Sep 27, 11
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  • List for explanations to water related abbreviations and acronyms - a glossary help. . (water quality standards). mgd, Million gallons per day. mld, Megalitres per .
  • Mar 27, 2002 – An abbreviation for gigajoule, equivalent to one thousand megajoules or one billion joules. GPM, Gallons per Mcf, the number of gallons of a .
  • Acronym, Definition. TGAL, Think Globally, Act Locally. TGAL, Templeton Global Advisors Limited (investment company; Bahamas). Tgal, Thousand gallons .
  • A sewer access large enough for a person to enter to trouble-shoot service problems or perform maintenance work. MG/MGD: Abbreviation for millions of gallons .
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  • BGY, Billion Gallons per Year, Acronym in English, General, Common Abbreviation, Slang, Acronym. MGPY, Million Gallons Per Year, Acronym in English .
  • What is Latin abbreviation for thousand gallons and million gallons? . What is the abbreviation of gallon? gal. Is 10 thousand gallons the same amount of .
  • 10 results – Find out what is the full meaning of MGD on! . Search Acronyms & Abbreviations: . Search 'Million Gallons per Day' on Google! .
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  • million gallons definition, categories, type and other relevant information provided by All Acronyms. How to Abbreviate million gallons.
  • Alphabetical list of oil and gas industry abbreviations with definitions . Bbl, Barrel – In the oil and gas industry, a barrel is 42 U.S. gallons measured at 60º Fahrenheit. . MMcf - One million cubic feet; a measurement of gas volume only. .
  • million gallons definition, categories, type and other relevant information .
  • These words and abbreviations don't represent "things". . So "K" means " thousand" or ",000", and "M" means "million" or ",000000" and G means . But of course, we don't use "pint", "quart", "gallon" and such for describing disk capacities. .
  • 9 posts - Last post: Oct 1, 2005M [1] informal abbreviation for million in expressions where the base unit is understood, as in "500M hard drive" (500 megabytes or mebibytes). .
  • 5+ items – Acronym Finder: MIGD stands for Million Imperial Gallons per .
  • One milligram per liter is equal to one part per million. MGD: Abbreviation for million gallons per day. This term is used to describe the volume of water treated .
  • The Oil and Gas industry uses many acronyms and abbreviations. .
  • Acronym Attic - 79 unverified meanings of MGD abbreviation. Definition of MGD. . you try Acronym Finder first! Acronym . Million Gallons per Day, *****. Million .
  • ” G Don’t use as an abbreviation for thousand, gigabyte, or gigahertz. Instead, use K, GB, and GHz, respectively. gal. Acceptable abbreviation for .
  • Find abbreviations for words - Use this free list of abbreviations to find abbreviations for states, texting, months, countries, . million gallons per day .
  • Your Ultimate Resource of Acronyms and Abbreviation related to Pulp and Paper . . Grams Per Liter; GPM: Gallon Per Minute; GRI: Gravure Research Institute . Former, Thousand Board Feet, Million Board Feet; MC: Medium Consistency, .
  • K: an informal abbreviation for one thousand used in expressions where the .
  • What does MGD stand for? Definition of MGD in the acronyms and abbreviations directory.
  • Conversion Factors, Abbreviations, and Acronyms . cfs or ft3/s, cubic feet per second, 0.646, million gallons per day, Mgal/d. Mgal/d, million gallons per day .
  • Such decisions include how to use abbreviations, what words to capitalize, and when to . . 55-gallon drums 24-inch pipe 3-inch-diameter well . Use a combination of figures and words to express large round numbers (1 million or greater). .
  • 30+ items – You will run into the following abbreviations as you learn and .
  • You are here: Home > Abbreviations . Gallon. Grams per liter. Gigaliter. Grams per cubic meter. Gallons per capita per day. Gallons . Million gallons per day .
  • One Million Gallons definition, categories, type and other relevant information provided by All Acronyms. How to Abbreviate One Million Gallons.
  • 15+ items – Rough Values of Power of Various Processes (watts)
  • Acronym Finder: MGPY stands for Million Gallons Per Year.
  • gallon, gal, 4 quarts (231 cubic inches), 3.785 liters. quart, qt, 2 pints . . Unit, Abbreviation, Part of gram, Number of . DENOMINATIONS ABOVE ONE MILLION .
  • SELECTED STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS . point: fnpt gallium: Ga gallium arsenide: aAs gallon: gal gallon per minute: gal/min, gpm gallon per . mm millimole: mmole million: M million pounds per square inch: MSI millions of instructions per .
  • That discharges more than 25000 gallons per day of wastewater to the sewer. That is subject . Abbreviation for millions of gallons / millions of gallons per day. .
  • By 1872, the standard oil barrel was firmly established as 42 US gallons. The abbreviations 1 Mbbl and 1 MMbbl have historically meant one thousand and one .
  • Acronym Finder: Tgal stands for Thousand gallons.
  • Acronym Finder: MGPD stands for Million Gallons per Day.
  • References in periodicals archive. This translates to a total market opportunity of 680 million gallons per year of inedible feedstock for conversion into advanced .
  • Abbreviated BD; bpd. . One barrel of oil contains approximately 42 U.S .
  • Jul 10, 2009 – With petrol and fuel sold in litres rather than gallons, use metric, eg, 75p a . For currencies, spell out in text, eg, £15 million, but abbreviate to .
  • Acronym Finder: MGY stands for Million Gallons per Year.
  • Jul 15, 2011 – In these calculators, the abbreviation PPM is for parts per million. The data entry . The volume of water is (1 to 9999999 gallons), gallons. .
  • abbreviations and definitions . mbbls/d, thousand barrels per day. mboe, thousand barrels of oil equivalent. mboe/d, thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day .
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  • Mmcf — Abbreviation for one million cubic feet of natural gas. Odorization — The placing of malodorant, usually mercaptan, in natural gas for the purpose of .
  • Mgd: an abbreviation for millions of gallons per day (Mgal/d), a unit used in reservoir management to express the rate at which water is withdrawn, or could be .
  • The search results for MGY/MILLION GALLONS PER YEAR/295043 within acronyms, abbreviations and their definitions.
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  • Water-use data is usually quantified in millions of gallons per day, abbreviated as MGD. The gallon is a customary and imperial unit and must be converted to .
  • Re: What does the abbreviation MM mean? (04/26/2007, 12:54 PM). MM = million. So 20 MM gallons per year means 20 million gallons per year, most likely .

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