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May 27, 2008 . Essentially, I plan to “launder” money through the 529 accounts – I'll dump in some cash, let it grow tax free, and then use it for the .
Aug 27, 2009 . My daughter is leaving for college next week. What expenses can I pay with money from our 529 college-savings account? You can use funds .
Most people link their cards to a Georgia 529 plan, but you can also use . You can link your credit card with any 529 plan or investment account and have .
Once one decides which 529 plan to use, one completes a simple enrollment form . The 529 account is counted as an asset that may affect the eligibility of .
The student uses the 529 account for qualified education expenses, such as tuition and room and board. The contributor (or account owner) has complete .
Beneficiaries who have already completed high school at the time the account is opened have ten years to use their BB&T CollegeWealth 529 Savings funds. .
Once one decides which 529 plan to use, one completes a simple enrollment form and . . It uses material from the Wikipedia article 529 plan. Read more .
Dec 4, 2009 . Now let's see how a 529 account will affect federal financial aid. . As noted, most colleges use the PROFILE application (a few colleges .
Using the assets of your CollegeChoice 529 account. How can I use the money in my account? What qualifies as a higher education expense? Is paying off a .
Aug 14, 2010 . There are basically two tax advantaged vehicles that you can use to save for college - 529 plans and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts. .
Feb 2, 2009 . The tax-free feature of 529 plans will be of no use to you if your account has no net earnings. You may want to delay using your 529 plan .
Q: Where can my child use the 529 Savings plan funds? What if he or she wants to go to a foreign university? A: A 529 account can be used at most private .
Use them at any eligible institution of higher education! Assets in a 529 plan account aren't just for public and private 4-year colleges and universities. .
7 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jan 2We had heard that we could use the 529 account for son's $2000 deposit at USMA, and did so successfully - easy directed withdrawal sent to .
Oct 2, 2006 . Ideally, grandparents and others will also use a 529 rewards credit card and direct reward earnings to your 529 account. .
Aug 6, 2007 . Remember that you may face penalties or lose benefits if you do not use the money in a 529 account for higher education expenses. .
These plans are designed for use at a public college in that state with . .. The account owner of a 529 plan maintains control over the use of the account. .
Oct 13, 2009 . The primary differences between 529 accounts and Coverdell accounts . Use money in the account to pay for schooling other than college, or .
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Well, it's pretty much impossible to over-save in a 529 account. You can use extra money to pay for graduate school. You're also allowed to change the .
If I cash in the IRA and pay the taxes, may I open a 529 account with that money she inherited and use it for her college expenses? .
If I want to establish an AIP or EFT option for my 529 plan, what type of bank account can I use?1. You must have a personal checking or savings account .
They may also be converted for use at private and out-of-state colleges. The Independent 529 Plan is a separate prepaid plan for private colleges. .
Feb 21, 2007 . Starting a 529 Plan account is one of the best ways to save for your . Currently the Utah 529 Plan, which uses Vanguard Funds as the .
Apr 6, 2011 . In that case, you — I? — could open a 529 plan for adult children who have completed college. They could use the funds to go to graduate .
May 29, 2011 . College and Education Guide: How to Use 529 Plans to Invest for College and . Sign in to post a comment, or Sign up for a free account. .
Museums and Aquarium Join in Statewide Virginia 529 Day Celebration (pdf) . if any, held at the participating bank by the account owner as determined by the bank and by FDIC . All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy (PDF) | Terms Of Use.
Feb 19, 2011 . Most people link their cards to a Georgia 529 plan, but you can also use Futuretrust's self branded credit card and link it to almost any .
Jan 10, 2011 . Additional Uses for 529 Plans. Saving for your own children's education, is a great reason to start a 529 plan, but it's not the only one. .
Aug 24, 2010 . Can 529 Savings Plan funds be used for a Canadian University?
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Jan 4Note that I do not have an account at schwab529.529.com. Schwab 529 account holders must use Schwab's website to authenticate. .
A 529 account is a tax deferred savings account that can be used to cover . As long as the student uses the money for college, taxes will never have to be .
If you want to receive the gift of college savings, you have to sign up for a 529 plan on your own. You can use the 529 plan you already have, .
Jun 23, 2009 . If the tax advantages aren't beneficial, a 529 plan might not be for you and your child.
The iShares 529 Plan uses iShares exchange traded funds as the investment vehicle, calling for a minimum . How to Transfer an Account to a 529 Plan .
Only 2.6% to 5.6% of the 529 account value is included in the EFC if the parent is the account owner. (Please note that some colleges use different formulas .
Jun 23, 2009 . Needless to say, there are a lot of choices of people to transfer this 529 plan to. You could also take the money out of her account and use .
Nov 4, 2010 . Hopefully your 529 account will increase annually and there will be . . ended up selecting a low cost 529 plan that uses Vanguard funds (I .
You can choose to invest your earnings in a high-yield savings account or tax- deferred 529 plan; use it to pay down a student loan; or request a check that .
Cases where a contributor seeks to use a Section 529 account as a retirement account without subjecting it to the restrictions applicable to income .
This calculator assumes that only one taxpayer uses a 529 savings plan for only one beneficiary and one account. No consideration is given as to whether .
The CollegeChoice Advisor 529 Savings Plan uses iShares ETFs in its . Both of these 529 plans also offer a FDIC-insured savings account portfolio. .
Some reasons you may not wish to use a 529 plan include: A 529 account can affect your child's ability to get financial aid. The money in the account is not .
Mar 25, 2010 . BTY, FWIW I use the NY 529 plan through UPromise. . "Each section 529 account would have only one contributor. A section 529 program would .
New money put into a separate account in the same 529 plan still can be . you can use 529-plan or ESA money to pay the bills without worrying that you'll .
Nebraska residents trying to decide whether to use a Nebraska 529 plan versus another state's Section 529 plan need to account for the potential tax savings .
7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Dec 12, 2010Virginia has a self-directed 529 plan: VEST, so you do not need to use a financial advisor to get the state tax benefit. .
Apr 18, 2008 . page 49 has explanations for 529 account qualified expenses. If the laptop is required you may be able to use it. But otherwise my personal .