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Information on Area Code and Prefix (Exchange) 917-434. Lookup information on any Area Code and Exchange or get a listing of every north American NPA NXX.
Sep 11, 2009 . EL MONTE (California) 626-434 reverse phone number lookup.
Jan 1, 2002 . Many customers have actually been using the 434 area code since June 1. . A dwindling supply of telephone exchange codes in the 804 area .
CNS would like to remind you that the new 434 area code for the western half . and 674 exchanges) from Blacksburg will change from long distance to local. .
This 434 page contains information about the (434) area code, located within the US. The 434 areacode is in VA. According to NPA-NXX exchange data, .
North American telephone area code 804 serves the state of Virginia, and .
South Kamloops (British Columbia) 250-434 reverse phone number lookup.
Trace results found for callers from Area & Exchange Code: 434-447 | 434447 | ( 434) 447. See what they want from CallerIDNationwide.com.
Browse exchanges in area code 434 and find a phone number and opinions about local coffee shops and restaurants in area code 434.
The following phone numbers are listed in our reverse phone database for .
571-434 Area code covers part of Herndon, covering most of 20164, 20166 .
Area Code 434 Cell Phone Exchanges: 434-250-0000 · 434-955-0000 · 434-531-0000 · 434-414-0000 · 434-610-0000 · 434-568-0000 · 434-547-0000 · 434-549-0000 .
SHOW LOW (Arizona) 928-434 reverse phone number lookup.
Virginia area code 434 has been in service since 2001. It has 219 landlines and 67 wireless prefixes (exchanges) serviced by 27 carriers. .
May 17, 2011 . All Exchanges Found in 904 (Florida) . .. Recent .
Feb 27, 2010 . Lookup other 850-434-XXXX phone numbers or other phone number exchanges in the 850 area code. Identify Callers Home | State Area Codes .
The following phone numbers are listed in our reverse phone database for .
Area Code 434 (Virginia) information. It has 283 prefixes (exchanges)
These are among the areas that use this area code (as of 2011) with their .
Acquire information about Iowa area code directory. . As many as 195 cities and 434 telephone exchanges are present here. .
To find a phone number prefix location in a specific area code, . If you need to look up more prefixes or area codes please return again in two days. .
If an area code has recently undergone a split you may not find the new area code's . If that happens use the area code before the split occurred. .
The 434 area code was created on June 1, 2001 as a split from the 804 area code. . List of exchanges from AreaCodeDownload.com, 434 Area Code .
All Exchanges Found in 434 (Virginia) . . Other Resources About Area Code 434 in Virginia. Wikipedia Article on Area Code 434; State Resources for Virginia .
Lookup information on Area Code 434 - get demographic, NPA NXX, and other data by . Area Code 434 covers 37 Counties . Area Code 434 Has 295 Exchanges .
706-434 Area code covers part of Augusta, covering most of 30901 zipcodes. . Reverse Phone Numbers for area code 706 & exchange 434 (Actively searched .
Area Code 434 Valid Telephone Exchanges. Area code (434) currently contains 307 local exchanges. Click an exchange below to get more information about the .
NUMBER UNLISTED 434-906 Phone Numbers. « back to area codes. Find the owner of this phone number! Get a full report on a phone number. .
Oct 14, 2010 . Departments. All phone numbers are in area code 434 with exchange 395, e.g., 434.395.2633. Department, Phone, Department, Phone .
Exchanges found in the 434 area code. . About Area Code 434. Some of the major cities this areacode are: CHARLOTTESVILLE. DANVILLE. CROZET. PALMYRA .
Aug 28, 2009 . Toronto (Ontario) 416-434 reverse phone number lookup.
On June 19, 1995, Bell Atlantic and GTE restricted the geographical region served by area code 703 to only northern Virginia exchanges, and assigned the .
Apr 26, 2011 . Description, The following are Simcoe County area code 705 telephone exchanges: Alliston: 434, 435, 440 Angus: 424 Barrie: 719, 720, 721, .
Jul 30, 2009 . JOPLIN (Missouri) 417-434 reverse phone number lookup.
434 NPA NXX Area Code Lookup by NPA Area Code Quick Search by City and Telephone . The NXX, Numbering Plan Exchange, refers to the 3 digits in a 7 digits .
Exhange Information for Area Code 434 in Virginia. Reverse Lookup . Reported Information for Phone Numbers with 434 Areacode. Phone Number: 4345552843 .
Jun 1, 2001 . 434 434 is an area code in these Virginia areas: Advance Mills Akunia Alberta . List of exchanges from AreaCodeDownload.com, 434 Area Code .
Columbia business npanxx npa-nxx area code prefix area code exchange . Area Code / Prefix. 803212, SC, 434, Columbia. 803213, SC, 434, Columbia .
Search for phone exchanges in the 434 area code. . This area code is located in VA. Coverage includes the following cities: Alberta. Allwood. Altavista .
The following phone numbers are listed in our reverse phone database for area code 814 and exchange 434. To find out the owner, address, carrier, line type, .
Maupin. . . ..(Area Code 541). ..395, Mayville. . . McKenzie Bridge.. McMinnville. . (Area Code 503). . 434, 435, 472, 474, 857, 883, McNary. .
LOCKPORT (New York) 716-434 reverse phone number lookup.
Information on Area Code and Prefix (Exchange) 646-434. Lookup information on any Area Code and Exchange or get a listing of every north American NPA NXX.
See who owns any 434 phone number. Results will include real name, current street address, . We have data on these NXX exchanges for area code 434: .
The following phone numbers are listed in our reverse phone database for .
Many customers have actually been using the 434 area code since June 1. . A dwindling supply of telephone exchange codes in the 804 area code prompted the .
Jan 13, 2011 . Fast, thorough telephone area code and exchange (NPA+NXX) lookups, updated frequently. . New! WhereCode Area Code Exchange database, in .CSV format, for $49. . . Vacant, 434 (VA), 435 (UT), 436 .
May 10, 2011 . 3 Apr 2009 . new area codes Prefixes in the 623 area code 214 245 247 322 334 349 362 374 386 388 393 412 434 435 465 486 487 492 516 535 .
860-434 Area code covers part of Lyme, covering most of 6371, 6423 zipcodes. .
Some area codes and prefixes in the service area are planned and are not yet . 402 403 407 409 412 414 420 421 425 427 428 429 430 431 433 434 435 436 437 .