Aug 3, 11
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  • Jan 2, 2011 – 1863 $500 Confederate Note 7 25. Paypal US $25.00 . State Of Alabama one hundres Dollar Confederate note. Would like to know value of all. .
  • 11 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jan 28, 2007$500 Confederate Money 1864. Hmmmmm. I believe I have some old money for you guys. . Hmmm.. Anyone know how much its worth? let me know! .
  • what is a confederate one hundred dollar bill 1864 worth . Bills; united statesquestionhub is notefive. 1928 $500 $500 bill, was printed on $1, feb note. .
  • Mar 24, 2010 – Confederate money recently was found in the attic of the Museum at . the bills might be worth up to $500 total depending on how they are .
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  • I have a Confederate 500 dollar bill, it is dated Feb. 17th 1861 from Richmond. The No. is 24551, printed on white paper but has faded pink lines in the .
  • Banknotes, 10¢, 50¢, $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $500, $1000 . Most Confederate currency carried the phrase across the top of the bill: "TWO YEARS AFTER . entity at the end of the war, the money lost all value as fiat currency. .
  • Jul 5, 2011 – I have an old confederate 500 dollar bill and I did not know how to tell if it is real or not. I also did not know the worth of one if it .
  • Topic: Lines on the Back of a Confederate Note. Displaying the only post. . Story has it, that after the surrender he penned this poem on the back of a 500 dollar Confederate note which a . They knew it had hardly a value in gold, .
  • 8 answers - Apr 28, 2006Top answer: Chris above is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. As kid growing up in Atlanta my grandfather gave me a suitcase full of that stuff to play with. .in the 1960's! .
  • What is a 1934 series 500 dollar bill worth? Open | Asked 99 days ago by Maja382 . I have several blueseals 1 dollar bills from the 1935 what it worth? . . What is my Confederate 1000 note worth? It is no#297 1000 dollar bill .
  • i was just wonderin how much this bill is.. i have a 500 dollar confederate states of america bill it is dated n 1866 or 67 i think i cnt make it out but .
  • Buy 1934 500 Dollar Bill And Save Big - Low US Shipping & Fast! . Is Confederate Money Worth Anything? How Much Is a Two Dollar Bill Worth? .
  • . and answers about 500-Dollar-Bill. Find 0 questions and answers about .
  • Find out how much your 1934 $500 bill is worth. Values are based on condition, seal color, district, and serial number. Full details for each type of note.
  • Serial numbers of modern fake Confederate Currency. . rec.collecting.paper- money newsgroup and others. Notes on this list are modern copies and have no collector value. . Two Modern Fakes of the $500 "Stonewall" Jackson Note .
  • Just two months into the confederacy, in 1861, the Confederate States of . Denominations ranged from notes worth one-tenth of a dollar to bills worth $1000 . . $10 Ten Dollars Confederate States Note Bill T24-f · 1864 500 Dollar Bill .
  • Jun 19, 2011 – included is a picture of the front of the bill. Is it worth .
  • What is the value of an 1864 Confederate 500 dollar bill? Improve. In: Coins and Paper Money, Confederate States of America [Edit categories] .
  • At the beginning of the war a $1 note would be worth close to $1 worth of gold. Towards then end of the war, it took close to $500 confederate currency to .
  • To see what modern fake Confederate note's look like and to check your .
  • Most $500 and $1000 bills are quite common, and are typically worth only a . Unlike the contemporary Confederate issues, the Union notes were printed in .
  • Nov 17, 2003 – I have the same bill as listed below. is it worth anything at all? I HAVE A $500 CONFEDERATE MONEY NOTE DATED FEB. 17, 1861. .
  • The largest denomination ever printed by the Confederate States is also the ONLY note to feature the Confederate Flag. This $500 CSN note was issu. . acrylic holder to protect and display this Civil War treasure (a $29.95 value.) .
  • May 15, 2011 – I have been asked to place a value of a friend's Confederate dollar, a Feb. 18, 1864 one dollar bill. . . a seven day hospitalization in 2008, about $1000, maybe another $500 in related side billings by specialists. .
  • Results 1 - 10 – Correction: what is the value of 1864 Confederate States of America $500 bill? 1 year ago; Report Abuse. answers.yahoo.com .
  • How is the value of, say, a 1961 Porsche Speedster or a $500 bill from the Confederacy, which currently sells for over $500, determined? .
  • 1864 $500 Confederate T-64. Obverse of Criswell's T-64 . as a political entity at the end of the conflict, the money lost all value as fiat currency. .
  • How much is a 500 dollar Confederate States of America bill worth? ChaCha Answer : It would need to be authenticated, because 99% of C.
  • A List Of Known Confederate Note Facsimiles I frequently receive e-mails .
  • Find 0 questions and answers about 500-Confederate-Dollar-Bill at Ask.com Read more. . Confederate 1864 500 dollar bill, how much is it worth? .
  • United States five hundred dollar bill. . United States five hundred dollar bill. A Confederate bill from the civil war, 1864. . The $500 McKinley bill issued in 1929 would be equal in value to $6350 dollars in 2010. .
  • Lewis L. Simons Civil War lithograph with Confederate currency, published by J.B. . on the back of $500 Confederate bill after the army surrendered. . We know it had hardly a value in gold; Yet as gold the soldiers received it; .
  • CSA CONFEDERATE CIVIL WAR $500 BILL RICHMOND 1864 - T64 in Coins , Banknotes . By this time the value of the Confederate collar was so low that it didn't .
  • Find 0 questions and answers about 500-Dollar-Bill-Worth at Ask.com Read .
  • civil war news facsimile confederate 20 dollar bill. Background . . The $50 and $100 bills from the first issue are worth as much as $15000 each; the $500 .
  • What is a Confederate 500 dollar bill worth? The vast majority of .
  • Jump to Selection of Confederate Nationals‎: Pattern pieces for the half dollar were produced at . (a piece of money with a face value less than a dollar) . CSA $500 note depicting General Thomas J. " Stonewall" Jackson, 1864. .
  • 1358 results – 1864 $500 CONFEDERATE NOTE G4 PMG T-64. Get fast shipping and excellent service when you buy from eBay Top-rated sellers, Buy It Now. $150.00 .
  • How is the value of, say, a 1961 Porsche Speedster or a $500 bill from the Confederacy, which currently sells for over $500, determined? .
  • Jun 15, 2007 – civil war centennial, cheerios cereal, 500 dollar bill: Hello Clifford, This $500 Confederate note you have is not. real if it has one of .
  • This site describes all Currency issued by the Confederate States of America during the US Civil War. . Value of CSA Currency (1861 - 1865) . [CSA 1864 $500 Note]. This site describes all notes made by the Confederate States of .
  • 1 answer - Jun 24a friend has 2 $500.00 confederate dollar bills . . Not sure why you think this forum is the right place to ask, but. .
  • March 13, 1865: The Confederate Senate - meeting in Richmond, VA - approved . I paid her 500 dollars in Confederate money for 20 yards of fairly good lawn. . on the altar of freedom, show that they are worthy to enjoy its blessings. .
  • I have a 1999 missprint 5 dollor bill, would like to know its worth. . 16760 is serial number 500 dollar confederate states of america paper money .
  • dollar bills Question: How Much Is A 1864 Confederate $500 Dollar Bill? . What Is The Value Of A 1864 500$ Confederate Bill? Counterfeiting of this note .
  • Page Title: Historical Play Money Sets Real Confederate Money Money As Debt . value the Confederate money had had dropped from 90 cents on a dollar in . The 50 cent, $1, $2, and $500 had plain backs. 13 Original States Paper Money .
  • Dollar Confederate Confederate 1864 500 dollar bill, how much is it worth? The number on the front of it is 18278, i hear that those with that number are .
  • 6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Dec 11, 2010It's priced at around $15, is it worth it? And more important, is it real? . Seems a bit strange concidering $15 for the 500 dollar? .
  • What is an Italian 500 dollar bill worth? Its not worth anything anymore .

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