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Sep 24, 2010 – sn0wbreeze-2.0.1-Jailbreak-iOS-4.1-2. iPhone 3GS (new Bootrom) and iPod Touch 3G users, select 'Use iBooty Method (3.1.2 installation .
Jun 17, 2011 – 3, Limera1n is an untethered jailbreak This will Jailbreak: iPhone 4 on 4.1 Fimrware iPhone 3Gs on 4.1 Firmware iPod Touch 3 on 4.1 .
Nov 13, 2010 – iPhone Dev Team have already released PwnageTool 4.1.2 for Mac. . Sn0wbreeze To Jailbreak iOS 4.1 For iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPod .
PwnageTool 4.1.2 Jailbreak iPhone 4 3Gs 3G iPodTouch 4 3 iPad . 6 min - Oct 20, 2010 - Uploaded by iphonesir
Jan 25, 2011 – PwnageTool 4.1 & 4.1.2 supports the following devices: iPhone 4 on iOS 4.1 iPhone 3GS (new and old bootrom) on iOS 4.1 iPhone 3G iPad.
Oct 23, 2010 – PwnageTool allows you to restore to a custom IPSW file. you can restore to a pre- jailbroken firmware while simultaneously maintaining your .
Oct 20, 2010 – We're pleased to release PwnageTool 4.1 4.1.2 for Mac OS X .
PwnageTool 4.1.2 jailbreak iPhone 3G/3GS/4 - iPod Touch 3g/4g iOS 4.1 + iPad 3.2 .2 Video - PwnageTool 4.1.2 has been released. You can use it to cook custom .
[ PwnageTool 4.1.2] jailbreak iPhone 3G,3GS,4 - iPod Touch 3g_4g . 11 min - Oct 24, 2010 - Uploaded by love2jailbreak
15 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Mar 17[Archive] How to jailbreak and unlock 3gs 4.1.2 Apple Inc. Products.
Dec 26, 2010 – Any ETA for 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak that support 3GS (new bootrom) ? . research before I updated to 4.1.2, now my phone will load contacts, .
Aug 22, 2011 – how to jailbreak iphone 3gs with ios 4.1 . Sn0wbreeze Jailbreak iOS 4.1 For iPhone 3GS, 3G, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 2G For Windows .
Aug 13, 2011 – You are here: Home / Apple TV Tips / PwnageTool 4.1.2 Jailbreak iPhone 4 3Gs 3G iPodTouch 4 3 iPad & AppleTv 2G (unlockable) .
Nov 13, 2010 – This guide will show you how to jailbreak the iPhone 3G/3GS/4, iPod . I tried to jailbreak my iphone 3gs on 4.1.2 but when I try to restore it it .
Dec 21, 2010 – Hi, I was just wondering if there would be an untethered jailbreak anytime soon? Thanks.
iPhone dev Team has released PwnageTool 4.1.2, the iOS 4.1 jailbreak. You can download PwnageTool 4.1.2 from below to jailbreak iPhone 4, 3GS, 3G, iPod .
Nov 15, 2010 – Jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G on iOS 4.1 . PwnageTool 4.1.2 Released by Dev Team with Bug Fixes · Limera1n Jailbreak .
Sep 10, 2010 – The newly released iOS 4.1 for iPhone 4, 3GS, and 3G .
Sep 10, 2010 – It can jailbreak iPhone 3GS (with old bootrom only) using iOS 4.1 custom . Download PwnageTool 4.1.2 to Jailbreak iOS 4.1 on iPhone 4, iPod .
Oct 17, 2010 – Greenpois0n was released today for Mac OS X and can jailbreak iPhone . When I am jailbreaking my iphone 3gs on 4.1.2 with windows, it just .
Nov 30, 2010 – Redsn0w by DevTeam allows you to jailbreak your iPhone 3G/3GS device, . . Used the unofficial release bundle to get to 4.1.2 and preservfe .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Sep 2I was trying to jailbreak my 3GS with OS 4.1.2 baseband 5.15.01. Orginially my intension was to use a custom IPSW file provided in a stickie .
Oct 23, 2010 – Therefore we need another one, PwnageTool 4.1.2 which is created as a fix . And you can start jailbreak jailbreak iOS 4.1 On iPhone 4, 3GS, .
New Pwnage Tool 4.1.2 Jailbreak iPhone 4,3Gs,3G,iPod Touch 4,3 iPad & Apple Tv 2G. by Admin on 01/29/2011 0 .
Aug 1, 2010 – Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone 3GS. . Simplest iPhone 3GS Untethered Jailbreak Released (any bootrom), Can be Unlocked with ease! . .. iOS 4 (3), iOS 4.1 (2), iPad (2), iPark (1), iphone (58), iPhone 101 (2), iPhone 2.0 .
Oct 25, 2010 – PwnageTool 4.1 (4.1.2) Download – Jailbreak and Hacktivate . PwnageTool 4.01: Jailbreak iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 3G and iPod touch 2G on iOS .
Oct 23, 2010 – Again, as far as the jailbreak, compatibility and the exploit is concerned, . iPhone 4 on iOS 4.1; iPhone 3GS (new and old bootrom) on iOS 4.1 .
Nov 29, 2010 – Lets start the guide to jailbreak and unlock iPhone 3G/3GS using . . waited for this for months! i followed the steps and now my 3g 4.1.2 .
Pre-Jailbroken 4.1 Firmware (4.1 firmware files for all devices, pre-jailbroken with . Pwnage Tool 4.1.2 (Restore custom 4.1 firmware on iPhone4, iPhone 3Gs, .
Feb 5, 2011 – These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 using Greenpois0n . Now, I want to jailbreak my iPhone 3G 4.1.2. .
. Unlockers WILL LOSE carrier unlock with this method if they update to 4.1.2 in iTunes!** . I highly recommend using Spirit jailbreak but you can use, Pwnage Tool or . Spirit takes about 3 minutes to jailbreak a 3GS and about 5 minutes to .
New Pwnage Tool 4.1.2 Jailbreak iPhone 4,3Gs,3G,iPod Touch 4,3 . 3 min - Nov 24, 2010 - Uploaded by Ayenatbagarx
How-To Jailbreak iPhone 3G/3GS/4, iPod Touch and iPad on iOS 4.1 with Sn0wbreeze 2.1 [Windows] . Pwnage Tool 4.1.2 Jailbreak for Apple TV 2G Released .
Jailbreak iPhone 3G 4.1.2. Jailbreak iPhone 4 4.1.2. more close. Tech & Science. Uploaded on 26/11/10. How Unlock iPhone 3GS IOS iOS 4.0 4.1 firmware .
A jailbroken iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad running iOS can still use the App Store, . The iPhone 3GS also uses MB and MC model numbers, but while an MB .
3 posts - Last post: Mar 23I am looking to upgrade my unlocked/jailbroken iPhone 3GS (running . the Pwnage tool 4.1.2 upgrade the firmware without touching the BB? .
Jun 6, 2011 – PwnageTool 4.1.2 for Mac OSX is available to download here. . devices that enables you to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone 3GS, | Jeiboy.net.
Mar 30, 2011 – Greenpois0n Jailbreak 4.3 – 4.2.1 [ iPhone 4,3GS,3G,2G iPod Touch . b puttin jailbreaks for 4.3 when its really only for 4.2.1/4.1.2 or below. .
Nov 28, 2010 – The process of jailbreaking and unlocking iPhones usually sounds more . . This thing describes that it can unlock 3gs operating 4.1.2 with .
Aug 9, 2011 – PwnageTool 4.1.2 jailbreak iPhone 3G/3GS/4 – iPod Touch 3g/4g iOS 4.1 . baseband for iPhone 4, 3GS and iPhone 3G running on iOS 4.1 so .
Aug 16, 2010 – How do I Jailbreak iPhone 3gs OS 4.1.2 . jailbreak iphone 3gs redsnow 4.1.2 . . iphone 3gs 4.1.2 jailbreak cannot restore through itunes .
PwnageTool 4.1.2 jailbreak iPhone 3G/3GS/4 - iPod Touch 3g/4g . 11 min - Oct 20, 2010 - Uploaded by Randyvdmeer
86 posts - 74 authors - Last post: Sep 14There is more updated answers to this question in the Jailbreak Blog. . Ok, I have Fixed my 3GS ( 3.1.2 to 4.1.2) by re-running Snowbreeze 2.2 .
Topic: iPhone 3GS 4.1.2 jailbreak using redsnow 0.9.6b4. Displaying all 11 . is it a 3G or 3GS, does the power and home button both work? do you know the .
9 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Mar 15. is possible (or wise) to upgrade my jailbroken 3GS to a newer 4.x iOS. . 4.1.2 ? 4.3? What is the process i would need to follow (i read lots of .
4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jan 28On last 18 Months I was totally Happy ;) with my Iphone 3GS 3.1.2 Jailbreak (not unlocked). Since IOS 4, more and more application stop .
Mar 3, 2011 – So even if you just buy an iPhone today you are able to jailbreak it ! The utility is compatible: iPhone 4; iPhone 3GS; iPhone 3G; iPad; iPod .
Sep 18, 2010 – How to jailbreak iPhone 3GS iOS 4.0.1with unofficial PwnageTool . .. And so – here's my problem.. using the pwnage tool 4.1.2 and the .
2 answers - Mar 15, 2007I don't want to lose my current jailbreak, but I want to updated to iOS 4.1.2. I am not sure if this update will unlock my carrier! My iphone: 3Gs, .
We recommend installing “PDF Patcher 2” in Cydia once you're jailbroken to . Even for those devices where limera1n works, jbme3.0 injects the jailbreak with a .