Aug 28, 11
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  • 10 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Apr 5, 2010I think the 6v6 and el84 in parallel is not a good idea, because to parallel .
  • 20 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jan 14, 2008the guy who invented fire's Avatar. Join Date: Sep 2004. Location: Just follow the sound of FUZZ. Posts: 16675. Default Re: 6V6 Versus EL84 .
  • 19 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Mar 6, 2008EL84 are, in a way, a less coloring tube (compared to 6v6s') 6v6's sound more Bluesier amp, EL84 more Rocking amp but it's just a matter of .
  • 21 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jan 10Do 6V6's or EL84's sound more like EL34's? . In fact the Brimar sounds a lot less 6V6 like altogether. Quite different from the rest IMO. EL84's .
  • Dec 13, 1997 – This option produces a meaty, slightly edgy sound compared to the 6V6 tubes. The EL84 has more gain than the 6V6 and its tone has been .
  • 8 posts - 6 authors - Last post: May 29, 2009All tube types do sound different. But it is eminently possible to make dirty amps with 6V6's and 6L6's or clean amps with EL84's or EL34's and .
  • IF you can get Philips, Telefunken, or British Mullard then go for it. If not, try a . Being prone to mechanical noise in a combo amp, the EL84 is not recommended for amps with poor air circulation. . In short, they sound a lot like a premium 6V6. .
  • 10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 3, 2006Want to do something different.. so SE Class A UL output stage using EL84's or 6V6's. looking to top 20W or so. Of course i will go really .
  • Converts most audio amplifiers with 6L6, EL34, 6550 or 6V6 tubes to EL84/6BQ5 tubes without modification or rebiasing. Converts from Class-AB to Class-A .
  • Jun 5, 2007 – Read 6V6 vs EL84, Guinness vs. . Guinness turned into a second, and my love of the EL84 rolled over into the 6V6. . Play a sound when: .
  • 7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 24, 2009Post subject: 6V6 vs EL84? Post Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:38 pm . The EL84 with always sound “rounder” and more subdued." .
  • 22 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Jan 2, 2007[Archive] OK tube experts: 6V6 vs 6L6 vs EL34 Amps and Cabs. . To me the 6v6 sounds like a smaller version of the 6L6 with less of everything . If I want power amp distortion, I turn to my small 20w amp with some EL84's. .
  • 9 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Aug 9I'm thinking the reason I don't build for EL84 is because I'm not as fond of the sound compared to 6V6. I am also thinking that you really .
  • 15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Mar 20, 2007TRAYNOR YBA-2a/b 6v6 vs el84. Post by methodofcontrol on Mon Sep 06, .
  • 1 day ago – EL84. This tube has a snarly sound, and is usually found in smaller wattage amplifiers. . The 6L6 has more headroom and does not break up as quickly as the EL84 or EL34. . Tagged With: 6L66v6el34el84power tubetube .
  • 7 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Sep 9, 2007I know there may be comparisons, The 6V6 tube does sound fine but the 6BQ5 .
  • Fully modded Fender Blues Junior with 5881 or 6V6 output tubes, 25 watts .
  • 4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jul 4, 2010pcb vs handwired and 6V6 vs EL84 . a thicker, more punchy clean tone, and more of a kind of furry (sometimes flubby) sound at break up. .
  • 15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Mar 20, 2007has anyone compared the tone of the 6v6 model to the el84 . meant to put a bunch of smiley faces in there so it didn't sound snotty. sorry. :) .
  • 8 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jul 21, 2008It got me thinking about the difference between 6V6 & EL84 power tubes. . I always liked the sound of EL84's, and I think you will too once you plug in to the . without sounding overly flubby on the bottom or brittle on the top. .
  • 5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Apr 28, 2010EL84's were one of the last of the major tubes to be designed -- they . To some people, EL84's and 6V6's sound more similar than they do to .
  • . you the highest quality tubes and making your guitar amp or hi-fi sound its very best! 7027A 6550A 5881 6L6GC 6BQ5/EL84 6V6 KT66 KT88 EL34/6CA7 .
  • Answer: The Gabriel Stinger 7 watt pure class A single ended with switchable EL84 and 6V6 power tubes. Brit or Yank. Gabriel Stinger Head Brit or Yank. .
  • Every power tube type offers a different characteristic sound and feel. EL84's have a very . (Converts 6L6, EL34, 6550, 7027 or 6V6 to EL84). The YJS is for .
  • Adding to our stable of extreme value amplifiers, we now have the Firestone Audio PP Tube Mono Blocks which can be ordered with EL84 or 6V6 output tubes. .
  • This gives a combination of class-A and Class-AB operation and sounds quite . Furthermore, the heater (or filament) current of the EL84 is lower than that of the . . in most amplifiers which use 6V6 output tubes, or other similar-based tubes, .
  • 19 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jan 29, 2009I don't know if it's an actual volume difference, or just an apparent . .. to drive the 6V6 tubes so, consequently, the EL84 tubes sound louder. .
  • I've gotten my amp to sound. . I might change that tube to a 6V6 or EL84 permanently. if that turns out to be the problem. I've also considered .
  • Operating below the distortion threshold, the 6V6 sound is "skinny"-not . the same period, the EL84 was the power tube of choice in small amplifiers. . largely owing to the differing tube types: American amplifiers used 6V6 or 6L6 types and .
  • firestone audio pp tube mono block amplifier 6v6 or el84.
  • Presenting the wonderfully musical. PP TUBE MONOBLOCKS from Firestone Audio Available with 6V6 or EL84 Power Tubes. The Circuitry wizards at Firestone .
  • 6V6 American 18 watter vs EL84 18 watt amps . what other good sounding 6V6 amps can sound like, there will be a few others up against the best EL84 amps, .
  • The Tung-Sol 6V6GT is the finest of the current production 6V6 tubes. .
  • May 23, 2009 – Can anyone give me a rough idea of 6V6 characteristics, or is it all too . the 6V6 might sound a little more vintage..the EL84 is a bit of a snarler. .
  • 24 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jul 8, 2010Are you asking to compare the sounds of amps using 6V6 vs. EL84? The 6V6 is an old tube design; the EL84 much more modern (believe it or .
  • 25 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Sep 10, 2009The Gretsch Discussion Pages: '6L6 vs EL84 opinions' in the Other Amps forum. . 6l6 tubes are basically 2x more powerful than 6v6 tubes. . All tubes sound pretty much the same if you design the amps for the same sound. .
  • I have had a lot of experience with 6V6 amps but never built an amp with .
  • Dec 21, 2009 – Push-Pull (PP) EL84 (6BQ5) or 6V6 (6AQ5) Tube Amp Schematic with Dynaco A- 410 Transformers. Schematic is from the Dynaco .
  • filament, heater consumption and power output from EL84, 6V6, 5881 in Fender Blues Junior with Billm mods.
  • I've got lots of beautiful '50s NOS of this type and they sound amazing! You can also set up the amp with a 6K6, 6Y6, 6V6, or an EL84 (w/ YJUNI adaptor) output .
  • 40 posts - 25 authors - Last post: Jun 26EL84 vs 6v6 . So too are EL84s, basically made for light audio apps but dating to . .. Full bodied and versatile, sound much like a good 6V6. .
  • Jump to Sovtek Audio and Guitar Tubes‎: The 2A3 single plate is much better sounding than the Shuguang 2A3 and is a fraction of the cost compared to the East European . Try some in your SE or PP 2A3 amp and be amazed! . These are currently the top-rated EL84 on the market. . JJ 6V6GTS is a killer 6V6 tube. .
  • Question: I heard someone say that a 20w amp with two EL34's sounds better than amps with two 6v6's. Does anyone agree or disagree? Those of you who are.
  • 8 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Aug 21, 2010. EL84's, scaled down with VVR, will get me close to the right sound. ie, . Plexi brown sound but driving either a pair of EL84's or 6V6's in PP. .
  • Phaez Daisycutter 14w EL84+6V6 *voxy to brown sound* - YouTube 2 min - Feb 25, 2009 - Uploaded by ontariomaximus
  • I've always loved the way The Lemon Song sounds, so I'll give it a go. . Generally speaking, smaller amps use 6V6 or EL84 tubes, and bigger, more powerful .
  • 17 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Jan 25[Archive] question - sonic differences between the el84 and the 6v6 Tube . but are there any basic or general differences in the sounds of the .
  • 20 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Sep 1, 2010How much different does the amp sound when using the 6v6's as opposed to the el84's? Is the difference obvious or subtle? .
  • Cornford Carrera Tube Swap-Out - EL84 vs 6V6 - YouTube 2 min - Feb 7, 2009 - Uploaded by UntalentedGearhead
  • 11 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Jan 13, 2009Now if you get into small bottle tube comparisons like EL84's to 6V6's, I think the latter wins without questions. EL84's sound like piercing, dry .

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