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Apr 14, 2011 – MunicipalBonds.com is the premier site for municipal bond investors.
44420PAA2. 2047-Feb, 4.500%, 94.625, 4.818, $15000, Investor bought. 4:31pm , View Rating · Harris Cnty-houston Tex Sports Cap Apprec-jr Lien-ser B .
Jun 15, 2010 – 44420PAA2, HUDSON YDS INFRASTRUCTURE CORP SER A-NATL, 4.500, 02/ 15/2047, 86.082 / 86.082, 7.742, 93.824 / 93.824, 4.862 / .
MunicipalBonds.com is the premier site for municipal bond investors. Our goal is to provide tools, education, analysis, trade data, municipal bond rates, .
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Sep 29, 2010 – 44420PAA2, HUDSON YDS INFRASTRUCTURE CORP SER A-NATL, 4.500, 02/ 15/2047, 93.909 / 93.909, 6.542, 95.000 / 100.451, 4.791 / .
Sep 19, 2011 – 44420PAA2. 2047-Feb, 4.500%, 88.959, 5.184, $5000, Investor sold. 3:51pm, Hudson Yds Infrastructure Corp Ser A-natl. 44420PAA2 .
44420PAA2. 2047-Feb, 4.500%, 88.770, 5.197, $5000, Investor sold . 44420PAA2. 2047-Feb, 4.500%, 90.345, 5.091, $30000, Investor sold .
44420PAA2. 2047-Feb, 4.500%, 91.506, N/R, $1000000+, Inter-dealer. 9:56am, View Rating · Indiana Fin Auth Hosp Rev Kings Daughters Hosp & Hlth .
44420PAA2. 2047-Feb, 4.500%, 92.000, 4.983, $30000, Investor bought. 11: 17am, View Rating · Hudson Yds Infrastructure Corp Ser A-fgic. 44420PAB0 .
. 04/29/99,19980629,5.100,20170801,,,20100607,081502,20100610,10000.00, 100.000,5.090,,,,20100607,221420,1.00 6DB16E5BC2FCB3F4,D,44420PAA2 .
Jun 28, 2010 – 44420PAA2, HUDSON YDS INFRASTRUCTURE CORP SER A-NATL, 4.500, 02/ 15/2047, 89.650 / 89.650, 11.600, 93.215 / 101.250, 4.900 / .
. REV REF,20011001,5.000,20130101,,,20100803,075907,20100806,10000.00 ,105.375,1.126,,,,20100803,221101,1.00 CA4993A4B3B7E769,P,44420PAA2 .
5 days ago – 12:57pm, View Rating · Hudson Yds Infrastructure Corp Ser A-natl. 44420PAA2. 2047-Feb, 4.500%, 91.678, 5.004, $1000000+, Investor sold .
Sep 16, 2010 – 44420PAA2, HUDSON YDS INFRASTRUCTURE CORP SER A-NATL, 4.500, 02/ 15/2047, 95.062 / 95.062, 4.898, 93.233 / 99.960, 4.502 / .
Jan 5, 2011 – 44420PAA2, HUDSON YDS INFRASTRUCTURE CORP SER A-NATL, 4.500, 02/ 15/2047, 74.558 / 74.558, 10.154, 82.953 / 84.712, 5.606 / .
Sep 7, 2010 – 44420PAA2, HUDSON YDS INFRASTRUCTURE CORP SER A-NATL, 4.500, 02/ 15/2047, 92.500 / 92.500, 8.110, 95.860 / 100.610, 4.740 / .
44420PAA2, Medium Grade, Long Term. 0.1%, NEW YORK ST TWY AUTH. 650009TL7, Medium Grade, Long Term. 0.1%, METROPOLITAN TRANSN . .
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44420PAA2. 2047-Feb, 4.500%, 92.000, 4.983, $10000, Investor bought. 1:59pm, View Rating · Hudson Yds Infrastructure Corp Ser A-natl. 44420PAA2 .
HUDSON YARDS INFRASTRUCTURE CORP 06A, 44420PAA2, 0.46%, 4.50, 5.38, Tax Obligation/Limited, Municipal Bonds. NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE AUTH .
44420PAA2. 2047-Feb, 4.500%, 87.989, 5.250, $1000000+, Investor sold . 44420PAA2. 2047-Feb, 4.500%, 92.100, 4.977, $10000, Investor bought .
44420PAA2. 2047-Feb, 4.500%, 94.625, 4.818, $10000, Investor bought. 12:56pm .
MunicipalBonds.com is the premier site for municipal bond investors.
20101201, 1, 58, 44420PAA2, HUDSON YDS INFRASTRUCTURE CORP N Y REV SER A, NY, --/--, 390K traded, 4 trades | history, A S, A2 M, N/R F, ____ .
Check the latest bond pricing and bond value of HUDSON YDS INFRASTRUCTURE CORP SER A-MBIA with CUSIP 44420PAA2 at BondView.com - provider of bond rates, .
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