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  • Jul 6, 2009 . Internet pranksters, gathered around the popular anonymous Internet forum 4chan, have seemingly orchestrated an attack on Twitter, .
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  • 4chan (4chan) is on Twitter. Moot) posted to 4chan's status blog. . . When 4chan goes down, can you imagine an LBM . . /img/ is 4chan's BBS dedicated to the .
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  • status.4chan.org/ - Similar4chan - Blotter07/10/09 - For future status updates, be sure to bookmark status.4chan.org .
  • February 08, 2010 — According to 4chan's Twitter account and status update blog, they have been “explicitly blocked” by the Verizon wireless network. .
  • Dec 28, 2010 . The 4Chan Twitter feed is carrying this announcement. Track 4Chan Status. Site temporarily unavailable due to DDoS -or- we figured .
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  • Feb 7, 2010 . According to 4chan Status, it appears that Verizon has blocked access to the site . Twitter Etiquette: Is it Wrong To Ask For a Retweet? .
  • May 30, 2011 . Or any other pics? http://boards.4chan.org/r/res/8475479.html#8475479?utm_source =twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter@4chan. Status: 30 May 2011, .
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  • Received confirmation from Verizon's Network Repair Bureau (NRB) that we are .
  • Jan 3, 2011 . Source. http://status.4chan.org/index.html#2340645311017721788. Share on Twitter , Ascentive's Insights: Share on Twitter · Share on Facebook .
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  • Dec 28, 2010 . 4chan's DDoS was discovered early this morning, with Moot posting the official status update at 2:39 a.m. and a Twitter update around the .
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  • May 24, 2011 . 4chan Status May 24, 2011. . 4chan status · 4chan status blog · 4chan status twitter · 4chan status blogspot · 4chan status site .
  • The archive of popular 4chan threads from its popular imageboards like /b/ & / r9k/ which . it is currently in beta status and needs some test driving, . either via twitter ( @fourchanarchive ), email, /gold/ or by leaving a comment .
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  • 21 posts - 20 authors - Last post: Jul 5, 2009The micro-blogging site's trending-topics feature experiences an attack from Internet message boards. Read this blog post by Harrison .
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  • Apr 16, 2009 . The underground message board, 4chan, is lobbying its army of computer literates to create hordes of fake Twitter accounts.
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  • Founded By: moot; Blog: 4chan blog; Twitter: 4chan . Depending on who you are, 4chan may be a leftist hate machine, a site full of . Current status. 4chan is one of the largest sources for memes and continues to grow in popularity. .
  • Dec 29, 2010 . Screengrab of 4chan status page, 4chan The 4Chan homepage is . to light via a message posted on Twitter by Moot, the founder of 4Chan. .
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  • The 4Chan Twitter. read more 28.12 17:58. Related topics: 1. 4chan 2. . 4chan Status: Site is down due to DDoS (link) 4chan Status: Site is down due to .
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  • Apr 16, 2009 . Now discussion board website 4chan wants to get it on the action by creating a script that allows users to create thousands of fake Twitter .
  • Jan 10, 2011 . <title>, 4chan Status (4chanStatus) on Twitter. <meta description>, Uptime is the game, downtime is the name. .
  • Dec 28, 2010 . Notorious website of notoriety 4chan.org is currently down; . (4chan status via Slashdot. title pic via 4chan's Twitter.) .
  • status.4chan.org has one IP number (, . Topsy, April 28, 2011 00:25, Twitter links. April 28, 2011 00:25, Related. April 28, 2011 00:25 .
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  • May 25, 2011 . Trending Tweets About: 4chan status - Twitter Trends, we know to predict the . More stuff about 4chan status. See all info on 4chan status .
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  • Dec 28, 2010 . An announcement on 4Chan's status page says it has been taken down due to a DDoS . 4chan's Twitter account confirms the DDoS attack. .
  • 4chan. Sign up for Twitter to follow 4chan (4chan) and get . The block was first noticed Sunday morning and Moot posted the following to the 4chan Status .
  • 4chan (4chan) is on Twitter. 4chan. -an exclusive . . Moot) posted to 4chan .
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  • Jul 27, 2010 . Main page (www.4chan.org) rs.4chan.org status.4chan.org twitter.com/4chan formspring.me/4chan tiny.4chan.org (NOT THAT THIS ONE MATTERS ANY .
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  • 51 posts - 33 authors - Last post: May 9, 2009moot posts on the status that DDos has came from fel0ny.com which is linked . . what is 4chan? or twitter? i guess i'm hopefully behind the .
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  • Related Content: 4chan status [Url Address: . the collaborative opportunities proffered by Twitter and Facebook are slim the currency of personal status. .
  • Dec 28, 2010 . The site's Twitter account announced the outage in a similarly humorous style: 4chan-ddos.PNG. The 4chan status page lists several parts of .
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  • Get the latest information on 4chan Status here by checking out news, blogs, twitter, videos, images and more from across the web. .
  • Nov 18, 2010 . Social Networks like FaceBook, Twitter, 4chan, Tumblr, Myspace and Friendster are like . Current Twitter Status: Twitter is Down! .
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  • Launched on October 1, 2003, its boards are primarily used for the posting of . jpg)4chan Status:4chan. Funny status updates for your facebook, twitter, .
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  • Great news! @FBIPressOffice called and is interested in acquiring the 4chan .
  • The 4chan status page lists
  • Dec 28, 2010 . The site's Twitter account announced the outage in a similarly . The 4chan status page lists several parts of the site as being up, .
  • RT @TIME: Who should be in the 2010 Time 100, our list of the 100 most .
  • Dec 28, 2010 . According to 4Chan's status page, the popular message board behind LOLcats, Rick Rolling, and some far more questionable activities has been .

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