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All orders with encryption products 5A002, 5D002 undergo license review and . Only 5A002 5D002 Restricted products are strongly controlled by the United .
5D002(c.1) covers information security software "having the characteristics, or performing or simulating the functions of" hardware that is classified as 5A002. .
May 30, 2011 – 5D002 (a) "Software" specially designed or modified for the "development", " production" or "use" of equipment specified in 5A002 or "software" .
5D002 TSE May-yoke, TSUI Ho-hoi, MAK Cheung-wah, CHEUNG Man-lee Winnie.
OR, choose the appropriate installation guide for your Asus F2J 5D002 or see our How To Install Computer Memory Guide. Handout for Memory Installation Guide .
Do we meet the definition of ECCN 5D002 ?. I just found [1], and I was wonderiing if we don't fall under the definition of ECCN 5D002 for our binary .
MontaVista Linux HHL Professional Edition 2.1, 5D002(A), Unrestricted**, G022589 . MontaVista Linux Professional Edition 3.1, 5D002(C.1), Unrestricted* * .
Jun 16, 2011 – PRODUCT (Code Name), ECCN, LIC/LIC EXCEPTION, RETAIL. Fedora Core 1 ( Yarrow), 5D002, TSU, No. Fedora Core 2 (Tettnang), 5D002 .
5D002 - Information Security - Software (encryption using keys larger than 64 bits ) . The CCATS number for each ISC product classified 5D002 is provided .
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Jan 5, 2009 – Technology and software controlled under ECCN 5E002 and 5D002 of the Commerce Control List (CCL) (Supplement No. 1 to part 774 of the .
Apache ActiveMQ Project Hiram Chirino Apache ActiveMQ development 5D002 .
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Sep 28, 2011 – Your web site http://www.apache.org/licenses/exports/ lists Apache Geronimo Project Apache Geronimo development 5D002 ASF 1.0 and later .
Jun 7, 2007 – The export control classification number (ECCN) is 5D002. Unrestricted export status allows export to individuals, companies, and foreign .
Heavy 316L Stainless Steel Men/Boy's Bracelet 5D002 in Jewelry Watches , Men's Jewelry , Bracelets , Stainless Steel |eBay.
Laptop & Desktop Mainstream Chipsets. Intel's mainstream chipsets supports the 2nd generation Intel® Core™ processor family with Intel® Turbo Boost .
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If you have any code which directly invokes a dependency which is > covered by 5D002, yes, our policy is you must file a notice. .
Sep 28, 2011 – Your web site http://www.apache.org/licenses/exports/ lists .
Dec 9, 2004 – Block 22(a) For software, enter "5D002." For hardware, enter "5A002." For test, inspection and production equipment enter "5B002. .
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Products classified as ECCN 5D002, are exported by PARC under the TSU exception in EAR 740.13(e), which applies to software containing or designed for .
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Nov 17, 2008 – 5A002/5D002 products also generally may be shipped around the world under license exception ENC, provided certain restrictions are met .
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Jan 24, 2005 – Mozilla source code (including NSS source code in particular) is officially classified under ECCN 5D002.c.1. However as an open source .
TOP, 5D002.c.1, ENC/Unrestricted, G077279, 12/29/09, This encryption item is authorized for License Exception ENC under Sections 740.17(a), (b)(1) and (b) .
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Sep 28, 2011 – Apache WSS4J development 5D002 ASF, Bouncy Castle, Bouncy . Apache Rampart/C development 5D002 ASF, The OpenSSL Project .
Products classified as ECCN 5D002 , are exported by the ASF under the TSU exception in EAR 740.13(e) , which applies to software containing or designed for .
Oracle products classified as 5A002 or 5D002, qualify for shipment under ENC Guidelines. Oracle products listed on the ECCN Product Matrix are classified as .
a) avoid including any 5D002 software in any distribution we do, and b) avoid using interfaces for 5D002 components (that we do not .
Dec 9, 2004 – Encryption software controlled under ECCN 5D002 that would not be considered publicly available, but which incorporates or is specially .
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Jun 6, 2002 – A license is required to export or reexport encryption items controlled under ECCN 5A002, 5D002 or 5E002, and equipment controlled under .
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However, the important part of this step is to ensure the included cryptographic functionality meets the definition of ECCN 5D002 , which can be summarized as: .
A6va, 5D002.c.1, Crypto/Unrestricted formerly known as Retail/EI Control/ENC ( legacy only). A6vg, 5D002.c.1, ENC/Ancillary Encryption/Non-Mass Market .
5D002 - ``Software'' as follows (see List of Items Controlled) . EI applies to `` software'' in 5D002.a,.c.1, or .d for equipment controlled for EI reasons in ECCN .
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KfW) receives Export Control Classification 5D002. Jeffrey Altman jaltman at columbia.edu. Mon Jul 22 22:28:00 EDT 2002. Previous message: Vendor comments .
WebTV Viewer, 5D002, ENC, **Unrestricted, G017124 . Whale Intelligent Application Gateway Solutions, 5D002.c.1, ENC, Restricted, G050575. Wheel Mouse .
5E002 Technology for the development, production or use of equipment controlled by 5A002 or 5B002 or software controlled by 5D002. Reasons for control: .
Since the diskette includes encryption software programs in source code form that are classified as Export Commodity Classification Number ("ECCN") 5D002 .
50+ items – Home · Support · Customer service · Export compliance .
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5d002 download on FilesTube.com search engine - 5d002, Rapidshare Files.