May 6, 11
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  • The book of Ezekiel tells some of the most macabre tales in the Bible. . or television documentaries "reporting" references to aliens in the Bible. .
  • While the extraterrestrial beings who pilot UFOs are indeed mentioned in the Bible, Ezekiel and the prophets did not confuse these"aliens"-- the rebel .
  • ["Aliens" themselves seem to know a good deal about the Bible.] Two sections that come quickly to mind are Gen. 6 and the beginning of Ezekiel. .
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  • Proof of Ezekiel's ETs - Extreme UFOs of the Bible (Ezekiel's UFOs & Aliens ) . After watching the “Ancient Aliens” documentary, originally produced by .
  • Summary: Of all the UFO accounts in the Bible, the one mentioned most often is Ezekiel's Wheel. One of the passages reads: "This was the appearance and .
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  • Search : Search By Keyword Search By Bible Verse . Is it the case that Ezekiel saw an alien-operated flying machine from outer space? No, Ezekiel did not .
  • Proof of Ezekiel's ETs - Extreme UFOs of the Bible (Ezekiel's UFOs & Aliens .
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  • Apr 22, 2011 . Notice the Alien Features of the Occupants inside the flying chariot! The Vision of Ezekiel From The "Bear" Bible This plate, which is from .
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  • 5 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 4As far as Ezekiel 1 goes, the Bible says what it means, and means exactly what it says. There is no alien craft, spaceship, airplane, .
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  • Download "Proof of Ezekiel s ETs Extreme UFOs of the Bible Ezekiel s UFOs Aliens " from Usenet. DOWNLOAD Free register and download UseNet downloader, .
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  • Jan 14, 2011 . Proof of Ezekiels ETs Extreme UFOs of the Bible (Ezekiel's UFOs & Aliens ) In 1961, way before anyone dared to seriously connect the .
  • World English Bible in that you have brought in foreigners, . Ezekiel 44:9 ' Thus says the Lord GOD, "No foreigner uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised .
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  • May 27, 2009 . What I mean by rejecting the idea of aliens in the Bible is that I . The book is written to exiles in Babylon by the captive Ezekiel who .
  • Feb 25, 2009 . Which are part of God's Wrath? Prophetic Books. Ezekiel; Daniel . Are aliens mentioned in the Bible? Yes, non-human beings from outside .
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  • Ancient Aliens theorists look to an ancient text of the Bible called the Book of Ezekiel to examine the possibility of an Ancient Alien encounter.
  • UFO's in the Bible | Ezekiel's Wheel - This alien ufo website is devoted to the study of UFOs, or UFOlogy and extraterrestrial life, their ships, and human .
  • Proof of Ezekiel's ETs - Extreme UFOs of the Bible (Ezekiel's UFOs & Aliens) [ Kindle Edition]. Chet Dembeck (Autor, Herausgeber) .
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  • The Bible question: Are there spaceships aliens or UFO's in the Bible? No. AnswerEzekiel 1:3 The word of the LORD came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest, .
  • Proof of Ezekiel's ETs - Extreme UFOs of the Bible (Ezekiel's UFOs & Aliens) eBook: Chet Dembeck: Kindle Store.
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  • Jan 29, 2009 . TV - YHVH - TELLING OF EZEKIEL 33 WHERE I AM REQUIRED TO WARN ALL . I would guess that there is the good aliens and evil as there is in .
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  • Feb 12, 2008 . Of all the UFO accounts in the Bible, the one that mentioned most often is Ezekiel's Wheel. Many people claim that Ezekiel clearly describes .
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  • Jan 2, 2011 . I was reminded also of the mention of such events in the Bible. The best example being in The Book Of The Prophet Ezekiel. .
  • 31 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Oct 29, 1999[Archive] The Bible and aliens Great Debates. . most clearly demonstrate that in the Christian bible are Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation. .
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  • Was it Jehovah, the God of the Bible, as Ezekiel says? Was it a humanoid "space alien"? Was it just a hallucination? If it was God, why would God look human .
  • Bible Gateway: Ezekiel Chapter 22 Verse 7 NIV ESV NKJV NLT KJV Message .
  • EZEKIEL 1:19 And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them .
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  • s UFO Guide. Created in His Image Bible "Best of The Web" Award - Chris Harth, Alien Exchange. UFO's in the Bible | Ezekiel's Wheel - This alien .
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  • Apr 3, 2005. things. the part that is full with many alien-like stuff is ezekiel s . i did read most of the bible and i can say that there are some .
  • 16 answers - May 4, 2006People say that the book of Ezekiel talks about aliens can any one prove that? is there talk of aliens anywhere in the bible? .
  • Dec 26, 2010 . In the Bible Ezekiel describes an alien encounter. He describes this craft that comes down from the heavens and lands on the ground on its .
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  • Possible Evidence for Aliens in the Bible. Ezekiel's Vision. There are several places in the Bible that could refer to aliens. One of the most famous is .
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  • People say that the book of Ezekiel talks about aliens can any one prove that? is there talk of aliens anywhere in the bible? .
  • While the extraterrestrial beings who pilot UFOs are indeed mentioned in the .
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  • Bible references to UFOs, close encounters, and technology in Ezekiel.
  • How would Aliens fit into the picture, and why? After all, there is vivid description of flying spaceships in the Bible; just read the book of Ezekiel in .
  • 10 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Sep 29, 2010Many times on UFO sites that talk about ancient aliens they mention 'Ezekiel's Wheel' as proof of UFOs in the bible. .
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  • 5 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Apr 9, 2009Did God create the beings that spoke to Ezekiel in the desert where he saw their "spacecraft" with whirling wheels and lights like coals .
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  • Bible Gateway: Ezekiel Chapter 47 Verse 23 NIV ESV NKJV NLT KJV Message Amplified. Alphabetical: alien And are declares give GOD him his In inheritance LORD .
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  • 13 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jul 31, 2010Discussion about Ancient aliens reported by Ezekiel in the Bible. at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Our topics include Conspiracy .
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  • 9 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Feb 25Linkage ( No, I don't think God is an alien - but from what I understand, the Mormons do. .
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  • Sep 27, 2010. me is that there is a large number of verses in the bible that could easily be interpreted as alien contact (especially Ezekiel 1:4-14). .
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  • Jan 2, 2011 . So was Ezekiel abducted by aliens? No. He wasn't used for experiments or suffered the indignity of having his essence invaded. .

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