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10 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Apr 5, 2010I think the 6v6 and el84 in parallel is not a good idea, because to parallel .
20 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jan 14, 2008the guy who invented fire's Avatar. Join Date: Sep 2004. Location: Just follow the sound of FUZZ. Posts: 16675. Default Re: 6V6 Versus EL84 .
19 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Mar 6, 2008EL84 are, in a way, a less coloring tube (compared to 6v6s') 6v6's sound more Bluesier amp, EL84 more Rocking amp but it's just a matter of .
21 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jan 10Do 6V6's or EL84's sound more like EL34's? . In fact the Brimar sounds a lot less 6V6 like altogether. Quite different from the rest IMO. EL84's .
Dec 13, 1997 – This option produces a meaty, slightly edgy sound compared to the 6V6 tubes. The EL84 has more gain than the 6V6 and its tone has been .
8 posts - 6 authors - Last post: May 29, 2009All tube types do sound different. But it is eminently possible to make dirty amps with 6V6's and 6L6's or clean amps with EL84's or EL34's and .
IF you can get Philips, Telefunken, or British Mullard then go for it. If not, try a . Being prone to mechanical noise in a combo amp, the EL84 is not recommended for amps with poor air circulation. . In short, they sound a lot like a premium 6V6. .
10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 3, 2006Want to do something different.. so SE Class A UL output stage using EL84's or 6V6's. looking to top 20W or so. Of course i will go really .
Converts most audio amplifiers with 6L6, EL34, 6550 or 6V6 tubes to EL84/6BQ5 tubes without modification or rebiasing. Converts from Class-AB to Class-A .
Jun 5, 2007 – Read 6V6 vs EL84, Guinness vs. . Guinness turned into a second, and my love of the EL84 rolled over into the 6V6. . Play a sound when: .
7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 24, 2009Post subject: 6V6 vs EL84? Post Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:38 pm . The EL84 with always sound “rounder” and more subdued." .
22 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Jan 2, 2007[Archive] OK tube experts: 6V6 vs 6L6 vs EL34 Amps and Cabs. . To me the 6v6 sounds like a smaller version of the 6L6 with less of everything . If I want power amp distortion, I turn to my small 20w amp with some EL84's. .
9 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Aug 9I'm thinking the reason I don't build for EL84 is because I'm not as fond of the sound compared to 6V6. I am also thinking that you really .
15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Mar 20, 2007TRAYNOR YBA-2a/b 6v6 vs el84. Post by methodofcontrol on Mon Sep 06, .
1 day ago – EL84. This tube has a snarly sound, and is usually found in smaller wattage amplifiers. . The 6L6 has more headroom and does not break up as quickly as the EL84 or EL34. . Tagged With: 6L66v6el34el84power tubetube .
7 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Sep 9, 2007I know there may be comparisons, The 6V6 tube does sound fine but the 6BQ5 .
Fully modded Fender Blues Junior with 5881 or 6V6 output tubes, 25 watts .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jul 4, 2010pcb vs handwired and 6V6 vs EL84 . a thicker, more punchy clean tone, and more of a kind of furry (sometimes flubby) sound at break up. .
15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Mar 20, 2007has anyone compared the tone of the 6v6 model to the el84 . meant to put a bunch of smiley faces in there so it didn't sound snotty. sorry. :) .
8 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jul 21, 2008It got me thinking about the difference between 6V6 & EL84 power tubes. . I always liked the sound of EL84's, and I think you will too once you plug in to the . without sounding overly flubby on the bottom or brittle on the top. .
5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Apr 28, 2010EL84's were one of the last of the major tubes to be designed -- they . To some people, EL84's and 6V6's sound more similar than they do to .
. you the highest quality tubes and making your guitar amp or hi-fi sound its very best! 7027A 6550A 5881 6L6GC 6BQ5/EL84 6V6 KT66 KT88 EL34/6CA7 .
Answer: The Gabriel Stinger 7 watt pure class A single ended with switchable EL84 and 6V6 power tubes. Brit or Yank. Gabriel Stinger Head Brit or Yank. .
Every power tube type offers a different characteristic sound and feel. EL84's have a very . (Converts 6L6, EL34, 6550, 7027 or 6V6 to EL84). The YJS is for .
Adding to our stable of extreme value amplifiers, we now have the Firestone Audio PP Tube Mono Blocks which can be ordered with EL84 or 6V6 output tubes. .
This gives a combination of class-A and Class-AB operation and sounds quite . Furthermore, the heater (or filament) current of the EL84 is lower than that of the . . in most amplifiers which use 6V6 output tubes, or other similar-based tubes, .
19 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jan 29, 2009I don't know if it's an actual volume difference, or just an apparent . .. to drive the 6V6 tubes so, consequently, the EL84 tubes sound louder. .
I've gotten my amp to sound. . I might change that tube to a 6V6 or EL84 permanently. if that turns out to be the problem. I've also considered .
Operating below the distortion threshold, the 6V6 sound is "skinny"-not . the same period, the EL84 was the power tube of choice in small amplifiers. . largely owing to the differing tube types: American amplifiers used 6V6 or 6L6 types and .
firestone audio pp tube mono block amplifier 6v6 or el84.
Presenting the wonderfully musical. PP TUBE MONOBLOCKS from Firestone Audio Available with 6V6 or EL84 Power Tubes. The Circuitry wizards at Firestone .
6V6 American 18 watter vs EL84 18 watt amps . what other good sounding 6V6 amps can sound like, there will be a few others up against the best EL84 amps, .
The Tung-Sol 6V6GT is the finest of the current production 6V6 tubes. .
May 23, 2009 – Can anyone give me a rough idea of 6V6 characteristics, or is it all too . the 6V6 might sound a little more vintage..the EL84 is a bit of a snarler. .
24 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jul 8, 2010Are you asking to compare the sounds of amps using 6V6 vs. EL84? The 6V6 is an old tube design; the EL84 much more modern (believe it or .
25 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Sep 10, 2009The Gretsch Discussion Pages: '6L6 vs EL84 opinions' in the Other Amps forum. . 6l6 tubes are basically 2x more powerful than 6v6 tubes. . All tubes sound pretty much the same if you design the amps for the same sound. .
I have had a lot of experience with 6V6 amps but never built an amp with .
Dec 21, 2009 – Push-Pull (PP) EL84 (6BQ5) or 6V6 (6AQ5) Tube Amp Schematic with Dynaco A- 410 Transformers. Schematic is from the Dynaco .
filament, heater consumption and power output from EL84, 6V6, 5881 in Fender Blues Junior with Billm mods.
I've got lots of beautiful '50s NOS of this type and they sound amazing! You can also set up the amp with a 6K6, 6Y6, 6V6, or an EL84 (w/ YJUNI adaptor) output .
40 posts - 25 authors - Last post: Jun 26EL84 vs 6v6 . So too are EL84s, basically made for light audio apps but dating to . .. Full bodied and versatile, sound much like a good 6V6. .
Jump to Sovtek Audio and Guitar Tubes: The 2A3 single plate is much better sounding than the Shuguang 2A3 and is a fraction of the cost compared to the East European . Try some in your SE or PP 2A3 amp and be amazed! . These are currently the top-rated EL84 on the market. . JJ 6V6GTS is a killer 6V6 tube. .
Question: I heard someone say that a 20w amp with two EL34's sounds better than amps with two 6v6's. Does anyone agree or disagree? Those of you who are.
8 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Aug 21, 2010. EL84's, scaled down with VVR, will get me close to the right sound. ie, . Plexi brown sound but driving either a pair of EL84's or 6V6's in PP. .
Phaez Daisycutter 14w EL84+6V6 *voxy to brown sound* - YouTube 2 min - Feb 25, 2009 - Uploaded by ontariomaximus
I've always loved the way The Lemon Song sounds, so I'll give it a go. . Generally speaking, smaller amps use 6V6 or EL84 tubes, and bigger, more powerful .
17 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Jan 25[Archive] question - sonic differences between the el84 and the 6v6 Tube . but are there any basic or general differences in the sounds of the .
20 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Sep 1, 2010How much different does the amp sound when using the 6v6's as opposed to the el84's? Is the difference obvious or subtle? .
Cornford Carrera Tube Swap-Out - EL84 vs 6V6 - YouTube 2 min - Feb 7, 2009 - Uploaded by UntalentedGearhead
11 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Jan 13, 2009Now if you get into small bottle tube comparisons like EL84's to 6V6's, I think the latter wins without questions. EL84's sound like piercing, dry .