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7 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Aug 14Re: Rick/Electro single 6v6 amp. Post by PeterS on Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:02 pm. Was it made by Valco? I'd look on Schematic Heaven for a .
Gries, amp, amplifier, amplifiers, tube, reverb, point to point, blackface, guitar, combo, boutique, amplification, fender, 6L6, 6V6, deluxe, vibrolux, vibroverb, twin , .
Angela Instruments Single 6V6 Guitar Amplifier Project.
Jul 21, 2006 – I know this probably has been covered before, but what are the differences in tone and breakup characteristics between these tubes, if all other amp.
This circuit is similar to the 6V6 Amp except that it has two channels. It puts out about 10 watts into 8, 4, or 2 ohms. Tubes used are 6SN7, 6V6, and 5U4. .
Any of the 6V6 USA made tubes I list here should work fine in any amp calling for 6V6 or 7408 . Very retro looking in 6V6 powered amps, but chassis space is a .
May 19, 2000 – Where I buy 6v6 amps kit ? - lampa - Tubes Asylum.
You won't find the typical short comings of a dual 6V6 amp here. Weighing in at approximately 22 watts, the Z28 is great for most gig/studio situations. dr z amps .
A tale of three 6V6 Audio Amps. Revisiting a homebrew audio amplifier. Some years ago, as a teenager of 15, I decided to homebrew an audio amp I had seen .
Standard type for most 6V6 amps. Does not appreciably reduce the power of the amplifier. Incliude one Yellow Jacket Converter and one EL84 power tube. .
Read about the Triode Yellow Jacket for 6v6 Amps by THD at the Harmony Central.
Dual adjustable bias and test points in the back allow you to use different power tubes with a simple rebias. This is one of the loudest 6V6 amps I've ever built! .
Find the lowest price on the Ruby 6V6 Matched Amp Tube and more Instrument Amp Parts at GuitarCenter.com.
Aug 16, 2007 – Demonstration on how to replace and bias 6v6 amplifier .
17 posts - 14 authors - Last post: May 16, 2005[Archive] 6V6 Amp. Which 1 of these 4 would you pick Amps and Cabs.
10 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Aug 256V6 Amps? Amps. . Can anyone name or recommend a dual 6V6 amp under £ 1000? The ones I can name are: Fender Princeton / Deluxe .
11 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Mar 26V6's are cool in my book, I have liked the amps that have had them in the power section. I know some people swear by them in a mesa mark IV .
20 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Jun 4, 2009What are some of your favorite 6V6 amps? I've got a Princeton Reverb that is pretty sweet, and I love the tones of the Tweed Deluxe. I've been .
Jun 28, 2009 – INTRODUCTION Last time I touched vacuum tubes was around 1967 when I was repairing radios and TV. I remember this old radio HIFI that .
The digitally modelled signal is fed into a class-A single-ended tube circuit, with a 12AX7 output tube driver, and a 6V6 output tube. The amp also comes .
Shop Power Tubes and accessories, like THD Triode Yellow Jacket for 6v6 Amps at Musician's Friend. We have guaranteed best prices on musical instruments .
Guitar Amps, bhl-15 using new choke-tail phase inverter, -, Design for a push pull 6v6 amp using octal tubes and a new, novel phase inverter and driver design. .
Yahoo! Shopping is the best place to comparison shop for Electronics Yj20striode Yellow Jacket For 6v6 Amps Single Triode Type Wtube.
15 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Feb 18I'm building a single ended 6V6 amp, single 6SL7, 5Y3GT rectifier. It's the "RH" schematic. I did the mechanical work tonight. Hammond 272DX .
Here's my 6V6 Push-pull amp! My First tube project. 6V6AmplifierPicture. Heres a pic of the little amp,It makes about 8watts per channel,both channels driven .
I knew something could be built revolving around my favorite little tone generator, the 6V6. I sent a note of thanks to my cohort for the inspiration for one of the .
YJ20S Yellow Jacket Cathode Single How do they work?They give you simple Class-A operation from any amp. Yellow Jacket Converters not only rearrange the pin .
D-Lab's Minuteman-V_Class A 6V6 Amp: The Minuteman lives! This one features a 12AX7 Preamp, 12AX7 Tremolo, 6V6 output and 6X4 Rectifier. The 6V6 is .
Having built the 5E3 Deluxe, a 15 Watt cathode-biased 6V6 amp, the next logical step was one of the 35 Watt tweed Fender designs. The 1959 5E7 Bandmaster, .
This model of Yellow Jackets® converter, the YJ20, is a specialized, current- limiting/voltage-conditioning adapter for use in most amplifiers which use 6V6 .
Recording label, record company, field recording specialists and fine instrument and electronic agents.
Dec 19, 2010 – I got a 6v6gt 8802 magnavox tube amp, is it too powerful for headphones? Ive heard it puts out anywhere from 8-12 watts. I have some denon .
This amplifier has 20w of twin 6V6 power in high Class A biased AB and .
Dec 1, 2010 – I've only owned two Kay tube amps, and they were both keepers. One was a pretty standard (for its era) dual 6V6 with tremolo (a really rich and .
Jan 21, 2010 – 65amps Introduces the Tupelo 20-Watt, 6V6 Amp. Premier Guitar. The Tupelo aims to recreate sixties American tones without those amps' "bad .
Angela Super Single-Ended 6V6 Guitar Amp Project.
I currently use the Electro-Harmonix in all my amps; they're robust, terrific sounding, and nice looking. Don't laugh; a lot of 6V6's are painted black inside, .
In the future, I'll do some power/tone comparisons with the 5881, but it appears that the JJ would be a great choice for 2 x 6V6 amps like the Princeton Reverb, .
21 posts - 17 authors - Last post: Dec 28, 2005Just curious as to what my options are. Thanks in advance.:)
15 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Mar 29, 2010The power transformer is a Hammond 272BX which would be perfect for either a dual 6L6 amp or a quad 6V6 amp with 3 or 4 12A*7's in the .
6V6 Application Data . 6V6 Data sheet links. Dave Cigna''s Pages ( DuncanAmps mirror), 6V6GT: html · Duncan''s Amp Pages, 6V6, 6AQ5 etc.: Acrobat PDF (2 .
Jun 26, 2008 – In our initial look at the new Budda amplifiers with 6V6 tubes, we heard all about their intendedly immaculate clean tone. However, after .
6V6 Amps. Menu: 6V6GT PP 1 · 6V6GT PP 2 · 6V6 PP 1 · 6V6 PP 2 · 6V6 SE 1 · 6V6 SE 2 · 6V6 SE 3. Back to Top.
Capturing and exceeding some of the best tones offered by our favorite amp . late 50's American 6V6 amplifiers, and our favorite EL84/EL34 English amplifiers. .
Apr 9, 2010 – 6L6's and 6V6's have only a small difference between them in the plate's rated load resistance, so they expect to see similar loads, i.e. the .
$59.00 - In stock
10 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jul 25, 2010So I've been very busy this summer, currently I got a Phono Preamp, a 56 Preamp, and now a 6V6 push pull amp. Here are some pictures and .
Sonic History The 6V6 was widely used by Fender during the '50s and '60s for their low power models. These amplifiers were popular with "electric blues" .
CSE6-EL84/6V6 This amp is designed to please the more demanding guitarist who loves the no nonsense “all about tone” approach to guitar amplification. .
11 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Oct 19, 2010OK, here's the story. Was at a party at my wife's uncles house. We got to talking about tube amps. He brings me to his shed out back to show .