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Jun 20, 2011 – 3DS Homebrew - Emulators Come Alive to tell the tale Your Nintendo 3DS With The R4 3DS Card i've spent an even period of time talking about .
18 posts - 8 authors - Last post: May 9, 2008(Wii Homebrew) First SNES emulator with Wii remote support! . 3DS : 5327-0928- 6187 "Aren't egg rolls just Chinese Hot Pockets" .
Nintendo DS News is a News and downloads site for the Nintendo DS,3DS/DS/DSi/ DSiXL , DS Lite and DSI, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew, .
On the very R4i 3DS Gold same time the bot can even get the participant or . SC2N3DS has only some minor issues with Homebrew and GBA emulation can hold .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Sep 28, 2007Any mention about flashcards, homebrew or emulators will result in an automatic suspension. Mentioning it directly or indirectly will result .
(Licensed developers can use the blue Intelligent Systems Nitro Emulator . .. to make it a full fledged 3DS card, allowing the future 3DS homebrew games .
Jun 17, 2011 – Nintendo 3DS Homebrew Is currently Possible While using r4 3ds card. . homebrew applications, first and foremost, each of the emulators I .
3DS Homebrew Home made games and software for the new portable 3d console. 3DS Cartridge reviews of different types of game and backup carts. 3DS Emulator .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Apr 29What this and/or any other 3DS cart can do is run NDS games in NDS (no 3D) mode and most of the homebrew/emulators that are available. .
Jan 2, 2010 – Category:DS Emulators. From DS and DSi Homebrew Help. Jump to: navigation, search. This is a list of homebrew emulators that run on the DS. .
With a modded Nintendo Wii you can run Homebrew Emulators from DVD-R or RW discs as well . SuperCard 3DS R4 Jailbreak. Games : Wii : Full Game : English .
Jun 4, 2011 – Needed are quality articles for a website about emulators for the Nintendo 3DS, including 3DS emulator news, 3DS flash carts, 3DS homebrew .
DeSmuME is a freeware emulator for the NDS roms & Nintendo DS Lite games created by YopYop156. . It supports many homebrew nds rom demoes as well as a handful of Wireless . Corrected bug in the 3D - Corrected a bug in the menu .
Nintendo 3DS, • PlayStation 3 . Xbox 360 - Homebrew Emulators . Research .
Apr 6, 2011 – Guy named Virtual Freak released the news that Virtual Boy owners want the complete 22 game library (and some of the finished but unreleased .
Mar 2, 2011 – you know, when the 3ds runs emulators like sega genesis or . Added to queue First 3DS exploit/homebrewby alfa4054013 views · Thumbnail .
Jul 5, 2011 – Emulators, and emulation is all of the rage these days it seems, . Nintendo 3DS Homebrew With The R4 3DS - Hundreds Of Games Available .
The Nintendo 3DS Homebrew games and applications have been written to be compatible with the Nintendo DS and DSi. They are compatible with the Nintendo 3DS .
1 answer - Apr 30So is there a way where I can get the Homebrew channel or whatever on my 3DS .
75 posts - Last post: 4 days ago3DS/NDS Homebrew & Emulator. ชุมชนคนรัก Homebrew คุยทุกเรื่องที่เกี่ยวกับ Homebrew และ Emulator ต่างๆ. Moderators: : Web Admin, : NDS Team .
Oct 18, 2010 – PS3 HOMEBREW LIST - Backup Managers, Emulators, Games, etc. . . Description: a 3D homebrew PS3 action RPG game.(WIP) .
Apr 17, 2011 – Nintendo 3DS, Homebrew, Hello World? . we should expect to see a very functional MAMENext PS3 emulator—coming very soon to a PS3 near you. .
Be sure to check out the QJ.net homebrew apps section to stay up to date on the latest homebrew games and applications for the Nintendo 3DS. .
A list of ten computer and console emulators for the Nintendo DS that will please the retro gaming enthusiast. . They can also serve as a platform for homebrew games. . Nintendo 3DS 101 · Should You Buy the DS Lite or the DSi? .
Below you will find a list of discussions in the Guides: PSP Hacks, Homebrew .
Jul 9, 2011 – R4 3DS - Play NES R-Type for your Nintendo 3DS Homebrew Card Emulation . and play all the sports, apps and emulators which are released. .
Freeware Nintendo 3DS emulator capable of running commercial and homebrew Gameboy Advance, NDS and Nintendo 3DS games. 3DS emulator .
10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Jan 3Snes emulator. PSX emulator. Nes emulator. N64 emulator. GBA/GBC emulator . There's going to be some pretty crazy 3D homebrew, I'm sure. .
Feb 13, 2011 – This helps the emulator to be determinate. Dolphin SVN r7127 Add . Deca Sports Extreme (3DS) – 12 New Screenshots July 22, 2011 at 9:36 .
Jan 11, 2011 – PS3 Homebrew & Emulation Deluge Continues. From Mario's Big Push To The Locked 3DS - News Roundup 11th January 2011 .
1 day ago – DCEmu is your one stop site for the latest Homebrew, Hacking, .
15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Mar 27If the 3DS really does emulate any part of the DS, it HAS to be more .
As soon as homebrew programmers get hold of 3DS and make a working emulator You will be able to play 3DS Game backups aka 3DS roms on PC and Mac. .
Apr 2, 2010 – I hope this is in the right spot, but I have been searching and searching for this answer, ever since my son asked me for ds games on our .
3 answers - Jul 21, 2009When I heard that The Legend Of Zelda:Ocarina Of Time and The Legend . I do not think there are any roms or emulators out just yet; .
Mar 11, 2011 – Hatena Bookmark - Homebrew Emulators For Psp – Download Nes Games . TheStickynoodle: love my DS and im sad to see it go due to the 3DS. .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jan 26Homebrew emulators on 3ds-- Page 1 GBAtemp Forum Topic Post.
16 posts - 14 authors - Last post: Apr 13As for homebrew, when and if we get homebrew on it, I'm positive we can get .
Download Video Game Rom Emulators. GBA Emulator Gameboy Advance Roms, . will work with free NDS roms on the DS Lite and Nintendo 3DS and DSi XL consoles. .
Oct 21, 2008 – Homebrew Playstation emulator for Wii underway Review for all . Transformers 3 : The Dark of the Moon - Steath Force Edition (3DS) .
Apr 20, 2011 – If you are interested in flashcard for your DS/NDS/3DS, you can . Otherwise there are more informationen about this DS Homebrew emulators. .
Homebrew fanatics will try to hack 3DS to run Linux and Homebrew on it. . Our R4 Games work on all Flash Cards & Emulators. Nintendo DS Emulator Roms .
I'm also going to cover the NIntendo 3DS Homebrew scene for people who will . .. you'll need to get your hands on some homebrew games, apps, and emulators. .
Home · About · Privacy Policy · ai-soft.com. Software Review. Your Ad Here · Home · News · Software · Tablet PC. No posts found. Try a different search? .
6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Mar 2Dolphin, the 3DS Emulator. The specs of the 3DS are revealed; it seems the 3DS is more powerful than the Wii, because it needs the power for .
Jun 1, 2009 – . on my wii now how do i put emulators on the homebrew channel and do . Select Category, Download Wii Games, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DSI .
NO$GBA is a freeware Nintendo 3DS emulator capable of running commercial and homebrew Gameboy Advance and Nintendo 3DS games. The hottest story is able to .
Jun 16, 2011 – Listed in: Homebrew Emulators Tags: dolphin emulator, .
The best 3DS emulator for PC is made by Nintendo Co Japan for their licensed . . Free 3DS Roms top freeware games for 3DS. Homebrew apps and tools for the .
Feb 28, 2011 – There hasn't been that much going on in terms of Wii homebrew but I . his next project was a 3DS emulator (with a picture of some game, .