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And during the concert, stop by our tent for all the Rock the Garden and .
89.3 The Current,Mary Lucia,full list,Mark Wheat,Barb,Abney, Barb Abney, 89.3 The Current 15 users. Bill DeVille, 89.3 The Current 14 users . 4. .
Mar 17, 2011 . The dance-rap duo used 89.3 The Current's annual Rock the Cradle . included) and a merchandise table that includes everything from the .
Jan 12, 2011 . The Current logo · Member Supported · Join Now › . . is not good for cash, and cannot be exchanged for other MPR merchandise. .
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Street Pulse · Aircheck Vault · Ratings · Music Merchandise . . The Duke Spirit perform live on-air for 89.3 The Current/Minnesota Public Radio. .
The line up will be unveiled on April 19th at 4:00 on 89.3 The Current, . stop by our tent for all the Rock the Garden and band merchandise. .
Jan 6, 2010 . Current location: Minnesota. Current music: Radio ~ 89.3 The Current. Entry tags : heads. Static Jaws..? Well hello again XD .
Current: Member, Board of Directors at Bedlam Theatre, Founder and Producer .
With Osmo Vänskä on the podium and Minnesota Public Radio hosts Melissa Ousley ( from Classical MPR) and Steve Seel (from 89.3, The Current) as your guides, .
Aug 24, 2006 . Wayne Coyne being interviewed by Mary Lucia for the Current - Photo by . from the fairgrounds with Mary Lucia on 89.3 The Current and was abruptly . The huddled crowd around the Flaming Lips merchandise booth was 10 .
May 2, 2009 . 89.3 The Current presents CLOUD CULT . The band's merchandise is all 100% postconsumer recycled or made of certified organic materials. .
Tune-in to 89.3 The Current for opportunities to win tickets to the best .
Toki Wright performs "A Different Mirror" live in the studios of 89.3 The .
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Nov 17, 2010 . 89.3 The Current presents CLOUD CULT 'Light Chasers' CD .
Rock the Garden 2010 Merchandise BUY HERE>> Schedule 3:00 pm - Gates open 4:15 pm - Retribution Gospel . Rock the Garden is copresented by 89.3 The Current.
As the Current 89.3 FM continues to rise in ratings and profile, so apparently does its commitment to local music -- a relationship that has benefitted the .
. to perform at 89.3 The Current's 6th Birthday Party at the First Avenue Mainroom. . and feature several friends and current and former bandmates - Martin Dosh (Lateduster), . BUY CDS: MERCHANDISE PAGE · firetrunk records .
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11 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Jan 5, 2010Current location: Minnesota. Current mood: curious. Current music: Radio ~ 89.3 The Current. Entry tags: fans .
Lebanon: StatisticsFeb 13, 2007 . (% of GDP) (2009), 89.3. Gross domestic savings (% of GDP) (2009), -4.5. Trade. Merchandise exports (current US$) (2009), 4187000000.0 .
The Walker Art Center and 89.3 The CurrentTM present Rock the Garden 2011. .
Apr 21, 2011 . Current: New Password: Confirm New Password: . Garage Sales + Estate Sales · Merchandise · Pets + Livestock · Business Opportunities . favorites of 89.3 the Current than Cities 97, which sponsors the block party. .
The Current presents Rock the Cradle, a free day of family fun, . and The Noisy Problem" are available to purchase from The Current's merchandise area. .
Some shows we've played - Austin Kiddie Limits, 89.3 The Current's Rock the Cradle, Minnesota State Fair, Minnesota and Los Angeles Target Books Festival, .
89.3 the Current. Music industry. June 2009 – Present (1 year 10 months) . I offer booking, licensing, networking, merchandise coordination, marketing, .
Sunday, January 9 7:00 pm; Hastings 3000 Live on Radio Current 89.3! KCMP 89.3 The Current : Minneapolis/St.Paul, MN, US (MAP). Saturday, January 8 9:00 pm .
Merchandise · FAQ · About · Contact . Moderator: Steve Seel Radio Host, 89.3 The Current. 8 Previous comments: (1) On June 1, 2010, Aaron Landry .
Jump to The Current / Classical Minnesota Public Radio / Radio Heartland: How can I learn more about a piece of music I heard on The Current or .
Data are in current U.S. dollars. Singapore along with Hong Kong, South Korea and . . Trade in services (% of GDP) in Singapore, 93.3, 89.3, View Chart .
Feb 28, 2011. organization to manufacture the action figures and other merchandise, . Saturday Morning on Sunday Street (Live for 89.3 The Current) .
Apr 28, 2011 . 89.3 KPCC NPR. March 23, 2011 Pitzer Art Galleries' Worker . photography, colorful patterns, merchandise and advertising collateral, .
Jan 20, 2006 . A year ago, the staff at 89.3 FM, the Current, set out to turn corporate radio on end and give good music a chance. How'd they do? .
We also have great Current and MPR merchandise, a fun photo booth, .
Which country took over the mantle of the world's top merchandise exporter from Germany in 2009, . .. 89.3 The Current Playlist?KCMP | 89.3 The Current . .
A brand new T-shirt design for 89.3 The Current. Available in Cardinal .
We are a reputable Minneapolis ticket broker that carries 89.3 the current birthday party 2011 with cloud cult merchandise and sells premium tickets to all .
Jun 5, 2008 . We got our library cards, but our 89.3 The Current shirts are on hold for lack of funds. . . 'Cept we were cruisin' the yo-yo merchandise. .
Jamie T. performs an acoustic version of his single "Back in the Game" live in the studios of 89.3 The Current. minnesota.publicradio.org .
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Dec 8, 2010 . Re: 89.3 The Current presents SOLID GOLD . . items & personalised gifts, corporate & business merchandise, & promotional products. .
Media Partners MPR 89.3 the Current and 99.5 Classical. Join us on Peavey .
. Kevin Johnston, Derek James, God Fires Man and Leah Siegel, 89.3 The Current , pandora.com. . merchandise! (view more). Minnesota Bound (view more) .
You can see and hear Mark Wheat live from the State Fair every weekday from 6:00 - 10:00pm on 89.3 The Current. Listen to Mark's playlist, .
You can listen to our live performance on 89.3 the Current, . effect) and you will be entered into a daily drawing to win signed Melismatics merchandise. .