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Seven Eleven Doubles: A game played with two dice, a hula hoop on the floor, and alcohol. One of the rules is that no one explains the rules, .
Optional rule #1: Every time The Drinker "gets hit" (Roller rolls a 7, 11, or double while he's drinking), the glass gets filled by half the amount as the .
Jul 4, 2009 . Kmart Super Doubles 7/5 to 7/11 Check your ad online as prices and . Each time Kmart offers the Super Doubles, the rules change. .
Rules: 1) If you roll 7, 11, or doubles pick a drinker 2) You can roll the dice as many times as . What are the rules for the 7/11 Doubles drinking game? .
2 reviews
Jun 25, 2009 . Thank you for contacting Kmart regarding the Kmart Double Coupon Event. . Default Participating NY Stores for 7/5-7/11 doubles .
Dec 30, 2002 . Directions on how to play the drinking game 7-11-Doubles.
Seven Eleven Doubles: A game played with two dice and alcohol. One of the rules is that no one explains the rules, but if you break them you drink anyway. .
Shopping for 7 11 doubles rules?. You will get a best prices at BuyItEasyToday. com. Say Hula Today!
Nov 19, 2008 . Added to queue Irish Weekend 2008 7-11 Doubles Fightby .
7-11 Doubles - Beer drinking games rules and more at Brewthis.com. Over 100 fun drinking games and drinking card games to choose from.
WOR Rules · Singles Rules · Rankings · Event Level Definitions . 2011 WOR Marina Park Doubles Shootout – 5/7/11. Posted: 2011-05-13 .
How to Shoot Dice 7 11. Shooting dice is also referred to as playing craps. . Rules for the 7-11 Dice Game · How to Play 7-11 Doubles Drinking Game .
7-11-Doubles is a popular college drinking game across the US. a simple . If a player wins 7 times in a row, he can create a new rule that results in .
Jul 5, 2006 . Rules to the dice game 7-11-doubles, with some varying rules played by differing groups. This is a great drinking game for your next party, .
Feb 12, 2008 . I was brave enough to play the 7/11 Doubles drinking game brought to you by DrinkingGames.com! Click here to see how this game is played!
Mar 19, 2010 . Read the rules for 7, 11 or Doubles on wikiHow. HackCollege Proptip: Your reflexes will dull quickly. Also, don't hero. Even if she's cute. .
Once someone rolls 7, 11, or doubles, no one touch the dice! The roller gets to . Crown & Anchor Dice Game Rules · How To Play the Dix Mille Dice Game .
Jun 28, 2005 . rules are simple. roll a 7, 11, double you must take a shot .
For those of you who can roll enough sevens. elevens, and doubles to make .
The 7-11 Dice Game is a simple drinking game often found at parties on college campuses. . How to Play 7-11 Doubles Drinking Game · Poker Dice Game Rules .
6/7/11 - It's a double dip DREAM! Disney Cruise Meets. . I Just Have To Double Check, GOOFY4DONALD, Disney Dining Plan, 6, 11-10-2009 12:10 PM .
Apr 9, 2010 . One Fat Hen 21 7 7-11-doubles Avalanche The Barley Mow Bartok Beer can pyramid Beer checkers Beer die Beer pong Beer paddles Beer darts .
If they do not roll a 7, 11, or double. They pass the dice to the next player. . One frequently added rule is that any player rolling a 3 must drink. .
The roller of the 7, 11 or doubles chooses a drinker. Now, the appointed drinker must drink the cup following specific rules. As soon as the drinker touches .
Rules, 1) If you roll 7, 11, or doubles pick a drinker 2) You can roll the dice as many times as possible . More. while they are chugging .
Each game has its own rule and consequences to face if you lost the game. . Indian Poker drinking game, beer hunter drinking game, 7/11 doubles drinking .
haha rite neil, you were really drunk that time. but anyway, heres the rules. 7- 11- Doubles You will need a two dice and several people. .
Sep 10, 2009 . Seven Eleven Rules: Players take turns to roll the dice. If he/she rolls a 7, 11 , or doubles, the person chooses who drinks. .
I've rolled dice for 7-11-Doubles. I've waterfalled for Kings. . Its origin is somewhat shrouded in legend and its rules vary by region, but it is one of .
Sep 9, 2008 . The Official Mr. Busch Rules Directions: Don't worry, . .. I'm a big fan of 7, 11 doubles. Its a real simple game that gets you fucked up. .
It's called 7,11, or doubles. Need a glass, two dice, people and beer. . (or 2 if you play the modified rules). The killer is double 1's or double 6's. .
Sep 21, 2005 . explaining the rules of 7-11-doubles for the millionth time picture published by lynnie719.
7-11-Doubles, roll 7 or 11 and assign a drink to a player. . Tornado!, this game combines the rules of Chug! and either 7-11-Doubles or Get Hammered! .
It's called 7,11, or doubles. Need a glass, two dice, people and beer. . (or 2 if you play the modified rules). The killer is double 1's or double 6's. .
A player can challenge another player if they roll a 7, 11, or doubles with standard challenge rules applying. A player can pick from the lawn if they roll .
Rules of Play: The first player rolls the dice. If they roll a 7, 11 or doubles (e.g. two 5′s) then the player to their left must drink. .
Sep 23, 2009 . 7-11 doubles is a drinking game that can consist of 2-8 players. You can really have as many as you want but when you get to many its .
Here is a game. It's called 7,11, or doubles. Need a glass, two dice, people .
May 29, 2007 . Added to queue Gil Ties in 7-11 Doubles? You Decideby .
The object of the game is to get a '7' and '11' or doubles of any kind. . These following rules have been slightly different it seems wherever I play, .
IF the roller does not succeed in rolling a 7, 11 or doubles, then the game continues and you pass the dice to the right. KEY IMPORTANT RULE - IF YOU TOUCH .
Fun Drinking Games - Collection of Drinking & Party Game Rules. . start with the middle guy rolling the dice if he roles a 7,11, or doubles, .
The great thing with a game such as the 7-11 doubles drinking game is that you need only a couple of . What are the Horseshoe Doubles Official Rules? .
Jul 27, 2010 . Escondido trip first night learning how to play 7,11, double. . Added to queue Rules for Dice Games : Playing 7-11 Dice Drinki. by .
7-11 Doubles. Monday, 15th June 2009. Uncategorized . Rules: The way you play, is to get about 4 or more people and get around a table. .
Set includes four dice for four exciting games—Chug!, 7-11 Doubles, . of 4 shot glasses and the dice and rules for playing 4 classic drinking games. .
Rules, 1) If you roll 7, 11, or doubles pick a drinker 2) You can roll the dice as many times as possible . More. while they are chugging .
10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Nov 24, 2007A player can challenge another player if they roll a 7, 11, or doubles with standard challenge rules applying. A player can pick from the .