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Delphine Blue wandered downtown to sample PULSE New York, the invitational contemporary art fair that coincides with the Armory Show, at the 69th Regiment .
Reviewer James B. Townsend, the magazine's publisher, accurately predicted that the exhibition, staged at New York's 69th Regiment Armory and later known as .
The 69th Regiment Armory located at 68 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York, is a historical building completed in 1904. It housed the Armory Show in 1913, .
28, 1994, the 69th Regiment Armory was entered into the State and National . the Fighting 69th; and the building was the site for the 1913 Armory Show. .
Though by no means complete, the tour of the Armory Show aims to present a skeleton map of the exhibition as it looked in 1913, with the 69th Regiment .
Mar 14, 2011 – The Armory Show shares its name with its historically significant predecessor following a brief stint at the same 69th Regiment Armory. .
Established in 1999, the Armory Show is named after the 1913 eponymous show at 69th Regiment Armory where the work of the European avant-garde, .
Armory Show, international exhibition of modern art held in 1913 at the 69th- regiment armory in New York City. It was a sensational introduction of modern .
Armory Show, New York, 1913, 69th Regiment Armory building, defined with images from art history, great quotations, and links to other resources.
First mounted at New York City's 69th Regiment Armory, it became known as the Armory Show, and its self-consciously “modern” approach challenged the .
1913 - The Armory Show opened at the 69th Regiment Armory in New York City. The full-scale exhibition was of contemporary paintings and was organized by the .
View the Image Gallery item 69th Regiment Armory, during the Armory Show, with links to more digitized items from the Walt Kuhn, Kuhn family papers, .
The 69th Armory - Find contact information, reviews, and directions to The 69th Armory in New York.
Though by no means complete, the tour of the Armory Show aims to present a skeleton map of the exhibition as it looked in 1913, with the 69th Regiment .
The International Exhibition of Modern Art, organized by the Association of American Painters and Sculptors, occurs in New York City's 69th Regiment Armory. .
4 days ago – The Armory Show of 1913, according to Wikipedia, . of American Painters and Sculptors and opened in New York City's 69th Regiment Armory, .
. this block-spanning structure hosted the avant-garde art Armory Show in back in . Secret fashion shows—and it is still the headquarters for the US 69th.
Armory Show, international exhibition of modern art held in 1913 at the 69th- regiment armory in New York City. It was a sensational introduction of modern .
69th Regiment Armory, during the Armory Show . Summary: A photograph of the 69th Regiment Armory building, New York, N.Y, where the Armory Show commenced .
The Armory Show was first presented in February 1999 at the 69th Regiment Armory , the very site of the now legendary Armory Show of 1913 that introduced .
6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Feb 17The Armory Show was an international exhibition of modern art held in 1913 at the 69th-regiment armory in New York City. .
The Armory Show was first presented in February 1999 at the 69th Regiment Armory , the very site of the now legendary Armory Show of 1913 that introduced .
. Mabel did not initiate the idea for the Armory Show, but once she heard . the 69th Regiment Armory building on 25th Street to house the exhibition .
Nov 29, 2000 – The flag for the Armory Show depicts the pine-tree flag of the American Revolution. The 69th Regiment. Armory Show. critic: "It was a good .
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In February and March 1913, thousands of New Yorkers poured into the 69th Regiment Armory for an “International Exhibition of Modern Art.” By the time the .
Held in the 69th Regiment Armory building in New York City in 1913, the show was criticized by the public and the press as a circus of freaks and clowns, .
The 69th Regiment Armory located at 68 Lexington Avenue between East . The Armory may be best known as the site of the controversial 1913 Armory Show, .
spacer. SPRING 2008 spacer. THE ARMORY SHOW OF 1913 . the 69th Regiment Armory in New York featured 1250 avant-garde artworks, representing over 300 .
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Feb 17, 2011 – The Armory Show was an international exhibition of modern art held in 1913 at the 69th-regiment armory in New York City. .
Mar 6, 2011 – The show no longer fits into its namesake, the 69th Regiment Armory at Lexington Avenue and 26th St. It is now held on Piers 92 and 94 over .
69th Regiment Armory, Lexington Avenue @ 26th Street, New York City 100 Exhibitors. Admission: $15. Free shuttle to & from The Winter Antiques Show .
the armory show — abstraction arrives. Armory Show Poster, 1913 . as The Armory Show for its original New York venue, the 69th Infantry Regiment Armory at .
Last year the Gramercy show moved to the 69th Regiment Armory on 26th Street, the site of the Armory Show of 1913. In the process, it adopted not only the .
The Armory Show 2011 is held at the 69th Regiment Armory, Piers 92 abd 94, 12th Avenue at 55th Street, New York City. The show is open daily from noon to .
Jul 3, 2011 – The 69th Regiment Armory is transformed into the Victoria's Secret runway. Watch the Victoria Secret Fashion Show November 30, .
An invitational contemporary art fair, PULSE New York will take place at the 69th Regiment Armory, home to the legendary 1913 Armory Show and the inaugural .
formally International Exhibition of Modern Art. Exhibition of painting and sculpture held in 1913 at the 69th Regiment Armory in New York City. .
ARMORY SHOW - The first major exhibition of modern art in America, held at New York City's 69th Infantry Regiment Armory from 17 February to 15 March 1913. .
Exhibition of painting and sculpture held in 1913 at the 69th Regiment Armory in New York City. Conceived by its organizers, the Association of American .
Apr 11, 2011 – Named for the historic 1913 exhibition held at the 69th Regiment Armory where Americans were introduced en masse to European Modern art, .
The Armory Show was the first exhibition mounted by the Association of .
PULSE New York will take place at the 69th Regiment Armory, home to the legendary 1913 Armory Show and the inaugural Armory Show. The 69th Regiment Armory .
The historic Armory Show of 1913 was held in this massive space maintained by the New York . 69th Regiment Armory. 68 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10010 .
Eingang zur N.Y.C Armory Show, 69th Regiment Armory, New York City. Date. 1913( 1913). Source. Bernd Klüser, Katharina Hegewisch (Hrsg.): Die Kunst der .
en:69th Regiment Armory, on Lexington Avenue between 25th and 26th Streets, looking south across Lexington Avenue . Armory Show. Usage on de.wikipedia.org .
May 27, 2011 – 69th Regiment Armory - Irish Regiment - 1913 Armory Show, Madison Square Park & Vicinity, New York City, New York at Museum Planet: slide .