Sep 26, 11
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  • Wood is light, soft, low in strength, greyish white to light greyish brown in colour. Wood is . In fact, larches are the only needle leaved tree to shed needles in the fall. . Rarely found in pure stands, it typically occurs in mixture with black spruce. .
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  • by H Trees - Related articles
  • Alberta Home Page · Alberta Articles . Though the brown needles and leaves may have developed slowly, the problem is often recognized only when something dramatic occurs. . Spruce trees, for example, do not grow well on clay soils. .
  • 1 answer - Feb 13, 2006Top answer: Dispose of it properly. If you choose to replant a evergreen, use another type just in case the cause of the former death is that fly that is killing the .
  • Spruce has scaling or flaking bark, and, in general, its needles are short . . Picea abies: Norway spruce - With its red brown bark, conical shape, and shiny green . Picea engelmannii: Blue Englemann spruce, dwarf Alberta spruce - A native of .
  • - SimilarDwarf Alberta Spruce - Plant Palette - University of Illinois Extension . You +1'd this publicly. UndoJun 29, 2008 – Albertiana 'Conica', is a dwarf cultivar of the Alberta .
  • Apr 1, 2006 – i don't know much about spruce but i know what they look like. So i am not familiar with diseases and what not. This little spruce which i keep in .
  • 1 post - 1 author - Last post: Jul 8, 2006Give the 'Dwarf Alberta spruce' a position in full sun with some protection from cold winds and it will repay you with its year round presence. .
  • Apr 14, 2009 – Alberta Spruce Tree Turning Brown - We had a "dwarf" Alberta spruce that outgrew it's . The needles are browning and fall off when shaken. .
  • Question - Why is my Alberta Spruce starting to turn brown? Answer - The common answer is damage from spider mites. Needles can become stippled and dirty. .
  • needles that persist for 3 to 4 years; needles are crowned on upper-side of branch; needles . rounded and have smooth margins; light green color turning to a light brown at maturity . 'Conica' - Commonly called the "Dwarf Alberta Spruce". .
  • 40 posts - 24 authors - Last post: Jul 21I have a 2 year old dwarf alberta spruce that is turning brown. . . that I moved 5 ft from its original location has started loosing its needles. .
  • Brown Needles on Weeping Spruce Tree. I have a weeping . Well my Dwarf Alberta Spruce that I bought last May, is officially dead. Hubby buried it in our last .
  • In Alberta there many reasons why evergreen trees and shrubs turn color and . The oldest, or innermost, needles of spruce and fir shed first; however, needle . New evergreen growth is soft, and when frozen, it droops, turns brown and dies. .
  • 3 questions on Needles Dwarf Alberta Spruce Post-Christmas Issues Arborvitae and Dwarf Alberta Spruce Similar environment, different problem. Brown at the .
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  • Aug 27, 2007 – Q. Two of my dwarf Alberta spruce has a problem that causes the needles to turn brown and fall off. I have tried insecticide and fungicide to .
  • Why is my Alberta Spruce turning brown in spots or one side of the plant? . .. Those are signs of mites, a sucking insect that will cause those needles to brown. 2. .
  • My dwarf Alberta spruce have been doing great, but I recently noticed that one has turned brown at the top and lost its needles. Is there any way to save this .
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  • We purchased a dwarf Alberta Spruce tree, approximately 3 ft. tall rooted in a 3 gallon . Spider mite damage usually results in patches of brown, dried needles. .
  • Mar 4, 2006 – Fruit a light brown, oval cone, 2" long, pendant in branches of upper crown. Identification: Identifiable as a spruce by its stiff, 4-sided needles. Distinguished from true firs, such . . "Alberta Spruce", a fine-textured, conical dwarf. .
  • A: There are dwarf conifers that will stay small, such as Dwarf Alberta Spruce . . Too much moisture and poor drainage can cause needles to brown and drop. .
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  • 10 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Mar 20, 2006I'm having some problems with Dwarf Alberta Spruce turning brown. . healthy on one side and the other half is brown and needles fall off. .
  • Dwarf Alberta Spruce . medium- to light-green, very thin, densely packed .
  • However, four have turned brown and lost their needles from the ground to the middle of the tree. . .. Q: I have a question for you on planting Alberta blue spruce . .
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  • Alberta Spruce evergreen shrubs and evergreen spruce trees. Pictures . The shortness of its needles make for a tight evergreen shrub form. . Sometimes this results in parts of the Alberta spruce turning brown or having a burnt appearence. .
  • They have a classic "Christmas tree" shape. The green needles have a tight, densely-packed growth habit that gives dwarf Alberta spruce trees a "fuzzy" look. .
  • Dwarf Alberta spruce, Picea glauca 'Conica', is one of this pest's preferred host . as brown eggs tucked in and around bud scales and at the base of needles. .
  • 11 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Apr 15, 2007I recently have purchase my 3rd Dwarf Alberta spruce due to the fact it's being eaten by . All needles eventually turn brown and fall off. I have it .
  • 23 posts - 18 authors - Last post: Jun 14OK, So, I've planted over 40 Dwarf Alerta Spruce this past year. . form of reddish- brown needles which (worst case scen') are likely to fall off, .
  • Nov 16, 2009 – The yellow spots merge and turn brown. Mite-damaged needles are more likely to fall off the tree, especially after the tree is cut. . Damage to ornamental conifers such as dwarf Alberta spruce, hemlocks, and junipers grown in .
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  • 2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Dec 7, 2007Older needles of the spruce tree will turn brown and drop off; only the . popular landscape evergreens is the Dwarf Alberta Spruce; it is also .
  • The dwarf Alberta spruce turns brown due to the environmental stresses, soil factors as well as . There may also be a silken webbing on the twigs and needles. .
  • Apr 3, 2011 – Brown Top. I've had 2 dwarf alberta spruce (spiral cut) since 2006 planted in front of the house. . Some needles may turn brown and drop off. .
  • It's not unusual for stems of Alberta spruce to revert to typical whiote spruce . First, don't be surprised if many of the needles on your spruce turn reddish-brown .
  • A miniature Alberta spruce is properly referred to as a Dwarf Alberta Spruce .
  • An Alberta spruce that is turning brown may be infected by Rhizosphaera needle cast, a disease caused by the fungus Rhizosphaera kalkhoffii. Needles .
  • 4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: May 8, 2001Our 3 foot Alberta spruce has apparently suffered severe damage over the winter. It has a . The brown needles will probably naturally fall off. .
  • Many brown needles on the side of a cone-shaped plant usually indicate that it has been damaged by overcrowing. In fact, I have seen Dwarf Alberta Spruce in .
  • Does overwatering cause my fat Alberta spruce needles to turn brown at the tips and yellow midway down the needle toward the stem so as to give an overall .
  • Apr 17, 2009 – There are several serious spruce diseases. . At first, needles have a purplish hue, eventually turning brown and dropping, leaving dry, . . 'Conica')Common Name: Dwarf Alberta Spruce Form Winter form Needles Height: 6-8' .
  • Jan 13, 2011 – The dwarf Alberta spruce has a pyramidal shape with soft needles. . If you find the dwarf Alberta spruce turning brown, it means the plant is .
  • Jump to Key to Picea, (Spruce)‎: Needles very stiff, sharp, ¾ to 1½ inch long, often bluish, pointing outwards from . Bark smooth, with purplish-brown to russet red scales on mature trees. . Picea glauca 'Conica', (Dwarf Alberta Spruce)
  • Cliff Tornow from USA asks: I have a 20 year old Alberta Spruce that is crowding . of the trees and all the branches etc. where the 2 trees meet are all dead and brown. . Be sure to rake up needles, cones and burn them to reduce the fungus. .

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