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But if that's too much for you, there is the fabulous 750 Words.com, . As you write each day, you get assigned points, and badges of achievement. .
Writing - 750 Words badge ani, Keywords: Writing - 750 Words badge ani. ATLA - Kyoshi Warriors - The Fangirls, Keywords: ATLA - Kyoshi Warriors - The .
Jul 14, 2011 – I just discovered a cool resource called 750 Words. . better because you get special bird-themed badges whenever you reach certain goals. .
Mar 6, 2011 – 750 Words has helped me focus on my writing. While the badges and points are great for tracking progress, I am most impressed and excited .
Feb 24, 2011 – In addition to the statistics, there are points given for completing at least 750 words daily, badges and challenges. .
Badge image taken by randomcuriosity. . My 750 Words Awesome Badge. Category: Plastic Name Badges Holders Images. badges .
750 Words exists because of mutual good will between myself and the people who use it. . Just reached my Phoenix Badge goal, and thought I'd celebrate by .
750 Words Status · Avatar. Private, unfiltered, spontaneous, daily. . Everything you ever wanted to know about badges, but were afraid to ask. .
Badges are a mystery. They just showed up one day and refuse to go away. In any case, biologists and archeologists have been attempting to create a taxonomy .
Jun 28, 2010 – You even earn badges for meeting different criteria like writing for 5 days in a row, getting to 750 words in less than 15 minutes, etc. .
Feb 28, 2010 – The concept of 750 Words is simple: every day, you type 750 . You earn points and badges for every day you type any number of words. .
Feb 18, 2011 – I stumbled across a really nifty tool today called 750 words. . You can also receive badges and see how other people (including followed .
2) I think I fixed that pesky bug that was causing the page to hang when you clicked off the page when you were done with your 750 words. .
Nov 16, 2010 – When 750 words have been reached, a dialog box pops up with congratulations. There are rewards in the form of badges for writing streaks and .
5 answers - Jan 19No, I speak not of 750 words, and indeed, the similarity of the . . 750 word streak badges, as well as the existing streak badges). .
Jun 15, 2011 – You can even win badges as incentives for tasks like consecutive days you successfully wrote 750 words. For those with a competitive bent or .
Feb 4, 2011 – 750 Words is anything but. Rendered in white-space, . something satisfying about getting an Albatross badge for writing 30 days straight. .
Mar 6, 2011 – Here's a picture of all the badges I have so far: 750 Words Screenshot. Pretty impressive, no? (Yeah. I know. I is da bomb.) .
Apr 2, 2010 – The badge appeared today and it's pretty awesome. Don't let the date fool you. It's legit. (I hope.) Spurred on by my success of writing 750 .
Yes, you NaNoWriMoers, keep using 750 Words all year and you might be able to . If you're one of these amazing people, you will start seeing the badge on .
Sep 29, 2010 – 750 Words incorporates a fun little animal badge system designed by Ted Savage. You will find this under Today's Writers. .
Apr 13, 2011 – As a result, you will receive the prestigious Patron Owl badge for your Behavior Badges. Join Me On The Journey! 750 Words is an exercise .
Apr 7, 2011 – I should also thank Buster Benson and his 750 words site. Not that I needed a new badge or other digital form of extrinsic motivation, .
The new NaNo badge. . 750 Words Status · Avatar. Private, unfiltered, spontaneous, daily. Run by Buster Benson, who also runs Health Month and .
Mar 1, 2010 – The concept of 750 Words is simple: every day, you type 750 . You earn points and badges for every day you type any number of words. .
Feb 17, 2011 – But 750 Words also makes uses of game-inspired features. You get badges for repeated participation, you get really amazing stats based on .
It is 750 words. 750 words is an online text editor that tells you when you've hit 750 words and gives you badges if you do it daily. A streak of three days .
Apr 9, 2011 – Some sample badges from 750 Words. Of course, if you don't care about this sort of thing you can totally ignore them, but I find them to be .
The concept is simple - write 750 words each day which is the equivalent to about three . To make things interesting they have added badges to the mix. .
Oct 12, 2010 – 750 words If you're a writer, you'll know that finding a distraction-free zone . comparative statistics and any badges people have earned. .
It's called 750 Words (http://750words.com/) and is based on Julia Cameron's Morning Pages philosophy. You get badges for keep up streaks of writing, .
Mar 31, 2010 – Badges, Baby! (750 Words). Today, I beat the One Month Challenge for March on 750 Words. The object of the challenge was to write 750 words .
750 words.com is a site for "dumping your consciousness" without anyone else having the . You can see a range of badges at: http://750words.com/badges. .
Jul 7, 2010 – Badges, Baby! (750 Words) by randomcuriosity. Love adorable badges? Do detailed stats make you purr? Do you feel a small rush of joy when .
750 Words exists because of mutual good will between myself and the people .
Mar 25, 2010 – I've recently begun using the site 750 words, a project put out by . Other than the mental clarity, you can earn little badges for your .
May 9, 2011 – and I got out of the habit when I went back to work. I like the idea of 750 words a day, though. And cute animal badges as rewards? .
Apr 11, 2010 – In any case, I'm over my 750 words now and am curious to see if my new Pheonix badge is visible from the stats page. Who's going to be the .
Mar 28, 2011 – 750 words is an online text editor that tells you when you .
Apr 10, 2011 – One can obtain the Turkey badge by performing a daily ritual of writing 750 words for 3 whole days. It is part of the Streak Badge .
Loving 750 Words. Lifehacker had a review of an interesting app 750 Words: . You earn points and badges for every day you type any number of words. .
Tag Savage, the designer who designed all of the badges on 750 Words, is available again to help make some badges. What kinds of things do you want badges .
Feb 10, 2011 – The premise of 750 Words is to make journaling a game. . Finally, you can earn the social media staples of badges and achievements for .
How do I find my badges on 750 Words? I can't find them. :(
Mar 31, 2010 – Today, I beat the One Month Challenge for March on 750 .
Feb 3, 2011 – The site encourages you to write at least 750 words every single day. . Each badge is based on a bird. One day is an egg representing .
750 Words exists because of mutual good will between myself and the people who use it. . Not so much a new feature I suppose, but I love the badges and am .
Mar 18, 2010 – A review of online journalling tool, 750 words. . These statistics and the badge rewards (such as a penguin for a 5 -day writing streak .
Why does it say I'm feeling a certain emotion on my stats page? What are badges and how do I earn them? Can I write my 750 words in full-screen mode? .
Mar 10, 2011 – Thu, November 25 2010, 1:47pm from 750 Words Status. Happy Thanksgiving! Just got the new NaNoWriMo badge designed and will start awarding .