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Advocates for the Independent is a Houston Home Health Care Company that provides personalized, compassionate assistance to those who are homebound .
Stavros Center for Independent Living, Inc. is one of the oldest independent living centers in the country. 2004 is our 30th anniversary. Since 1974, we have .
Independent Sector advocates for policies that strengthen the capacity of Americans to engage in nonpartisan advocacy and lobbying through charitable .
Advocates for Independent Living II takes pride in delivering personalized, caring service to all of our customers. Read what some of our clients have to say:
Sep 7, 2011 – Senator Gianaris advocates for an independent, bipartisan commission to draw district lines. Related issues: Agencies, Elections, Ethics, .
Aug 23, 2010 – Your independent RN Patient Advocate is an excellent information resource to help you learn. Remember, your body is a vast pool of .
RIAGE is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are not part of the Rhode Island Department of Education and depend on your membership .
Collaborative Law - an attitude toward resolving legal disputes and the policies and practices that put that attitude into action.
Action News 5 - Memphis, TennesseeCharter school advocates seek independent board. Member Center: Create Account|; Log In; Manage Account|; Log Out .
Sep 1, 2010 – From April 2009, statutory access to an Independent Mental Health Advocate ( IMHA) has been available to patients subject to certain aspects of .
Jun 10, 2011 – Email: paraquad@paraquad.org, Web Site: www.paraquad.org. Serves: St. Louis , St. Louis County. Rural Advocates for Independent Living .
Your source for professional direct caregivers. Advocating client rights. eldercare, personal care, private duty, seniorcare, disabled.
Her community interests are many and currently include Independent Advocates and the Toledo Bar Association Board of Trustees. She is a longstanding .
As advocates we recognize this reality – either personally or through our work with . for independent living or a sexual assault/domestic violence organization. .
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Providing advocates for people in the Scottish Borders who have social care needs.
IMCA (Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy). Providing support. The Mental Capacity Act places a responsibility on Local Authorities to ensure that people .
Apr 14, 2011 – The Taxpayer Advocate Service is an independent organization within the IRS, headed by the National Taxpayer Advocate. Each state has at .
Northeast Missouri Rural Telephone Company. Owned by those we serve. Telephone Service · Internet Service · nemrTV · Service Alerts · News & Weather .
May 11, 2011 – Labor allies are defending the White House from attacks by South Carolina Governor NIkki Haley (R) and other Republican lawmakers over a .
Jul 5, 2011 – The International Committee of the Fourth International, which anyone with any history in internal Labour politics will recognise as a claim to the .
Rural Advocates for Independent Living Theresa Myers, Executive Director 1100 S. Jamison Kirksville, MO 63501 660-627-7245. For more info visit the RAIL .
Dec 9, 2010 – Participants in the invitation-only leadership gathering include advocates for independent toy retailers, pet stores, flower shops, bike shops, .
Get free review and detailed facility report on Advocates for the Independent, located in 12827 Pheasant Lake Ct Houston, Tx 77041.
Jan 21, 2010 – BOZEMAN, MT – A coalition of public interest organizations and independent business advocates condemned today's ruling by the US .
Mission Statement .:. Independent Advocates is a social change organization focusing on violence against women. IA provides comprehensive court advocacy .
Jul 4, 2010 – The Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) service was established by the Mental Capacity Act 2005 to help particularly vulnerable .
Description of the roles of an IMHA and who qualifies to recevie help from one.
The Georgia Association of Professional Insurance Agents (PIA) represents independent Professional Insurance Agents. Our members are local Main Street .
Alliance of Disability Advocates Center for Independent Living. Contact Information. PO Box 12988. Raleigh NC 27605. (Wake County). (919) 833-1117 ( Main .
Jul 26, 2010 – Independent Living Links in Disability Resources - Advocacy for People with Disabilities. Links gathered by The Independent Living Institute.
What is an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA)? An IMCA is a new statutory advocate.
Advocates for the Independent - We are a homecare company dedicated to taking care of anyone who needs help. We do this with dignity and compassion.
The College is seeking three independent schools advocates to work for the College to strengthen the growing partnership with independent school leaders.
Mar 15, 2011 – Feminists often get a bad rap for being humorless, but three comedians hope to dispel that misconception while raising money to support local .
Advocates for the Independent - We are a homecare company dedicated to taking care of anyone who needs help. We do this with dignity and compassion.
Independent Living Advocates. The modern history of civil rights for people with disabilities is four decades old. Many individuals successfully advocated self .
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Access Living is the Center for Independent Living for the city of Chicago. We run advocacy and independent living programs to support people with disabilities .
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Jul 5, 2011 – The Independent and the Independent on Sunday are using a politically loaded social survey to promote right-wing nationalist politics.
by Mathew Ingram
Jul 8, 2011 – The dwindling band of survivors on the good ship New Haven Advocate were disheartened to learn Friday that their corporate parent is .
Independent Advocates mission is to improve the community's response to domestic . Independent Advocates is a private agency that provides comprehensive .
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Alliance of Disability Advocates Center for Independent Living. 401 Oberlin Rd., Suite 103. Raleigh, NC 27605. Phone: 919-833-1117. http://www.alliancecil.org/ .
The Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) service was established by the Mental Capacity Act 2005 to help particularly vulnerable people who lack .
Jun 30, 2011 – Alliance of Disability Advocates is a Center for Independent Living. We seek to enable and empower people with disabilitys of any variety to live .