Sep 22, 11
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  • I've been interested in terminal ballistics for a long time. . .. Most .40S&W loads average 25ftlb/sec while .45 ACP start at 27ftlb/sec. . . 4) If you look at a table of data from tests against calibrated gelatin you'll see that many medium rounds will .
  • 14 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Oct 25, 2010The .45 ACP ammo was American Eagle 230 gr FMJ, Federal HST 230 gr +P, . . I 've done quite a bit of my own testing, but I have never used 4 .
  • Feb 22, 2003 – .45 ACP jacketed hollow point 230 grain . . He pulled out his ankle-holstered backup piece which was an over/under pistol with about a 4 inch barrel. . . Wound Ballistic Workshop: "9mm vs. .45 Auto", FBI Academy, Quantico .
  • 20 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Jan 24, 2005Ballistic testing results : 45ACP Handguns: General Handgun Forum. .
  • Not to be confused with .45 ACP. . 1 History; 2 Cartridge loads; 3 Uses; 4 .
  • Mar 21, 2005 – Lets talk about ballistics, and numbers. . All numbers are from either 4.5-5" automatics and 4" revolvers to be . 45 ACP +P Factory Ballistics .
  • Jan 6, 2011 – Boxes of .45 ACP range all the way up to $30 for a box of 50 at some shops, which . I know that 200 isn't up to my usual standards of “high round count evaluations”, but the 4 inch alloy framed pistol . Now, let's talk ballistics! .
  • 7 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jan 4, 2010Ballistics Tests Round 2 9MM and 45ACP Caliber Corner. . I did a mix of .
  • For 45 acp, I used the following rounds. 230gr Federal HST, standard . Penetration, 12 1/2, 8 1/2 jacket 11.0 core, 8.5, 8.5, 8 3/4, 8 1/2. Expansion .45 core .
  • 4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 18, 2009As you increase bullet size and mass from 9 mm/357 Sig, to .40 S&W, to .45 ACP, more tissue is crushed, resulting in a larger permanent cavity. .
  • Wound Ballistics Review, 4(2); 14-15: Fall, 1999. . . 125gr JSP .45 ACP 185gr Winchester Silvertip JHP (Fired from 4-inch Barrel) .45 ACP 230gr FMJ RN. Rifle: .
  • Complete 45 ACP ammunition ballistics Chart. Compare all the ammunition manufactures on one easy to read chart.
  • 3 posts - 1 author - Last post: Apr 16, 2010The problem I'm having with online ballistics tests in gel is that more often . a .40 S&W compared to a 9mm when the .40 was shot from a 4" barrel . Or the .45 ACP was tested using ball ammo and the 9mm using hollow-point.
  • But I also believe that the .45 performs best in longer (4-5" barrels) and can . .. the fact is combat soldiers preferred the .45 acp to the 9mm and the .
  • 45 ACP and 38 Special are only two of the cartridges where CLAYS . It also works in 12 ga., 2 3/4" light, medium and heavy 1 1/8 oz. loads, and high velocity 1 oz. . weight, clean burning, mild muzzle report and superb, uniform ballistics. .
  • Dec 30, 2009 – . history, development and ballistics of the .45 ACP pistol cartridge. . John Browning is credited with having designed the .45 ACP cartridge. .
  • 45 ACP ammo for sale that's in stock at Lucky Gunner Ammo - today! Featuring cheap .45 acp ammunition in stock and bulk 45 acp ammo. . 4 45 ACP Ammo - 230 gr FEB - Magtech Ammunition - 50 Rounds In Stock . with Small Pistol Primers - 45 ACP Ammunition by Military Ballistics Industries For Sale - 100 Rounds .
  • 5 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Nov 5, 2008I'm not going to copy and paste all the posts and data supplied by one of .
  • Nov 11, 2010 – The Ranger 230-grain SXT .45 ACP load leaves Winchester's five-inch . The guns were my vintage 4 1/4-inch H&K P9 and a newer Kimber Custom . the published Winchester ballistics, delivering 914-fps average, with an .
  • 55 posts - 38 authors - Last post: Jan 25They feature an excellent feed profile and terminal ballistics to match .
  • 6 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Apr 16Thread: 45 ACP ballistics . Bullet penetration white pine AT 250YDS 4 INCHES early test determined . This renews my confidence in 45 ACP. .
  • August 30, 2007 at 4:44 pm by Tom King . In FMJ with magazine size limits- .45 acp . I know nothing about ballistics, little about stopping power, and not a whole lot more about accuracy, but the 1911 was a damned sight more fun to shoot. .
  • 15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jan 14ACP vs GAP ballistics The Bull Dawgs Club. . Speer Gold Dot Ballistics fps ftlbs 44 mag 240 gr 1400 . 45 ACP 4" SB 230 gr 820 343 45 GAP .
  • TERMINAL BALLISTIC COMPARISON IN WATER MEDIA. (Unlike all the other data on my pages, which can be copied at will, the data contained herein cannot .
  • .45 ACP Ballistic Gel - YouTube Oct 28, 2010 - 50 sec - Uploaded by straightgrain
  • View images of this 45 ACP Ammo from Military Ballistics Industries - of .
  • RESULTS - .45 Auto. Below you'll . 4", 1163, 1109, 1042, 983, 1060, 1087, 964, 946, 814, 865 . Ballistics by the Inch blog, site designed and maintained by: .
  • 10 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Jan 23, 2004Thompson .45 ACP Combat Mission: Afrika Korps. . Those solid point military rounds (7.62 NATO = Winchester .308) penetrate 4 inches of .
  • Ballistics Gel .357 Sig Gold Dot 125 grain vs .45 ACP Gold Dot 185 . Mar 8, 2011 - 6 min - Uploaded by goodbyedarran
  • 6 posts - 5 authors - Last post: 4 days agoClothed wetpack, iirc. Here's another link to a test where the rounds failed to expand. This is by one of the leading experts in this field, so. don't.
  • 10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Aug 23, 2010I'm sure you have already researched the ballistics of a 45 acp. but for the sake of other readers, I will delve further. Standard pressure 230gr .
  • Loads for Full-Sized .38 Revolvers With 4" or Longer Barrels: The Numero Uno . 38 . This is said to be a ballistic duplicate of the law-enforcement-only "Treasury" load . .. The .45 ACP is a recognized manstopper, and there are many excellent .
  • 7 answersMember since: March 19, 2007; Total points: 2535 (Level 4). Add Contact · Block . . The original ballistics for the .45 acp were like: 875 fps. I wouldn't even be .
  • [4] A number of .40 S&W loads with hollowpoint bullets offer a good .
  • The prices compare well to the 40 S&W and 45 ACP. . The magazine capacity for the 9x23 would be the same as 9mm Luger; or 4 more rounds than the 357 .
  • 12 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Apr 25, 2008I believe most .45ACP loads are tested out of 4.5-5" barrels. . The 230gr gets very good ballistic ratings, however it's going so slow out of a . . In testing with 4 layers of 14oz denim and calibrated 10% gelatin the only loads to .
  • 8 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jun 5, 2006Old June 4, 2006, 07:41 PM. Sarge. Senior Member. Join Date: May 12, 2002. Location: MO. Posts: 3377 .45 ACP & the Jethro Bodine Ballistics .
  • .45 ACP cartridges full metal jacket (left) and hollow-point (right) . 1 Design and history; 2 Cartridge dimensions; 3 Performance; 4 Load variants; 5 Timeline; 6 Synonyms; 7 Related . . Expansion: expanded bullet diameter (ballistic gelatin). .
  • Nov 26, 2008 – Six months ago we launched Ballistics By The Inch. And since then we've had over 770000 hits, one major . Beretta 96 Elite ll Brigadier – .40 S&W, 4 1/2” barrel . Beretta Model 8045 Cougar – .45 ACP, 3.625” barrel .
  • Such is not the case when comparing 9mm and .45 ACP. . IF one runs into the usual 3 or 4 shot deadly force scenario, but cannot "solve" the . When both of these rounds are fired into calibrated 10% ballistic gelatin, now considered the gold .
  • .45 ACP Critical Defense Ballistics Gel Test - YouTube May 12, 2011 - 2 min - Uploaded by jeffr168
  • 25 posts - 15 authors - Last post: Mar 1, 2004Of note, the .45 acp was really designed for a 5" barrel. . extra POP of +P and still get better performance from a 4" barrel than some other 185 .
  • .45ACP. Discussion of manufacturers. Ammunition comparison tests by Doctor . 1) at least 12" of penetration in properly prepared ballistic gelatin/soft tissue, and . . There is really no difference in performance between a 3.5" and 4" barrel in 9 .
  • 13 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Jan 25, 2007One of these will definitely be a .40 S&W or a .45 ACP semiauto to use for . Bottom line, in ballistics comparison of these two calibers, looking at a . . i like 1911's, don't own one, but its on the list. but i do own a XD 4" 40 and .
  • 11 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Feb 18, 2008Been looking at a model 66 and 325PD. Both are 2 1/2" models the 66 is a .
  • 6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jan 15I am having a terrible time finding ballistics that include EXPANSION along with . http://45-acp.com/ballistics.html . 01-13-2011 10:22 PM #4 .
  • Bullet Holes. 45-ACP. . 1911-A1 - Ammo Ballistics. Premium 230 Grain Ammunition Tested: . Commander 4" Barrel: Average Between Full Size & Officer .
  • 10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Feb 11I have the XD 45 Compact. Is there a big drop off in velocity with the 4" barrel compared to the standard 5" barrel? I know the .45 ACP is already .
  • 50+ items – In ballistics catalogs the point of maximum bullet rise is often .
  • 15 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Sep 24, 2005[Archive] Enfield #4 carbine 45 acp Military Rifles. . from 38 Largo to 45 ACP and was doing full on 44 mag ballistics from the 16" bbl. .

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