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Feb 1, 2011 – I see nothing in Jerry's original post that recants his anti-accommodationist position or shows him backing away from it in his dealings with .
. of law and the ministry, but a teaching position at Hampton decided his future . revealed the political adroitness and accommodationist philosophy that were .
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Apr 17, 2011 – However, as you can see in this debate, the accommodationist position is often confused. It's easy for them to forget the question and stray into .
Jump to Position: Position. Atheist accommodationists often maintain that those who have religious or magical ideas which are closer to scientific reality .
Apr 9, 2010 – Accommodationist and Proud of It, Part V: Science and Spirituality . . And not to think that it must be one position only and all of the .
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. varying positions within this debate: the civil libertarian approach, the civil rights orientation, and the accommodationist position. The civil libertarian approach .
Accommodationists call for a greater accommodation of religion in public life than the separation position, especially in allowing governmental financial .
. does it mean to be a separationist, accommodationist, or non-preferentialist? . of possible positions: strict separation, accommodation, non-preferentialism, .
If the Supreme Court decided in favor of Rosenberger and his magazine, separationists could claim that the accommodationist position resulted in the funding of .
Feb 1, 2011 – I see nothing in Jerry's original post that recants his anti-accommodationist position or shows him backing away from it in his dealings with .
The nonpreferentialist, accommodationist position was considered by the First Congress in 1789 and rejected in favor of the present language of the First .
He was seen as promoting an accommodationist position, a position which would soon be shared by another former slave and eventual black leader Booker T. .
Jul 8, 2009 – Critics of this position include those like University of Chicago biologist Jerry Coyne, who lashes out at the accommodationists because, as he .
Jun 29, 2011 – Even PZ Myers is taking the accommodationist position, arguing that because circumcision doesn't have any lasting consequences, it's not .
Apr 22, 2009 – Here I argue that the accommodationist position of the National Academy of Sciences, and especially that of the National Center for Science .
Oct 2, 2009 – Isn't the non-accommodationist position more about the epistemology of religion being incompatible with the epistemology of scienctific inquiry .
Oct 2, 2009 – Where do you see me, NCSE, Chris Mooney, or others labeled " accommodationist" take that position? a lurker: "He has always recognized that .
Jan 21, 2010 – Some respected people are not that dead against the accommodationist position. For example, I remember Phil Plait at badastronomy.com .
Sep 18, 2010 – Some people are confused about the accommodationist position. Here's a good example from Janice Taylor published in The Times (London) .
Sep 23, 2011 – But in reality their position dangles us over an abyss. . ground.1 He calls it the “ accommodationist” position between Christians who accept the .
Apr 2, 2011 – I have clearly staked a claim as a 'gnu atheist,' but I will agree that I often am baffled by the so-called accommodationist's position. I mean that I .
Jun 7, 2009 – The Accommodationist Position at NCSE. The March-April issue of Reports of the National Center for Science Education contains an interesting .
Nov 21, 2010 – Which is why I spoke to my UU congregation about the positive sides of skepticism, and did my best to represent my accommodationist position. .
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Given it's importance to the accommodationist position, our discussion of the . Accommodationist make at least two claims about the Northwest Ordinance: (1) .
Briefly, we find little in Article III that supports the accommodationist position. Indeed, we suggest there is nothing in Article III--unless one is reading the Article in .
Oct 12, 2010 – You're right, she's not arguing that there are only two choices, but she is, like most accommodationists, not arguing against the actual positions .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Mar 21, 2010Michael Ruse's essay fits right in to this theme [Accommodationist and Proud of It, . I would not say that emotion plays no role in my position. .
Mar 30, 2011 – If he did, he would not espouse prototypically gnu positions, and turn around and blithely identify as an accommodationist, without commenting .
ac·com·mo·da·tion·ist ( -k m -d sh -n st). n. One that compromises with or adapts to the viewpoint of the opposition: a factional split between the hard-liners and .
Mar 13, 2010 – Though not a believer in God, he takes the position that Christianity . Michael Ruse introduces himself as “accommodationist, and proud of it”. .
Oct 19, 2010 – Location: New York Current condition: Mostly Cloudy Current . . of what has perhaps unfairly been called the "accommodationist" camp that .
Thus, as Sheldon Avery has observed, Washington's positions on . . Washington's accommodationist position on racial issues sparks ongoing debate over the .
Jun 30, 2009 – The accommodationist position seems to be confusing at best. Yes it's true that a lot of scientists made a lot of profound discoveries and studied .
May 9, 2010 – Critics are disturbed at the NAS's so closely identifying itself with the accommodationist position. As the physicist Sean Carroll said, "Templeton .
Additionally, the language of the Article seems to link religion to "good government," which can be read as supportive of the accommodationist position. As to (2) .
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Aug 20, 2010 – Most have taken what is called the "accommodationist" position in dealing with religion. That is, they avoid getting into disputes with those .
Recent Supreme Court decisions indicate that there may be a gradual shift to a mild accommodationist position in the coming years with respect to private .
Dawkins 'comment (#9), the NAS and the NCSE are "accommodationist" because taking an anti-religion position while fighting for the quality of public school .
Sep 9, 2010 – Critics are disturbed at the NAS's so closely identifying itself with the accommodationist position. As the physicist Sean Carroll said, "Templeton .