Oct 4, 11
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  • Aug 23, 2010 – I just came home from my 39 week check and nothing! Cervix is . We were pregnant together but she had hers about 2 weeks ago. Her and .
  • 15 posts - 10 authorsWell actually tomorrow I'll be 39 weeks, today I had my appointment and man!.. when the doctor . And I'm kinda bummed to hear that I'm not even dilated :( Not even 1cm. GOSH! I hope I go into labor next week when I'm 40 weeks pregnant. .
  • Feb 13, 2007 – I am 39 weeks pregnant and the doctor said that i am not at all dilated, and everyone said that the baby has not even dropped yet and is not .
  • 6 answers - Aug 8, 2009I am 40 weeks and 4 days not dilated, not effaced and haven't lost my plug. Does that . I have already had 2 failed inductions last week at 39 weeks. I was on PIT . When I was 42 ( yes 42 ) lol weeks pregnant, I was induced. .
  • 3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Sep 6, 2006I am 39 weeks pregnant with my second bub and a little concerned about my . the scarred tissue might have on the cervix dilating during labour.
  • 10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Mar 31I have an appt tomorrow to see if things have moved along at all, but last .
  • A woman can be very dilated and not have her baby before her due date or even near . I've personally had women who were 6 centimeters dilated for weeks. .
  • 6 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Dec 9, 2010Okay so I am 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant with my second son. . I'm in the same boat, I'm 39 weeks and 4 days and still not dilated even tho .
  • More information on what to expect in week 39 of your pregnancy. Get more . If you are uncomfortable with your pregnancy at this time, you are not alone. Most women are . Weird question. i am only 1cm dilated 75% effaced. I get braxton .
  • 10 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Apr 2, 200840 weeks pregnant and not dilated!!!! The Baby Bargains LOUNGE!
  • 13 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Jul 11, 2007I just got back from the Doc and I'm still not dilated - not even 1cm. . NestBaby Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker NestBaby Pregnancy Ticker NestBaby Baby Birthday . I am only at 39 weeks but feel like I will be in your shoes soon. .
  • 6 answers - May 5, 2007Top answer: Not all women start dilating early, especially with first babies. You are still a week away from your due date, and a lot can happen in the next week. And first babies .
  • May 30, 2011 – So do not worry if you're still “pregnant” at 39 weeks of pregnancy, if you . such as baby station, dilation, effacement, position and consistency, .
  • I am 39 weeks pregnant and after my doctor's visit yesterday I am not dilated at all . So a little frustrating but he said that we will get her out one way or the other .
  • by James Brann
  • For this reason it's not recommended for use before 38 weeks. . High risk pregnancies or illness in pregnancy can make natural induction risky. 4. . . How well it works can also depend on if you are very far dilated or not. . im 39 weeks with my 4th child and i tried castor oil with all of them and it worked a treat but ive now .
  • 3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Mar 30, 2006Oh yeah, I'm due next Wed and as of last week I was a fingertip to 1 cm dialated and nothing . Well I am 37 weeks and I have not dilated at all. .
  • 1 answer - Feb 9, 2008I'm 39 weeks pregnant and was suppose to be induced at 38 weeks .
  • 16 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Jun 14, 2009I'm 39w1d - not dilated, have yet to lose my mucus plug, haven't felt any type of . I wish I could have been pregnant for a few more weeks! .
  • Jul 3, 2005 – ObGyn/Pregnancy issues/39 weeks pregnant and confused! . He told me to not worry and that if my water breaks or I start to dilate, that's when .
  • Amazing 3D images of your baby's development at 39 weeks pregnant! . only four TV channels for the next 12 hours waiting to dilate from 1 centimeter to 2. . about as regular as your bowels since you've been pregnantnot very—and they .
  • I am 39 weeks pregnant and have not had any contractions..is this normal? . . On the other hand, if you have not dilated AND are not thinning either, that can be .
  • The above-mentioned tactics may or may not work for you. . Q. I am 40 weeks pregnant and for the last three days I have been . . Caroline, on the other hand, was examined at week 39, showed no signs of effacement, dilation or labor and .
  • 10 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Mar 8Am I Pregnant? . So I went to my 39 week appointment today and the doctor was going to induce me but said because I wasn't dialated or effaced at all an he . At my 39 week appt I was 70-80% effaced but not dilated at all. .
  • I am 39 weeks pregnant and have not had any contractions..is this normal? .
  • 9 answers - Jun 9, 2007Top answer: I wouldnt worry about it. I didnt dilate at all. At 39 week they did induce cause of my blood pressure. it didnt hurt like people said!!!!! And i went to a 9 1/2 in about 3 .
  • Feb 13, 2007 – I am 39 weeks pregnant, and I'm still not dilated at all! my cervix is not even ripe yet? Does that mean my baby will come late? Dear Sara, It .
  • 17 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Oct 5, 2005I am pregnant with my first, and at 39 weeks I still have not dropped or . I am not dilated or effaced at all either, but doctor says that is fine. .
  • As long as the stool is soft and there is no blood, the baby is not constipated. . . Q . I'm in my tenth week of pregnancy and seem to be developing large . This is in contrast to premature contractions, in which the uterus contracts, but there's no dilation, . .. Ten days later (39) I was having light spotting that was dark brown. .
  • Jun 17, 2010 – 39 weeks and not dilated; can you go into labor without your cervix being dilated ? is it bad to have an “unfavorable cervix?” 37 weeks pregnant .
  • What happens if my due date comes and goes and the baby is still not here? . A full term pregnancy is 40 weeks, this is how the due date is established. . either the baby or the mother, a woman should not be induced until at least 39 weeks. . If they do not want induction, or if their cervix has not dilated at all, then during .
  • Mar 17, 2009 – 38 weeks- miserable and NOT dilated at all :(: I'm about 38 .
  • I'm pregnant wiht my first child, boy, and 39 weeks pregnant. The doctor says . My cervix has not really thinned and I have not dilated at all. I'm worried that I'll .
  • 39-40 weeks of pregnancy is not overdue! . it will work best if your are really overdue like 10-12 days past your due date and if you are already dilated 2-3 cm. .
  • 10 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Apr 24My due date is april 16 and the doc said I will not make it till then. . I am 39 weeks pregnant with my second child,2 cm dilated ,lost mucus plug .
  • I am 39 weeks pregnant and 1 cm dilated and not feeling too many braxton hicks but my dr says that's normal in younger woman my queston is WHEN wILl .
  • 15 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Mar 3, 2009Pregnancy Forum - Pregnancy. . Belly Pic Progression 6 Weeks to 39 Week. 36 Week . I was induced at 41 weeks and was not dilated at all. .
  • 15 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Feb 25, 2009So i went to the dr yesterday at 39 weeks and 2 days and i am not dilated at all!!! OMG that was so dissapointing to me, i feel like my daughter is .
  • Results 51 - 60 – . advice and tips about 38 weeks pregnant not dilated from moms' communities. . 2010 - Hi ladies, I'm currently 39 weeks with my second child. .
  • Sep 8, 2011 – Pregnancy - Getting Pregnant - Baby Names . I went to the dr today at 39 weeks and 4 days and i am not dilated at all! That was pretty .
  • More information on what to expect in week 38 of your pregnancy. Get more .
  • Jul 8, 2010 – i am 39 weeks pregnant my pelvis, back and siatic nerve are all slowly killing me. Dont get . Due dates can be a little off sometimes, they are not 100% accurate. . .. I am 38 weeks pregnant and 2cm dilated and 50% thinned. .
  • 2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 3 days agoI havent dilated yet either and I will be 38 weeks on Monday. Is this your . Hang in there you are not alone . 39 weeks and not dilated at all! .
  • Nov 1, 2006 – Sex may not bring on your labor, but it helps efface and dilate your cervix as long . Same with me nothing has worked I am 39 weeks pregnant. .
  • Sep 12, 2006 – . leaf tea, walking. . Baby is head down and engaged but I'm not dilated at all. discuss. . Mothering › Forums › Pregnancy and Birth › I'm PregnantNot dilated at 38 weeks. Join Now . .. post #15 of 17. 9/13/06 at 10:39pm .
  • Apr 27, 2009 – A little sad. A bit petulant. Hopeful. I am 39 weeks and .
  • Aug 14, 2011 – 3 Responses to “39w3d pregnant & not dilated or effaced =(?” . My older son was due on February 12th and at 39 weeks +3 days I still had .
  • Cervical dilation, the opening of the cervix (measured in centimeters), and .
  • 11 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Sep 1039 weeks pregnant and only 1 cm dialated. uhhh. Mommy2BeAgain . You may not dilate until after your water breaks and that is ok. I was only .
  • 2 Replies |Watch This Discussion | Report This| Share this:39 Weeks, 5cm dilated , 70% effaced no pain, where's this baby?!Im currently 39 weeks pregnant, and .

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