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Sep 21, 2001 – Amateur Radio UK & US Band Plans. . Use of the allocated bands in the UK is voluntary to a large . . 432.10, 70-cm calling frequency .
4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Aug 27, 2002What is the frequency for FM DX on 70cm? Is it around 446mhz? . If you are ever over in the UK 433.500 is the calling Freq. .
17 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Oct 28, 200970cm FM: 446.000 MHz (National FM Calling Frequency) . Granted only HF is really an issue, but like 2m in the UK is only 2MHz while in the .
England 11mtr 26.965-27.40 27.60125-27.99125 40/40 FM 4 vertical. Ireland 11mtr 26.965-27.991 ? . 5 Watt on 70cm vertical / horizontal horizontal only on 70cm . . 26.425 USB calling frequency, Poland (often polish language) .
Apr 1, 2010 – Active on HF/ssb/Data/CW 2m/FM/ssb/CW 70cm/FM/ssb 4m/FM 6m/FM/ssb D-Star/Digital Voice . The UK calling frequencies are 144.6125 VHF a. .
UK UHF Amateur Radio Band Plan. 430 MHz (70cm) . SSB and CW only. 432.200 SSB centre of activity. 432.350 Microwave talkback - calling freq.(Europe) .
An amateur radio repeater system consisting of a 70cm repeater and a 2 meter digipeater and iGate. . 4.1 USA coordination; 4.2 UK repeaters. 5 Equipment . so that mobile amateurs could call in traffic accidents via the repeater to the . Having two repeaters operate on the same radio frequency is problematic, .
8 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jan 15, 2010Anybody know the common 2 meter and 70 cm simplex frequencies in the . This is the UK band plan which follows general European practice. As elsewhere, once making a contact on a VHF/UHF calling frequency, FM or SSB, .
UK calling frequencies as agreed at the dstar meeting in Bedford March 2008: 144.6125 MHz 70cm: 438.6125 MHz 23cm: 1298.6125 MHz. D-Star Regenerative Node .
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Sep 4, 2006 – Band, Frequency (GHz) . Band, Frequency, Wave- length, Terrestrial Calling Frequencies (MHz). Narrowband- . D, 420-450 MHZ, 70cm, 432.1, 446.0 (V) . K, 47-47.2 GHZ, 6mm, 47088.1 (UK & US) 47000.1 (Canada) .
see: <http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/por/50.htm> 50.080-50.100 CW QSO's . 432.100 70 cm calling frequency 432.11-432.20 WSJT JT44/FSK441 ? 432.150 SSB PSK .
Mar 17, 2011 – Following installation of a new 6m/2m/70cm triband co-linear antenna at my Canvey . I made some CQ calls on S20, the 2M FM calling frequency, . . in Dec 2003 the UK had the best policed radio airwaves in the world. .
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15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Aug 1, 2009So you can use it on 446 / uk general and 70cm in adjacent memories .
7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 4, 2008is anyone else in the Manchester area ready with D-STAR on 2m or 70cm? Also, is there a UK simplex calling frequency in a similar way to S20 .
7 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jul 20, 2009one of the LPD channels is a HAM calling frequency i believe! http://www. charlietango.co.uk . LPD Channel 18 is the 70cm Ham calling frequency on FM 433.500Mhz, I just got that from another thread :). Magnum 257 .
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15 posts - 8 authors - Last post: May 10if we in the UK start saying in the UK we do not wont the 70cm . . While I'm here, anyone know the FM calling frequencies for 2m and 70cm? .
The main SSB calling frequency for 2m is 144.300 mhz.For 70cm its 432.200 mhz . . First go to:- www.streetmap.co.uk. And enter in your postcode or street .
73.0 kHz, LowFER-UK1, EXP, Experimental UK Ham band, active between 1998-2002. . . 146.52 MHz, 2m calling, HAM, Unofficial 2m simplex calling frequency . . 446.0 MHz, 70cm calling, HAM, Unofficial 70cm simplex calling frequency .
Apr 17, 2011 – UK Radio Frequency Bands. . The Radio Spectrum - UK Allocations . .. (USA) 20 4 3 14 1.33 (some amateur) 25 5 3 16 1.66 70cm/marine WEFAX 9 4 26 2.25 137MHz etc WFM 75 . 0 Hz No cycles per second - let's call it DC! .
The IC-9100 fully covers HF/6M, 12M, 70cm amateur bands in multiple modes. . 20 alphanumeric satellite memory channels store frequencies, mode and tone settings . One-touch reply function • Digital call sign squelch • Received call sign record . . Icom UK Support Camb-Hams IOTA DX'pedition 2011 - 05/05/ 2011 .
UK Flag, G0LGS, Shack Time . IARU R1 432MHz Beacons (by Frequency) . .. If you are the Keeper of a 70cm Beacon or can provide additional information, .
Amateur Radio UK VHF Bandplan. 50 | 70 | 144 | 430 | 1240 Mhz | UK HF Band plans . 2m 144 - 146Mhz New IARU Region 1 Bandplan. 70cm 430 - 440Mhz .
Jul 28, 2003 – UK Radio Frequency Bands. . The Radio Spectrum - UK Allocations . .. 1.33 ( some amateur) 25 5 3 16 1.66 70cm/marine WEFAX 9 4 26 2.25 137MHz etc WFM 75 15 180 5 Band . 0 Hz No cycles per second - let's call it DC! .
50.110 - DX calling 50.130 - 50.500 All narrow band modes 50.500 - 52.000 All modes . 430 MHz - 70 cm. 430.000 - 430.810 All modes digital communications .
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QRP operators recognize 14.060 MHz as their primary calling frequency in that band. . . ATV operation in the 70 cm band is particularly popular, because the signals can . Before the introduction of the 136 kHz band in the UK in 1998, .
Jan 20, 2011 – Please call or fax in advance before visiting your dealer of choice. . . CT6 8LD, U.K. Phone: 01227 741741 Fax: 01227 741742 Icom France S.a Zac . . 432.100 70 cm CW/SSB calling frequency 432.10-433.00 Mixed-mode and .
May 30, 2011 – The simplex calling frequency is 145.500 MHz. . and save the following 'Excel' file which contains all the UK 2m & 70cm repeater details, .
UK Repeater Maps . Call Search . GB3UK 70cm Voice Repeater . Note: GRG is aware that incorrect Frequency information for GB3UK has previously been .
The exact amateur frequency allocations varies regionally. . in Canada, the band is only 430 - 450 MHz; in the UK, amateurs are allocated 430 - 440 MHz. . 432.10 MHz, 70-cm calling frequency. 432.10 - 432.30 MHz .
25 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jul 5, 2006Usually, if you're on a calling frequency, the calling party will then tell you . . I believe hams in UK, Ireland and Slovenia can use this band. . . 2m and 70cm calling channels are unuasble because of massive signals .
1 post - 1 author70cm UK « Thread Started on Jun 12, 2007, 2:46am » . 432.370 FSK441 calling frequency 432.4000 - 432.5000. Beacons Only 500Hz 432.5000 - 432.9940 .
Harmonics are frequencies which are on multiples of the actual signal being .
the UK amateur radio repeater resource . 70 cm. For the 70cm band .
May 4, 2011 – UK Union Jack flag and European Union flag . Bands: HF: 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/ 12/10m-VHF: 6/2/70cm . GENERAL, PLEASE vacate or pass on the FIST calling frequency after 5 continuous QSO's or QSY off the calling .
Apr 3, 2009 – Surely, this couldn't be someone calling CQ on 70cm's FM could it? . a quick flick through the frequencies around SU20 discovered another .
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existing or licenced 70cm (analogue) amateur repeaters. . You can search for: callsign, band, TX freq, RX freq, channel, ctcss, location, mode, .
6 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Mar 21Anyone fancy a QSO on CQ100 ??? We could have a 80 meter QSO UK net of an evening. . CQ100 QSO UK calling frequency anyone ? . g5rv.1/4 wave 2m/70cm. 7500 2/70cm high gain for mobile use.yaesu ft-817nd.yaesu ft-7800 .
"UK 446 PMR and LPD (Lowpower devices) Specifications. . These devices are Frequency Modulated (FM) with a maximum legal power output of 10 mW. . the growing use of 144.450 as an FM "calling frequency" by unlicensed para-glider, .
A quick scan of the 430-440 MHz (70cm) amateur band in the UK usually reveals very . . Probably the calling frequencies which in Europe are 433.500 for FM .
U.S. amateur radio frequencies, the HF spectrum, HF broadcast, military, . EME and weak-signal SSB 144.20 = SSB calling frequency 144.20 - 144.28 = general SSB . 437.8 MHz uplink 125cm 222 - 225 MHz 70cm 420 - 450 MHz 420.00 - 432.00 = ATV . Czechoslovakia 60 MSF Rugby, England 60 WWVB Fort Collins, Colorado, .
May 19, 2010 – England 11mtr 26.965-27.40 27.60125-27.99125 40/40 FM 4 vertical. Ireland 11mtr 26.965-27.991 ? . 70CM with 10Miliwatt's 933+934MHZ with 5 Watt's . 26.425 USB calling frequency, Poland (often polish language) .
ATV is practiced on frequencies of 430 MHz and up (i.e., the 70-cm, 23, 13, . 1890 kHz - calling freq 3590 kHz 3730-3740 kHz 3730 kHz - calling freq . around 3.7 MHz from 08:00-08:30 UK time (this is UTC+1 during the summer) .
May 29, 2011 – I am often on 10, 15, 17 or 20 meters QRP SSB and CW calling frequencies, infrequently I may jump on 2m/70cm FM duplex or simplex. .
Apr 18, 2010 – www.visivis.co.uk. -ViSiViS- . 70-CM Repeater Frequencies in Region 2. City, Frequency, PL, Call, Wide Area or Linked Repeater Network(s) .
. SSB calling frequency 144.20 - 144.28 = general SSB 1.25m 222 - 225 MHz 70cm . Czechoslovakia 60 MSF Rugby, England 60 WWVB Fort Collins, Colorado, .