channel over the last few years had certainly seen a decline in the .
  • Feb 9, 2011 . fast and easy ancient aliens bible aliens xvid 40 mins torrent . Ancient Aliens - (Fallen Angels) History Channel Documentary.avi .
  • May 6, 2010 . I was watching the new Ancient Aliens series on the History Channel and I am amazed at how many people sincerely believe these beings are actually from . Ancient Aliens and The Bible, 8.6 out of 10 based on 7 ratings .
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  • 9 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Dec 16, 2010Alien references in the Bible? . 15 years ago, my sister broached the subject of references to aliens in the bible. .
  • In February of 2002, The History Channel flew Guy Malone to Los Angeles to interview him as part of a . . Alien Intrusion Gary Bates. Bible Study Tools .
  • History Channel's programme titled Who Wrote the Bible?Related BlogsHistory's Mysteries – Ancient Aliens (History Channel) | UFO World NewsVideo.
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  • Dec 10, 2010 . Was just watching Ancient Aliens (History Channel) and saw one “Rev. . treatment of the ancient astronaut theory in relation to the Bible. .
  • Jan 15, 2011 . Well, I would rather their version of the Bible be true than the idea . “ Ancient Aliens” by The History Channel can be bought from £9.98. .
  • Apr 12, 2011 . Close Encounters Proof of Alien Contacts. UFO Ancient Aliens on . The best Alien interview. UFOs In The Bible Part History Channel 2007. .
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  • The History Channel aired a
  • May 19, 2010 . Ancient Aliens on the History channel . entertaining UFOs and Aliens . .. until you cross the line of creation and question the Bible. .
  • Aug 16, 2010 . The Ancient Alien Lie Don't Believe The History Channel Rate Topic: - . . I think the case for aliens in the bible is pretty weak myself. .
  • 9 posts - Last post: Feb 1, 2003I saw a documentary on the History Channel where they thought the Bible was a series of alien visitations. Moses went into a spaceship on .
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  • Nov 4, 2010 . History Channel scholars have not pointed out that, according to the Bible, alien visitors came to this planet and cohabited with human .
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  • 3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Mar 25I find a lot of the secular shows on History and Natgeo have a horrible view of anything dealing with the bible.
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  • The History Channel - UFOs in the Bible. Watch this video on . angels and appearances of God in the Christian bible are aliens and ufos. .
  • 17 posts - 14 authors - Last post: Sep 7, 2009That was another History channel film if I remember right. . I saw one based on Nefilim/giants and aliens in the bible, was that the same .
  • Feb 20, 2011 . UFOs in the Bible (History Channel) 1 of 5 “The truth is up to each individual. What You think and what You believe and what You know are .
  • They are the Elohim of the Bible, and the aliens who left the technology and ruins around the world. . You have to watch this History Channel Series: .
  • NEWSFLASH! Christian Symposium on Aliens Join our expert panel in Roswell July 3rd - 5th 2009. UFOs in the Bible interview for History Channel .
  • Jan 25, 2010 . UFOs in the Bible. Airdate, January 28, 2004. Writer, Gabriel Vandervort. Director. Network, The History Channel .
  • Apr 22, 2011 . Author, Topic: [Rant] "Ancient Aliens" on the History Channel. . . There are credible ways to look at the history of the Bible. .
  • 9 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Mar 17, 2007History Channel documentary: Aliens and UFOs in ancient history. 40 minutes duration. Discusses Aliens and UFOs in the Bible, Egypt, .
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  • In February of 2002, The History Channel flew Guy Malone to Los Angeles to .

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