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11 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Jan 18Latest Blog Entry: A 72 Virgins Myth: Islam, Militant Atheism, and Anti .
Apr 10, 2009 – yahoo.com>. Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 10:37:10 -0700 (PDT). Local: Fri, Apr 10 2009 1:37 pm. Subject: Myth: Islam Promises 72 Virgins for Martyrs .
1 post - Last post: Nov 7, 2004Date: 5 Nov 2004 07:29:41 -0000From: "sudeepta basak" To: vrinparker (AT) yahoo (DOT) co.inSubject: The Myth of 72 Virgins and Vedic Yoga.
13 answersFind the answer to this question and millions more on Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers. . Where do get this myth of 72 virgins from? You know people will laugh at .
Jun 27, 2011 – http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Al6J. . 72 virgins is a urban myth. christian/zionist enemies of islam like to perpetuate that myth. .
A 72 Virgins Myth: Islam, Militant Atheism, and Anti-Imperialism. August 1, 2011 BJ Murphy Leave a comment Go to comments. by BJ Murphy. Even as an .
May 20, 2011 – News rater, anti-Palin group get govt Gulf work - Yahoo! News . The 72 virgins story is a myth perpetuated on the American people . This belief .
20 posts - 15 authors - Last post: 3 days agoLatest Blog Entry: A 72 Virgins Myth: Islam, Militant Atheism, and Anti- . a message via Yahoo to TheGodlessUtopian Send a message via .
1 post - Last post: May 1yahoo.com>. Date: Sun, 1 May 2011 09:56:18 +0300 . Today, the myth of the 72 virgins remains potent ammunition for those who .
Apr 7, 2011 – Logic (I find irony in that chosen name), first i need to point to you that there is NO mention of 72 virgins in the holy Koran, that is myth and .
3.5.1 Tabari; 3.5.2 Ibn Kathir; 3.5.3 Qurtubi; 3.5.4 Razi. 4 Physical attributes. 4.1 Alternative Interpretation. 5 "72 Virgins". 5.1 Authenticity; 5.2 Alternative Views .
Mar 5, 2007 – Debunking the 'Suicide for 72 Virgins' Myth « theuglytruth . BP buys Google, Yahoo search words:Is it to keep p. .
72 virgins and 28 boys philosphy is a testament to what some of the Islamic principles really stand for - lust, greed, hunger and . S , ozcoolguy@yahoo.com. au .
A-Best: Yahoo !! A: why would you want 72 virgins when you have such a small wee wee. A: Islam does not offer any such thing, urban myth. .
Apr 25, 2004 – I simply wanted to ask what is the background of the stories I hear about 72 virgins and automatically going to heaven. Are these based in facts .
10 answers - Dec 17, 2008Top answer: I suppose back then it was possible to fool some one with notions of life after death. How do you explain the explosion of believers in Islam today. How can you sell .
Mar 31, 2007 – Get more on shows you hate to love (and love to hate): Yahoo! TV's Guilty Pleasures list. Follow-Ups: [geocentrism] Re: The 72 Virgins Myth .
Mar 4, 2010 – yahoo.com> wrote: Myth: Islam Promises 72 Virgins for Martyrs Geez, what a shame . It was Islam's one and only positive selling point. .
Oct 24, 2010 – (news.yahoo.com), divider line . . It's like viking mythology; one who dies without honor outside of battle shall not see Valhalla or feast in the halls of Asgard. . Sure a few might think they'll get the 72 virgins, but that's wholly .
Jul 22, 2010 – Myth of 72 virgins grossly misrepresents Islam . Furl · Yahoo · Technorati · Newsvine · Googlize this · Blinklist; Facebook; Wikio .
May 17, 2011 – web search powered by Yahoo! . Actually his big bang theory is a myth. . .. Jihadis seek a reward of 72 virgins for wearing a suicide vest for .
May 10, 2010 – No Agenda News : The 72 Virgins Myth. May 10, 2010 noagendanews Leave a comment Go to comments. Tony Fox has sent you a link to a blog: .
Mar 22, 2010 – . of heaven and the myths and truths behind claims of 72 virgins for . del.icio. us; Google Bookmarks; NewsVine; StumbleUpon; Yahoo! Buzz .
May 2, 2011 – Favorite with Technorati; Yahoo Save to Yahoo! MyWeb . Finally, the 72 virgins is a myth, no reality attached to it. I however loved the art, but .
7 answersFind the answer to this question and millions more on Yahoo! . One of the biggest Israeli propaganda myths is the invention of 72 virgins as a Muslim reward for .
Apr 23, 2011 – Web Search powered by YAHOO! Search. Clear sky . Another myth they don't. By rjegras . They get a 72 year old Virgin>>:):). Be Prepared: .
Aug 15, 2011 – Muslims, what is the purpose of 72 virgins? - Yahoo! Answers . Other Muslims tell me, that the virgin thing is a myth. .
Awarding Muslim men of 72 Virgins in heaven is a MYTH & NOT mentioned in Quran ( Please read . . @yahoo.com, @hotmail.com, @gmail.com, @live.com, @aol.com .
The incorrect assumption that Islam promises 72 Virgins for Martyrs in Heaven . It is a myth repeated so often that has misled many people in accepting it a.
May 19, 2011 – Fox News Poll Reveals 3% Of Americans Believe 72 Virgins Greeted Ghost Osama . Email Twitter Facebook Digg Reddit Stumble Upon Yahoo Buzz . . Most rational people feel no need to declare the Tooth Fairy a myth. .
Jan 26, 2008 – Add to My Yahoo! . . Wanting 72 virgins for writing an op-ed or blog post? . . I cant seem to figure out if this is one of those American created urban-legend/ propaganda things or has some real basis in Islamic theology. .
25 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Nov 23, 2007The 72 virgins bull seems to be a further extraploration from that. .
Mar 4, 2007 – One of the biggest Israeli propaganda myths is the invention of 72 virgins as a Muslim reward for suicide. This has been repeated to the .
May 2, 2011 – Eric Olsen (GayPatriotMidwest) - Email: gaypatriotmidwest -at- yahoo.com . Sorry, Osama, No 72 Virgins for you. Posted by B. Daniel Blatt at .
Apr 3, 2011 – [edit] Yahoo! news links . . Why do you redirect virgin to 72 virgins? . intercourse and doesn't necessarily mean 72 virgins myth in islamic .
25 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Mar 6, 2007CARI Malay Forums Debunking the Suicide for 72 Virgins Myth! Source: http://www. geocities.com/mewatch99/One of the biggest Israeli .
Mar 6, 2007 – Yahoo! Groups gets a make over. See the new email design. . Re: [zamanku] Debunking the Suicide for 72 Virgins Myth amartien (21k) .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Mar 4, 2007Debunking the Suicide for 72 Virgins Myth! One of the biggest Israeli .
May 6, 2011 – In fact, no other Muslim scholars have mentioned the 72 virgins myth. According to fiqh, in order for an opinion to be deemed legitimate or .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Mar 4, 2007. Members; Calendar; Promote; Groups Labs (Beta); Chat ? Already a member? Sign in to Yahoo! . Re: [tnet] Debunking the Suicide for 72 Virgins Myth! . There is a hadith that mentions 72 virgins for martyrdom. .
22 answers"If muslim men get 72 virgins after death what do muslim women get?" - Find the answer to this question and millions more on Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers.
The myth that sex with a virgin will cure AIDS is prevalent in sub-Saharan .
Apr 23, 2011 – The notion of the 72 virgins in Islamic paradise explained . the ridicule that the 72 Virgins legend has brought upon them and upon their brother believers. . . Please contact me at act4americaor@yahoo.com to set up a time. .
25 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Oct 13, 2007The Myth: Muhammad Promised 72 Female Virgins for Martyrs. . .. Users browsing this forum: Yahoo [Bot] and 0 guests .
24 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jul 7THIS is the myth, that they kill others and themselves just for free fuck virgins, they kill in order to get to paradise . They get their 72 virgins, but it turns out they are all goats that were never f*cked! . [link to answers.yahoo.com] .
AUSTRALIA: asyiqah_hannan@yahoo.com (+61433675283) KHURASAN: Tzar Chen . . A: 1, No, the 72 virgin myth is not true. Actually, Muslims who die .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Mar 4, 2007Already a member? Sign in to Yahoo! Yahoo! Groups Tips. Did you know. .
Jan 12, 2002 – Wardeh was in fact shortchanging his recruits since the rewards in Paradise for martyrs was 72 virgins. But I am running ahead of things . .
13 answersFind the answer to this question and millions more on Yahoo! . Today, the myth of the 72 virgins is amongst other false arguments against Islam, which is .
21 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Mar 28Men get 72 virgins, Now what I would like to know is what if a woman goes to heaven, what does she get? . .. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_pakist. 9zZXNmb3JwYWtp . with a brief reference to the 72 virgins myth(?). .