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Apr 19, 2009 – This is similar in output to a single 6AQ5, 6BQ5 or 6V6GT. The amplifier sounded terrible when I received it. The feedback loop was set up .
6V6GTs. There are very few offerings in the boutique market for 6V6s. The Russian 6V6 is of extremely . There is no substitute for personal experience. .
Feb 28, 2010 – 6V6-GT Pinout. basing, pinout. 6V6-GT Substitutes . data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. .
Measure volts at the point on the schematic where it says 385 volts, below the 6V6's. If it's 290 you might want to substitute some parts later to up the .
Jun 16, 2008 – The Chinese GZ34 is a great substitute for Fender amps $10 each . .. If you want the best 6V6GT, this is the king of the hill. None better. .
21 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jan 10Since the circumstances where you could substitute an EL84 OR a 6V6 for an EL34 are not common, I didn't assume that a direct substitution .
Nov 9, 2010 – this stereo amp using 6v6gt or el34 for power tubes , ecc83 for preamp , also can substitute with ecc82 . complete built on mid of 2009 .
Jun 25, 2000 – But be warned: It's not the same tone as a 6V6. ****NOTE: This tube is now out of . . The Mullard GZ37 would be a fine substitute as well. .
Mullard CV378 NOS 1960s, The finest sounding 5U4G substitute. . . The Ultimate 6V6GT Super heavy duty construction and tone to die for in your vintage .
30 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jan 30, 2010In a 6L6 (and 6V6 for that matter), Pin 1 is not connected to anything. . .. The suppressor grid is not a substitute for a screen grid. .
30 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Dec 16, 2006With the additional gain of the PI, this makes for a pretty eXtreme amp, and you can easily substitute 6V6 power tubes for the EL84s, .
Octal version of type 6D6. Most direct substitute: 6K7. Similar to types 58, 78 and 6SK7. 6V6 Beam power tetrode, used in single-ended class A audio output .
6V6 : Who, What, Where, When images, discuss, define, news. . please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and .
Re: 6V6GT as plug-in substitute for 5881??? 10/9/1999 1:42 AM. David, Re .
Increasingly scarce, not being manufactured, no easy substitute. . . Sounds different from 6V6GT types, using it is up to the consumer. .
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3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jun 26, 2002I currently have RCA red base 5692 in place of the original 6SN7-GT and old sylvania(visseaux)6V6GT in place of. 6V6GT electro-harmonic. .
Electro Harmonix 6V6GT. They claim that it out performs N.O.S tubes GE, Philips etc. at any plate voltage . Groove Tubes 6L6/EL84 Substitute Power Reducer .
May 27, 2003 – 6V6GT substitute with 6V6GTA?? . my old boulevard amplifier has four 6V6GT tubes. can i install 6VGTA in place of the 6V6GT? .
RCA employs here a low-power, single-ended circuit using 6V6GT output tubes. . . The Sylvania 6V6GT is a B league substitute, I found it harsh and cold. .
I'm wondering if I could substitute a pair of 6v6GT's to get the overdriven effect at lower volumes?? According to Kevin O'Connor. this can be done with .
MESA BOOGIE Guitar Amp Power Tubes STR417 6V6GT Matched in Musical . this tube defines vintage "Deluxe" styled tone and is a great substitute in the Mark .
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First line: 7408 6V6GT* 6V6GT Abstract: .. Substitutes: 5871, 6AY5, 6P6C, 6V6G, 6V6GT, 6V6GTA, 6V6GTY, 6V6Y, 7184, CV509, CV510, CV511 .. Tags: 6V6GT 6V6GT* .
A Players Guide: Pt3 EL84 & 6V6GT. TAKE A LOOK BEHIND THE WORLD'S . make no mistake: while a 6V6 will fit a 6L6 socket, do not substitute them in an amp .
For Fender reverb units or to replace 6V6 in certain amps. 1950's French production, airy top end. Can substitute for 6V6 with lighter, more linear sound . .
Power tube (middle socket) is 6V6. Recommend using glass 6V6GTs. . If you have a 6SC7 amp, do NOT attempt to substitute other types, as the 6SC7 has an .
7 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jan 7, 2005So, my next project is using two pair of 6V6GT in parallel to operate . Audiophile: "I reject your reality and substitute my own!" .
13 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Nov 15, 2010With that amp the 6V6Gt was a lot less loud while something like the KT88 . Alright, I'm not sure why you would even want to substitute a .
6v6gt datasheet, 3 best. 6v6gt pinout, (alt.) 6v6gt tube data, (alt.) 6v6gty, ( alt.) 6v6gt vs 6l6, (alt.) 6v6gt specs, (alt.) 6v6gt substitute, (alt.) .
This page lists all of the 6V6 tubes I currently have in stock, including all . . any of the military spec tubes will work nicely as a substitute. .
7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jan 24, 2010To quote Aspen Pittman (p.200 The tube amp book) " Some players even substitute the 6L6 for 6V6 in their Champs and Deluxe amps. .
10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Dec 27, 2010. direct substitute) - these are renowned for their incredible sound stage VERY RARE - ONE . Mazda 6V6GT MINT NOS NIB - $150 shipped .
8 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jun 21, 2009Can I substitute a 6K6GT in place of a 6V6GT? Differences? . Im not sure if you mean taking out a 6v6 and putting in a 6k6 or the other .
29 posts - 15 authors - Last post: Apr 1The 6v6 has the diode line below 30v, similar to the 6L6 which also .
12 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Nov 22, 2007Describe the difference between a 6v6 and a 6L6 Amp Technical Info. . I'm also interested in whether it's ok to substitute 6L6s in for .
Feb 22, 2003 – Mic Kaczmarczik's 6V6 6L6 swaps Information. 6V6 6L6 swaps . 6V6 6L6 swaps. This directory contains USENET articles Mic has saved about .
The best substitute would be 6V6 as it has greater gain. As mentioned, plenty of 6K6's around at low cost. Consider operating voltage. .
Feb 18, 2000 – Recommend using old-stock 6V6GTs in such amplifiers. A possible substitute in SOME amplifiers is the Svetlana SV83. .
Also, is there a substitute for the rectifier tube that would. . sound and thus swap in rectifiers that have less sag and push the 6V6GT a bit harder. .
NJ7P Tube Database Search. 6V6GT Beam Power Amplifier . Substitute Data. Preferred Substitutes . . . . . . . . . 7408. Substitutes . .
6v6gt data sheet. . Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers datasheetsto ensure that a substitute is safe. .
However, you can substitute in any 6550, KT66, 6L6GC, 7581, KT90, EL37, or even a 6V6GT into any amplifier. The ProLogue One, Four, Six, and DiaLogue One .
Various, $5.00. This is a 5V heater version of 6V6GT. Would make an inexpensive substitute for 6V6GT if heater circuit is matched. .
Fortunately, you can substitute the readily-available 6V6 tube. The 6V6 provides no current regulation, but it has the right filament characteristics and .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Mar 31, 2010This tube is often relabeled as a 6V6 and Fender uses this tube in its 6V6 combo's." Should be ok to substitute. .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: May 26The current tube layout is (L-R from the rear) 6J8GA, 6U7G, 6B6G, missing valve (6V6GT??) and diode/resistor substitute for 5Y3GT? .
Say for the 6V6 the tubes to substitute are. 6V6G, 6V6GT,6V6GTA,6V6GT/G, 6V6GTX, 6V6GTY, 6V6GX, 6V6Y And each of these 7 have their own entry with the other .
6V6 type tubes sound different than 6L6 tubes when driven into distortion. . . You may also substitute a 5Y3GT rectifier tube for the stock 5U4GB rectifier .
5 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jan 22, 2009My big concern is what was supplied as a 6V6. .it's a 6N6C (stroked through in . Did I get dealt an inferior substitute, and also, .