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Dallas popularity growing - Dallas, a local six-piece country band that . and Dallas music is being played on 94.9 The Bull's “Backyard Country” hour .
Jun 10, 2011 – She will perform cuts off her album "Life So Sweet," including "Biscuits and Chicken," as heard on 94.9 The Bull's Backyard Country. .
FEATURED ON BACKYARD COUNTRY ON 94.9 THE BULL! Reckless Dawn is the NEW face .
3 days ago – Action=Login&SurveyID=142781&zx=580to enter 94.9 The Bull's “Backyard Country: Battle of the Bands” competition. .
Saturday nights at 9 we roll out the top local and regional country music .
Jun 30, 2011 – Jun 01 In case you missed it – here's my interview with Jason & Stocky Stan from this past Saturday's Backyard Country show on 94.9 The Bull .
Atlanta's Most Country Guaranteed! 94.9 The Bull. . LISTEN LIVE; The Most Country. Guaranteed! Follow @949TheBull . Backyard Country Voting .
Atlanta's Most Country Guaranteed! 94.9 The Bull. . Forgot to check out Backyard Country. Now you can listen online, or download clips to your mp3 player .
Jun 24, 2011 – Here's our jingle for 94.9 The Bull's Backyard Country show! Local country music in Atlanta now has a home on The New 94-9 The Bull.
Sep 20, 2009 – Watch LAURA BETH WRENN sings YELLOW on 94.9 THE BULL for BACKYARD COUNTRY via YouTube Online.
Ashley's first single will air on "BACKYARD COUNTRY" on 94.9 THE BULL this SATURDAY NIGHT from 9-10 PM!!! Show your support by tuning in and REQUEST .
Atlanta's 94.9 The Bull Backyard Country Radio Show. Share · Public Event. Time. Saturday, July 23 at 9:00pm - July 24 at 12:00am. Created By .
Don't forget to cast your vote each week for Josh to be on Backyard Country, heard only on 94.9 The Bull, Atlanta's Country Music Station. .
Backyard Country Interview with Atlanta's 94.9 The Bull [HQ]. by Tanna Key. 5:01 . In this video: No one. Added about a month ago · Like · Comment .
May 2, 2010 – Laura Beth Wrenn "Obvious" 94.9FM The Bull Backyard Country. ellebw19 53 videos. Subscribe Alert icon Subscribed. Sign In or Sign Up now! .
Here's our jingle for 94.9 The Bull's Backyard Country show! Local country music in Atlanta now has a home on The New 94-9 The Bull. .
. born in Lawrenceville, Georgia, was raised on classic country and gospel . and being played on Atlanta's 94.9 The Bull's Backyard Country program. .
May 3, 2011 – Vote for “Roots” on Backyard Country 94.9 The Bull! 5.19.11 .
Tune in everyone to 94.9FM The Bull's Backyard Country TOMORROW NIGHT to hear my newest song, “Just Two”! Hope you guys like it! You can also listen on live .
Vote for his new song "I'm just Country", just go to 94.9 The Bull-Backyard Country and vote for Kurt Thomas. Then tune in Saturday nights between 9 and 10 .
Jun 24, 2011 – Here's our jingle for 94.9 The Bull's Backyard Country show! Local country music in Atlanta now has a home on The New 94-9 The Bull.
Backyard Country Jingle for 94.9 The Bull (Atlanta Radio). 205 views - 3 .
Vote for “Roots” on Backyard Country 94.9 The Bull! Our song “Roots” has made it into rotation on “Backyard Country” 94.9 The Bull! To keep us on there, .
is excited to be back on 94.9 The Bull Backyard Country sat. night between 9-10! I'll be doing an interview too so. http://fb.me/UJGnJ5ey 8:53 AM May 13th .
“We were putting together our first edition of 94.9 The Bull's local (Atlanta) music show, Backyard Country, when I first heard August Rain's “Yahweh .
Backyard Country. Tweet. Your hosts: Jason Pullman & Stocky Stan When: Saturday nights @ 9pm. Where: On 94.9 The Bull. What Is It: It is the best unsigned, .
Listen to Gina Cook on 949 The Bull Backyard Country! in My Projects by .
On your way to watch fireworks tonight, don't forget to tune your radio in to 94.9 The Bull's Backyard Country at 9pm to hear "Biscuits & Chicken" for the .
The first single off the upcoming album, "I Color YOu Angel" aired on 94.9 the Bull, Backyard Country for 3 weeks. Look for more songs to air in the near .
Jun 11, 2011 – This past Saturday, 94.9 The Bull's Backyard Country show started playing “Can't Stop Drinkin.” Backyard Country airs every Saturday. .
Dallas popularity growing - Dallas a local six-piece country band that . and Dallas music is being played on 94.9 The Bull's “Backyard Country” hour .
Her songs have been featured on Atlanta's 94.9 The Bull "Backyard Country" radio show, and she was recently nominated for the Georgia-Country Awards .
Vote for “Roots” on Backyard Country 94.9 The Bull! Our song “Roots” has made it into rotation on “Backyard Country” 94.9 The Bull! 0 posts ·  .
. S N B's "Live Bait" has been voted back on "94.9 The Bull's Backyard Country" this Saturday night (4/2/11) from 9:00 til 10:00pm This is our third .
He has recorded several of his own songs, such as "Natural Born Charm", & "Man's Man", both have been played on Backyard Country on 94.9 The Bull. .
Jul 31, 2010 – www.myspace.com/laurabethwrenn vote for me at http://www.949thebull.com/pages/ byc_voting.html.
3 days ago – Action=Login&SurveyID=142781&zx=580 to enter 94.9 The Bull's "Backyard Country: Battle of the Bands" competition. .
Thanks for voting to keep us on Backyard Country on 94.9 The Bull! If you'd .
“Right Behind You” currently is receiving airplay on 94.9 The Bull's (Atlanta's largest country station), Backyard Country show for five consecutive weeks. .
She will perform cuts off her album “Life So Sweet,” including “Biscuits and Chicken,” as heard on 94.9 The Bull's Backyard Country. .
Atlanta's Most Country Guaranteed! 94.9 The Bull. . Backyard Battle of the .
Sep 19, 2009 – LAURA BETH WRENN sings YELLOW on 94.9 THE BULL for BACKYARD COUNTRY. ellebw19 54 videos. Subscribe Alert icon Subscribed .
Jun 1, 2011 – Jun 01 In case you missed it – here's my interview with Jason & Stocky Stan from this past Saturday's Backyard Country show on 94.9 The Bull .
Jun 16, 2011 – She will perform cuts off her album "Life So Sweet," including "Biscuits and Chicken," as heard on 94.9 The Bull's Backyard Country. .
Jun 7, 2011 – Listen to 94.9 The Bull Atlanta - Backyard Country Intro.mp3 by shane-lee | Create, record and share the sounds you create anywhere to .
WUBL-FM - Atlanta Country Radio - 94.9 The Bull - Best music . Laura Beth Wrenn "Obvious" 94.9FM The Bull Backyard Country, Interview with Danny Gokey for .
He has been featured on 94.9 the bull on the bull's Backyard Country and is a favorite on the Atlanta country station! He has opened for Angie Aparo twice .
May 19, 2011 – Vote for your favorite Backyard Country artists to keep them on the air! Then don't forget to share with your friends! .
Apr 15, 2010 – Read Jordan on Backyard Country 94.9 The Bull by Jordan Rager on Myspace. Social entertainment powered by the passions of fans.
3 days ago – Vote for your favorite Backyard Country artists to keep them on the air! Then don't forget to share with your friends! .