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Sep 19, 2011 . Whois data for afbackup.com: whois history, name servers, domain info, seo
Package afbackup. hardy (utils): Client-Server Backup System (Server side) [
Nov 10, 2008 . You have been subscribed to a public bug by Luca Falavigna (dktrkranz): Binary
Current Version : first prerelease (Released 19 Oct 2001) Download latest
Dec 19, 2011 . Description. afbackup is a client-server backup system allowing many
[DIR] Parent Directory - [ ] afbackup-client_3.5.1pl2-3_amd64.deb 26-Oct-2007
Oct 25, 2003 . Hi I'm havin trouble running afbackup (port version afbackup-3.3.5_2 ), the
Sep 28, 2004 . I was using the afbackup service, and since the new kernel it doesn't work
Details. Description: Client-Server Backup System (Client side); Section: universe
Feb 9, 2009 . Download afbackup auto flash backuper free. afbackup auto flash backuper
An afbackup server is addressed using one of it's hostnames and a port number.
Are you interested in AFBackup, (file, backup, client-server, comuni), di, sistema?
AFBackup Manager (Webmin Modul). Posted on September 7th, 2006 by ame.
How can I disable the backup_log.1.z" attachment that is automatically included
Afbackup is a client-server backup system that offers several workstations a
afbackup 3.5 linux review and download. afbackup project is a client-server
Dec 15, 2011 . afbackup A client-server backup system allowing many workstations to backup to
Nov 2, 2002 . I did several postings here and got into contact with A. Fluegel, one of the
Jan 3, 2012 . afbackup afbackup-3.5.3 - afbackup is an open source software that will let you
This file needs not be edited by hand with an editor, instead the program /usr/sbin
Sep 18, 2007 . This package provides debug information for package afbackup. Debug
Sep 7, 2006 . AFBackup Manager is a Webmin module for easy administration of backup tasks.
afbackup-client_3.5.1pl2-3_amd64.deb 26-Oct-2007 16:03 551174 afbackup-
afbackup is a client-server backup system allowing many workstations to backup
Download Afbackup 3.3 from Web Tools section for your Linux on Yahoo!
Jun 17, 2010 . AFBackup Manager is a backup system that can be operated over the web that
Aug 6, 2003 . I am a newbie at configuring afbackup. . To unsubscribe, .
Mar 7, 2004 . Afbackup , Network backup. SoftLookup.com is one of the world's biggest and
Community site of the project: afbackup Documentation Project http://afbackup-
www.afbackup.org is a domain maintained by 2 domain name servers ns1.
Package afbackup. lenny (oldstable) (utils): Client-Server Backup System (Server
/etc/afbackup/client.conf Client configuration file /var/log/afbackup The directory
2 days ago . Download afbackup-webmin-module Yes, it's a client-server system. The
Define afbackup - from the Linux / Unix / Computing glossary at About.com.
afbackup-client_3.5.1pl2-3_amd64.deb 26-Oct-2007 16:03 551174 afbackup-
2006-12-01 misc/afbackup: Uses unregistered uid that conflicts with other ports
1, %define name afbackup. 2, %define version 3.5.3. 3, %define .
Nov 16, 2003 . Afbackup is a client-server backup system . /pub/linux/distributions/
source: afbackup (optional, utils); version: 3.5.3-3; distro: stable .
Nov 2, 2004 . Afbackup is a client-server backup system that offers several workstations a
Mar 11, 2010 . Download Afbackup Not Specified by - Free Backup software. Free Afbackup
afbackup-client_3.5.1pl2-3_amd64.deb 26-Oct-2007 20:03 538K afbackup-
AFBackup Manager is a Webmin module that makes administration of system
Dec 1, 2010 . Client-Server Backup System This is a client-server backup system offering
Jun 7, 2007 . Bug#427872: RFA: afbackup -- Client-Server Backup System (Server side) :
[DIR], Parent Directory, -. [ ], afbackup-client_3.5.2.1-1_amd64.deb, 22-Jul-2008
This is a client-server backup system offering several workstations a centralized
Feb 6, 2012 . afbackup is a client-server backup system allowing many workstations to backup
afbackup project is a client-server backup system offering several workstations a
May 16, 1998 . afbackup. afbackup is a client-server backup system allowing many workstations